
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 50

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 50
Xu Wen entered Chang'an City and bought a house on another street near Lao Bizhai, which was less than a hundred meters away from Lao Bizhai, but it was not within the direct property of the Fish Dragon Gang.

Next, he began to buy many books in Chang'an City and read them.

Soon after, Ning and the little maid successfully settled in Laobizhai at a low price and became a renter in Chang'an City.

But the two did not know that this street had been targeted by officials from the Military Clearance and Transportation Bureau.

They wanted to use this to fight the Fish Dragon Gang, but Ning and the little maid unknowingly stepped into the center of various struggle vortexes.

After the two settled here, the aura in the little maid's body emanated extremely secretly, and began to take root here invisibly, as if a virus invaded here, forming a blocking force that was extremely secretly aimed at the Suzaku Divine Array.

But what she didn't know was that although the aura she exuded was secret, and even concealed from her master's perception, she couldn't avoid the attention of Xu Wen, who had a special identity.

Because the location was extremely close, Xu Wen could analyze the nature of this power and the various rules it involved.

To analyze the power of Haotian is to understand the mysteries of the rules of this world, the composition of the rules, and all the secrets of the world.

This point, Haotian's will has not discovered until now.

Xu Wen seems to be reading a book, but in fact he is doing his own thing.

Coming to this world, Xu Wen is very interested in the academy, but now is not the time for him to go to the academy.

Grasping the time and analyzing the secret of Haotian's power is the most important thing at the moment.

His goals are also to be executed, but those are branching options, and he can do it when his main goal is completed.

Xu Wen did not mean to interfere in other things, and completely looked at the play.

For Xu Wen's non-interference, the sleeping Haotian will did not mean to deal with him, and everyone was at their own ease.

Ning someone began to prepare for the exam, and also saved the second gang leader of the Fish Dragon Gang in this process.

He showed the fighting skills of a woodcutter in Subi Lake, and with his fearless battle, he laid a solid foundation for his stable foothold in Chang'an City.

He shot again in a row, killing three pawns involved in Lin Guangyuan's case, and gradually approached the truth of the case of annihilation.

The wind and rain center of Chang'an City has always had his figure.

In this process, Xu Wenjing sat at home, concentrating on the Haotian power in the little maid.

And he and his master did not mean to meet each other, he stayed in Chang'an City, and his master also stayed quietly in the back mountain of the academy.

Everyone knows about each other's existence, but they don't mean to meet each other.

The master really wanted to see this strong man in the half-step Pure Realm and in the eighth realm of cultivation, but he saw that Xu Wen didn't mean to move at all, so he endured it, wanting to see what he was going to do.

The patience of the master is very good, and it is his nature not to move if he can not move.

Time came to the day when Ning was admitted to the academy, and this guy also successfully started from Chao Xiaoshu and became the secret guard of the Tang Emperor back then, and was involved with the royal family.

He perfectly interprets what is called the treatment of the protagonist of Destiny, and what is called no matter what you do, you will put yourself at the center of the storm.

In addition to research, Xu Wen will also care about the changes in luck of this protagonist of fate, as well as the essence of the protagonist of fate.

After careful study, Xu Wen also gained something and gained a certain understanding of the rules of qi luck operating on the protagonist of fate.

He showed that Ning was special, and the luck in his body was extremely strong.

But the mental power of this world seems to have not discovered the existence of qi luck, which makes the people in this world have no understanding of qi luck.

But this person does not include Haotian himself.

It can be said that although Haotian is a god between heaven and earth, she is not supreme, and the world allows her to exist, but at this time, she has created the protagonist of fate for a while.

The power of this luck was so powerful in Ning that Hao Tian couldn't kill him.

Perhaps it is for this reason that she has to think of this alternative way to bind the protagonist of fate with love, so that each other becomes the restraint of each other.

Xu Wen discovered the benefits of the world creating the protagonist of destiny, but also found the disadvantages.

That is, if someone forcibly kills the protagonist of destiny, there will be a high probability of seizing the luck of the protagonist of destiny, and the world will lose a large amount of investment in luck out of thin air.

And no matter which world gives life luck, this luck can be shared by all the heavens and all worlds.

Luck is strong to a certain extent, and the world can't take you.

Therefore, the protagonist of luck is easy to make uncontrollable people appear in individual lives, and it is easier for the protagonist of fate itself to become a key vulnerability in the world!

Xu Wen has already made up his mind that his Xuanhuang reincarnation world, even if he personally guides fate, he will definitely not use the trick of the protagonist of fate.

This trick is very beneficial, but it is more risky.

Ning Ren successfully entered the academy, officially opening the prelude to the tide of his fate, and under such circumstances, Haotian's power also began to be secretly nailed to all parts of Chang'an City like nails.

This made Xu Wen's gain even greater.

After all, the little maid's activity area is increasing, and there are more and more places where her power breath exists.

Xu Wen can also be famous for activities, but the places he goes out are basically the places where the little maid has lived.

Ning woke Suzaku up because of the umbrella that represented the night.

You know, it is impossible for ordinary people to wake up Suzaku, let alone completely activate the entire Suzaku Divine Array.

He almost survived, but finally survived by relying on the Tongtian Pill that the little maid snatched his hand, and also completely opened up the qi of the snow mountain qi sea, allowing him to successfully have the qualifications to barely practice.

Ning Ren stepped into this layer because Hao Tian's power reshaped the Qi Sea Snow Mountain that was destroyed by Suzaku.

What he didn't know was that his biggest chance had always been not someone else, but the little maid beside him.

As he proceeded to this step, Xu Wen was carefully observing the changes in his body.

The change in this step allowed Xu Wen's analysis of Tianhaotian's power to complete nearly one-tenth at once.

Because the matter of reshaping the Qi Sea Snow Mountain is something that the master himself can't do.

And Haotian, who can do all this, the power exertion involves the operation of the essential rules of Haotian's power.

It is precisely because of this that Haotian's power is carrying out this step in the process, in Xu Wen's eyes, it is like a fog that has become a sunny day that is not long in time, allowing him to see more and more secret things.

So far, Xu Wen has gained a lot, and has carried out seven-tenths of the analysis of Haotian's power.

In this process of analysis, he has been using world origins to support the analysis work, but fortunately, he has prepared enough world origins in his body before departure, which is enough to support him to achieve this step.

Ning, who was able to practice, finally thought of Xu Wen's reminder, and his chance was in the academy.

Fatty Chen's Tongtian Pill and the transformation in the academy did not verify all this.

Ning felt that Xu Wen was as mysterious as a divine operator who had seen through fate, and he knew that Xu Wen was in Chang'an City.

He wanted to find the other party and wanted to know the inside story of the extinction case from the other party.

No matter what the cost, he is willing.

But he was destined to not find Xu Wen's location, even if he passed outside Xu Wen's courtyard several times, he would instinctively ignore it.

Xu Wen didn't want to see him, didn't want to wake up Hao Tian's will, who had already lowered the chess game to the middle stage.

Next, after a period of study and life, Ning successfully encountered the opportunity to become a disciple of the master and go to the back mountain.

But this is precisely an opportunity that the Master had prepared for him more than ten years ago.

This time, the test of climbing the mountain after the book is destined to be prepared for him alone, and she has no chance to perform the others.

Ning entered the back mountain without accident, and also became a student of the Great Rune Master.

Chang'an City entered a temporary calm, and in the years that followed, at the moment when Ning Ren drew the first talisman of his life, Xu Wen finally showed a smile.

He had already completed his main goal and analyzed all the rules and mysteries of Haotian power in the little maid's body.

This world has no secrets in his eyes.

Unless Haotian still has something to hide.

If he is willing, Xu Wenzun can become a powerhouse in this world like Master at any time.

But he didn't want to, and it meant nothing to him.

Some of the rules of this world operation are very informative, and can be partially copied to Xu Wen's Xuanhuang reincarnation world, which can promote the optimization of the rules of Xuanhuang reincarnation world.

For example, the world involves the power of distance of space rules, which can be used.

After all, the world of Xuanhuang reincarnation is too big, and if life wants to communicate across endless distances, it is necessary to appear at an infinite distance in an instant.

This can also prevent the strong from creating means to forcibly tear up space in order to pursue to go further.

After all, the means of forcibly tearing apart space is itself a kind of damage to the stability of space.

Since the cross-space action of life is an inevitable thing, it is better for him to create tiny natural gaps in space and give them an opening at the spatial level.

These are world rules that are very conducive to world stability and at the same time promote the development of civilization.

In addition to the distance, there are many other aspects that are also worth learning from.

It can be said that at this step, Xu Wen will not lose money when he returns at any time.

But he didn't want to, there are many very interesting people in this world, for them this world is a cage, but if they get to the Xuanhuang reincarnation world, then they can see a bigger and more special world.

Similarly, these peerless demon talents will definitely be able to promote the improvement and change of the Xuanhuang Reincarnation World, and bring certain benefits to the growth of the world.

Xu Wen decided to start a new operation!

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 50

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