
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 51

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 51
Xu Wen was ready to invite people from this world, and this time he was not prepared to directly kidnap people.

He is the heavenly way of the world, the master of the world, and the invitation he gives is the opportunity for the people of this cage-like world to escape from the cage, but also the opportunity for immortality, the opportunity for strength.

He will give the opportunity, but whether you can seize it is your own business.

Xu Wen was not prepared to force an invitation this time, but only gave these people a chance, and the result depended entirely on each person's fate and choice.

From a realistic point of view, not going is their loss.

The first great talent he set his sights on was the controller of the Vermilion Bird Great Array in Chang'an City, Rune Master Yan Se.

This genius on the runes, the founder of the well character, the discoverer of the human character, to a higher and more open world, will definitely be able to exert a different kind of light.

But how to invite Yan Se is a technical job.

Now this zhengshou is nearing the end of his life, and he is dedicated to enjoying the joy of apprenticeship, and if he invites him at this time, the other party will inevitably refuse directly.

Ning became the world walker after the completion of the book, set out for northern Xinjiang, and went north to practice with the disciples of the academy.

After he left, Xu Wen found Yan Se, who had given him a vacation at the psychological level.

When Yan Se saw Xu Wen appear in front of him, he was shocked.

He was in the red sleeve at this time, and Xu Wen appeared in front of him so abruptly.

Yan Se's eyesight is very good, and he can see at a glance that this is a means of moving in space, but the other party's distance is still stable and faster than Mr. Big in the academy.

The other party did not hide his aura of mental power that was as vast as the ocean.

Moreover, the other party's breath was very strange, not at all the breath of a strong man he had seen.

"I can't imagine that in this world, besides the master, there is such a master as Mr. I don't know what happened when my husband found me?

Yan Se quickly recovered and let the water droplets go down, leaving room for the two to communicate.

He could see that this person's aura of mental power was clearly above the apocalypse, and it was an extremely high realm that he could not see the head.

"Under Xu Wen, a time traveler!"

Xu Wen said.

"Time traveler! Interesting statement! Please sit and drink, this red sleeve is still good.

Yan Se felt that the other party did not care much about him, but there was no malice.

As a Great Rune Master, he still felt something when the other party did not hide the fluctuations in his mental power.

"I came here to see Master Yan Se because Master Yan Se has reached the end of his life. And Master Yan Se, if he is willing to accept my invitation, he can get the opportunity to see the immortal life, and he can also get a higher level above the rune master.

Xu Wen stated his purpose.

It's just that he wrapped the entire room with his mental power, so that the conversation between them would not leak out and be detected by other people's mental power.

Hearing what Xu Wen said, Yan Se didn't care if it was true or not, but this condition really moved his heart.

"By the way, it's not Haotian's world, you won't be shackled by this kind of thinking now!"

Xu Wen added a little more.

He understood that Yan Se had never broken through to the Rune Master, not because he couldn't, but like Liu Bai, he didn't dare.

Breaking through the realm above knowing fate made them feel great danger.

"The conditions are good, but at what cost?"

Yan Se will not simply think that there is a free lunch in the world.

"There is no need to pay anything, the only thing you have to do is to continue to study more advanced runes there, spread the rune inheritance you have mastered, whether it is to open an academy or teach an apprentice, as long as you let the runes develop and contribute to the development of civilization!"

Hearing such good conditions, Yan Se was still full of uncertainty.

"Why is it so hard to believe, it feels like pie in the sky!"

But for his doubts, Xu Wen did not plan to explain more.

"Believe it or not, I can't interfere and I won't explain more. I'm just giving a choice, but it's also an opportunity, and it's all up to you to want this opportunity. If you want, you can activate this talisman with your mental power.

When he said this, it made Yan Se feel that the other party did not lie to himself.

However, Xu Wen was so indistant, and he didn't plan to explain more to him, which made Yan Se want to ask about Xu Wen's promise that there was no Haotian world information, and the idea was completely frustrated.

After Xu Wen saw Yan Se, he left Chang'an.

He's going to invite a second person.

This person is the super strong in the Southern Jin Sword Pavilion, a world-moving kendo genius, Liu Bai.

Liu Bai was enlightening the sword at this time, and Xu Wen appeared behind him at an infinite distance.

He felt amazed that in addition to the master and the lord, there was such a strong person in the world, this strong man whose aura was stronger than the apocalypse, and even aroused his warlike heart, wanting to draw his sword and fight.

"Mr. Liu wait a minute, I came to find Mr. Liu, but I didn't compete with Mr. Liu."

Liu Bai was not a person of impatience, so he asked curiously: "This gentleman came to me, what is the matter?"

Xu Wen repeated the words he said to Yan Se in its entirety.

It's just that in this process, he mentioned some information, that is, there are many top kendo masters in that world, and they, like Liu Bai, are all talented, people with excellent kendo qualifications, and they also have a heart that is sincere in kendo.

Hearing such things, Liu Bai's kendo intuition told him that the other party did not lie to him.

He also longed for a breakthrough, but the terrible danger brought by the breakthrough made him stay in the current realm, and did not dare to break through to the five realms.

Now that there is a possibility of a breakthrough, and with seeing more kendo Tianjiao, more kendo geniuses who can fight, Liu Bai is very moved.

Because Xu Wen mentioned some of the genius kendo concepts, such as Ximen Chuixue's ruthless sword, Dugu's sword seeking defeat in several layers, A Qing's peerless swordsmanship...

He also specially performed A Qing's Yue Nu swordsmanship.

This set of swordsmanship made Liu Bai greatly shocked, and he very much wanted to compete with one of them and learn the other party's swordsmanship concept.

But he still held back and decided to think about it before replying to Xu Wen.

Because he had his own concerns, he could not abandon the Jin Kingdom, nor could he easily abandon the Southern Jin Sword Pavilion that he had single-handedly founded.

Xu Wen is very attentive to Liu Bai, because Liu Bai is really a genius, and such a character will definitely be able to burst into a more dazzling light when he comes to his world.

In contrast, Yan Se's ability to innovate and progress is much weaker than Liu Bai.

After completing the communication with Liu Bai, Xu Wen then rushed to the Northland Grassland with no distance, where there were several characters and his only target for invitation.

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 51

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