
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 5

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 5
Xu Wen soon named his ultra-miniature small world directly as Xuanhuang Reincarnation World!

It means heaven and earth Xuanhuang, commemorating his identity and the inheritance of Chinese civilization.

Reincarnation is the core rule of this world.

Three years passed, and Xu Wen manipulated the Xuanhuang Reincarnation World to refine all the Hao weather breath contained in the peach tree that played the role of the sun.

He also obtained the mysterious branch of soul power, the breath of mental power of the Snow Mountain Qi Sea, the mysterious branch of spatial power of the breath of space, and the mystery of the breath of special power such as faith.

Breath is the representation of rules.

Xu Wen modified them all and transformed them into the rules of reincarnation of space and space, the rules of soul power of the cycle of spiritual power flow and reincarnation, making them a branch of the new reincarnation rules.

Especially the latter, let the deep earth of small space, a yin land.

And the fragile soul of small grass, microorganisms and other small lives, also enter that yin land for temporary storage, and when new grasses and microorganisms appear, they will be reincarnated and reborn, becoming new grasses, microorganisms, to achieve new soul rebirth.

This change makes the core reincarnation rules of the entire Xuanhuang reincarnation world more complete.

The most primitive soul reincarnation system appeared in this small world.

The rules of the whole world are more complete, and the expansion of the world is further accelerated.

He is the master of the world, the Dao of Heaven, and he can modify the original rules on the basis of the main rules to make them more suitable for his own world.

In three years, the entire Xuanhuang Reincarnation World expanded to a size of 1,000 square meters!

The height of the world sky has also increased to 500 meters, and the thickness of the earth has reached about 200 meters!

At the edge of the world, a circular lake of the world has even formed, covering an area of about 200 square meters.

It is the most primitive ocean ancestor of the entire world.

When the world expands to a certain extent, rain, rivers, oceans, clouds, wind, and the primary atmospheric moisture cycle will appear.

At this time, Xu Wen once again set his eyes on Haotian's world.

Something in that world inspired him and gradually sorted out another main line of development in the future of the Xuanhuang reincarnation world.

So, Xu Wen opened the door of the world and peeked into the timeline of Haotian World.

He found that the thing he was expecting did not seem to have appeared.

Xu Wen had to continue to wait.

For him now, as long as the world does not die, he is an immortal existence.

Unfortunately, eating peaches every day is also an extremely painful thing.

So from the third year, Xu Guang began to plant peach trees in the world.

He planted the seeds of peach trees, watched them renew, felt the breath and rules of life in them, and turned this understanding into part of the rules of the world.

Because this peach tree is not a creation of his world, but a product of other worlds, containing the rules of life and reproduction in other worlds.

That's 11 years.

The whole world has further expanded, has expanded to the size of 100,000 square meters, the life rules of the whole world, has been very many, branch type of life rules He established 17 rules, light, darkness, space, time, day, night and other rules 21, the main body of reincarnation rules have 8.

In the past eleven years, not only the world has been expanding, but the most basic rules of water and sea cycle reincarnation have also been initially established.

For the first time in the whole world, natural phenomena such as wind and rain appeared.

This is not the power produced by Xu Wen's manipulation, but the phenomenon produced by pure natural rules.

The area of the ocean has expanded to about 40,000 square meters, accounting for 40% of the world's area.

The height of the sky reaches 1000 meters, and the depth of the earth reaches 700 meters.

The entire Xuanhuang reincarnation world, in the beginning, was only the lowest world, the world of complete infant state.

The current world is relatively complete and has the most basic world system.

For example, the reincarnation time of night and day has been extended to a 12-hour reincarnation, such as the ground of the whole world, which is overgrown with flowers and plants, peach trees.

These peach trees produced a large number of peaches, which not only gave him enough peaches to eat, but also used them to make peach cider.

Wine is something that Xu Wen loves very much, just like his piano.

The most primitive insects, earthworms, fish, aquatic plants and other life, were also transformed from the original microorganisms by him using a drop of the world origin.

The whole world has developed to this point, and it has achieved a balance of payments in the world origin.

Now, the whole world can produce 1 point of world origin every year.

At this time, it was finally the time that Xu Wen wanted.

He once again opened the door of the world, and at the same time activated Luo Tian's mysterious mirror, searched and analyzed the information of Haotian World, and successfully opened the door of the world directly above the Weicheng military camp.

At this moment, in Weicheng, a certain extremely self-centered but extremely miserable young protagonist is not there, and the Haotian avatar named Sangsang is also not there.

It's just that the apocalypse of the World Gate still arouses the perception of Sangsang, who is shopping for vegetables in the city market.

Her entire human aura changed suddenly, and a powerful dark aura was about to gush out from her body.

But Xu Wen's movements were too fast.

The tattered Wanxiang Qiankun net full of original flavor quickly fell, and the big black umbrella representing a night in Haotian World was quickly fished away!

Xu Wen knew that Haotian in this world was very powerful, but Sangsang, who was Haotian's incarnation, did not fully awaken.

So, he moves extremely fast.

He used the 1 point of world origin to accelerate his movements, and in the blink of an eye, he took away the big black umbrella, and quickly closed the door to the world, cutting off all contact with this world.

At this time, the power of Haotian in Sangsang's body had only awakened half.

Sensing that the other party's aura had completely disappeared, Hao Tian's power and will seemed to have an angry mood, but it soon fell silent again.

She can calculate the pros and cons, naturally, the pros and cons.

Compared with the existence behind the mysterious stone gate, the master is her worst enemy and the goal she must get when she comes to earth.

Outsiders must first settle inside!

After the internal unrest factor was gone, she had more energy to explore the unknown behind the stone gate.

This is also because her intuition tells her that the guy behind the stone gate is not powerful.

It is not even as strong as a Dongxuan Realm Great Nian Master of the Great Tang.

In contrast, integrating herself into the whole world and shaping the master of the Great Tang Dynasty with freedom of belief is her biggest threat.

So she fell silent again, and at the same time conveyed a message to Haotian Divine Kingdom.

Not long after, a new large black umbrella fell from the sky.

The main line of fate of the whole world seems to have no influence, and continues to run, only the master, the lord, the drunkard, the butcher, the big gentleman, Liu Bai and other strong people can feel a wisp of strange changes between heaven and earth.

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 5

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