
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 52

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 52
There are three idiots in Haotian World, book idiots, Taoist idiots, and flower idiots.

In fact, the last one is not a class, and should not be attributed to the three idiots.

Xu Wen's invitation directory includes two of the three idiots.

Before he robbed Ning now, he came to the location of the coalition army and found the place where Mochiyuan was located.

A group of little girls were a little wary when they saw Xu Wen's appearance.

"In the next place, just to see your mountain lord Mo Shan Shan, there is something to discuss with her, and it is not a bad thing."

Xu Wen said what he meant.

The disciples of Mo Chiyuan saw that he had an extraordinary temperament, and the whole person seemed ordinary, but it was as unfathomable as the distant heaven and earth, so he quickly reported the situation to Moshan Mountain.

Moshan Shan is a short-sighted eye who can only see the appearance of extremely blurry people.

The reason why Xu Wen wanted to come to see her in advance was to make her choose before Ning Someone attracted her.

Otherwise, as soon as she saw someone Ning, there would be a high probability that she would not agree to Xu Wen's invitation.

Seeing Xu Wen, Mo Shanshan couldn't see people clearly, but from the breath of mental power, she was sure that this was a stranger, a powerful cultivator she had never seen before.

Because Xu Wen did not hide.

"Sir is such a powerful cultivator, it seems that Sir is already a strong person above the five realms. It's just that I don't know what a strong person like Mr. is looking for a little woman, after all, the little woman is just a cave realm. "

Mo Shanshan is very smart, she knows that such a strong person looking for her, things are definitely not that simple.

"Naturally, I want to discuss something important with you, but shall we just talk about it outside? Don't invite me in and sit?

Xu Wen did not answer immediately, but asked with a smile.

Mo Shanshan's face showed a blush, she was really shocked by the strength of the other party just now, and forgot the basic etiquette.

And Xu Wen gave her the feeling that she didn't seem to be a malicious one.

"I'm sorry, you're too powerful, you shocked me, and I was snubbed! Sir, please come in!

After entering the tent where Mochiyuan rested, Xu Wen took a sip of the hot tea sent by another female disciple before waving his hand at Mo Shan Shan.

Mo Shanshan felt the other party's mental power affect her eyes, but the other party's mental power did not contain malice, she hesitated, and did not resist.

After a stream of heat hit her eyes, Mo Shanshan suddenly found that everything in front of her became extremely clear at this time.

Her myopia suddenly improved under Xu Wen's strength.

At this moment, she suddenly saw everything in front of her, and she was no longer able to see the pitiful vision within two feet in front of her.

"Thank you sir for healing my eyes!"

Mo Shanshan immediately saluted and thanked her, but she was not a fool, the other party gave benefits, and the things she asked for must not be so simple.

Although she has not seen the world, she has also seen some things in books.

"You don't have to be nervous or polite. You are a person with good talents, and you are also a person who can sink your heart into the pursuit of runes. And now in this world, you can grow up to the realm of knowing fate, and your life expectancy is also limited, and you can't live forever. Xu

Wen's words were realistic, but it also made Mo Shanshan realize that what Xu Wen said next was the point.

"I am ready to invite some people in this world to another world, where there will be no thousand-year dark night, and there will be opportunities for you to pursue higher runes, see different talisman paths, and even if you can grasp them, you can live forever!"

Immortality, in Haotian's world, is not a difficult thing.

The Master has lived for nearly a thousand years, and the Lord has lived for a long time, and eternal life is a greater attraction than eternal life.

Hearing Xu Wen say this, Mo Shanshan was shocked.

She thought about it carefully, there was no need for this big master in front of her to deceive her into a small Dongxuan Realm.

What the other party really wants to do, she has no ability to resist.

Therefore, she was sure that what Xu Wen said was true.

"By the way, before you, I also invited Yan Se, Liu Bai two, you are the third, and the whole world can be invited by me, there are not many people who are eligible to be invited by me, not more than ten."

Xu Wen's next addition shocked her even more.

Yan Sena is a great rune master who is admired by the world, and Liu Bai is the world's famous number one powerhouse in the world.

Of course, this world does not include the strong people of those unknowable places.

She was a little puzzled, what kind of endurance she could have to be juxtaposed with Yan Se and Liu Bai!

"Why invite me, in terms of talent and achievement, I am far inferior to Master Yan Se, Mr. Liu Bai?"

If you don't understand, you can ask, very direct, which is also a characteristic of Moshan Mountain.

"Because you are sincere in the rune, the most sincere of the three fools about what you are obsessed with, and the one who is extremely firm in seeking the rune. In the whole world, there are not many people who are as sincere and resilient as you.

Xu Wen's words also increased, and in order to attract her, he evaluated other people.

"And the flower idiot among the three idiots, not so much that she is obsessed with flowers, but that she is obsessed with beauty, floating on the surface of things, and is not worthy of being a person of three idiots." And although the talent of the Dao idiot is high, and her mastery of the Dao Law is also very powerful, it is because she comes from the knowledge and guarding view, and her is not the Dao, but the power, the power of revenge! Hearing

Xu Wen evaluate the two of them like this, Mo Shanshan didn't know how to respond.

She has seen a flower idiot, and the other party is indeed a little beautiful.

As for the details of the Taoist idiot, she really didn't know much, but this gentleman said that the idiot is the power to seek revenge, which means that the other party's enemy is very strong, and this matter must be very secretive.

The bookworm Mo Shanshan didn't ask more, she was not a person who was curious about other people's privacy.

But Xu Wen knows so many secrets, which shows that the other party's conditions are very likely to be true, but the question is whether she wants to agree to the other party's request.

"You know things first, please don't tell anyone. You can think about it for a while, and when you agree, activate this talisman with your mental power, and I will appear at any time. In addition, you can use it to ask me for help once, you are a good person, I can save you once in a dangerous situation, only once.

Xu Wen was not in a hurry to let the other party choose, and also gave the other party a preferential treatment.

When he read this story in his previous life, he admired Mo Shanshan very much, she is one of the few characters in this world who makes him very fond of.

Of course, the lives of other characters in this world are also wonderful.

After speaking, Xu Wen disappeared here one by one, and he wanted to find the second target he was looking for.

After no distance, Xu Wen appeared in front of a very beautiful girl in red.

The second of the three idiots, the Dao idiot leaf red fish!

The girl in red is a master of the peak of Dongxuan, and she is also a wise person who can break through to the realm of knowing fate at any time, but has been suppressing herself, stabilizing her foundation, and pursuing combat power.

She saw Xu Wen appear, sensed the powerful aura of mental power above the other party's five realms, and couldn't help but get nervous.

The other party's breath is very strange, and the person is also very strange, not at all any strong person she has ever seen.

"What are you?"

Seeing Ye Hongyu's highly guarded posture, Xu Wen smiled, waved his hand to remotely summon a table and chair, as well as two cups of hot tea, and sat down in the cold wind of this grassland.

His mental power formed a barrier that the cold wind could not erode.

"Looking for you, naturally there is something to discuss, sit down and talk!"

Ye Hongyu was a little speechless, the other party used such a different kind of distance to Wuyuan, Wudistance was not used to move quickly, but to take things.

There are not many people in the world who have done such a thing.

After she sat down, Xu Wencai said: "If one day, you kill the enemy in your heart, what do you plan to do next, what are your goals?" Hearing

Xu Wen say this, Ye Hongyu almost jumped up.

"How do you know? Wrong! You know who that person is, right?

Xu Wen nodded: "Yes, I know, but if you want an answer, you have to promise me one thing." Ye

Hongyu looked at him, the meaning was obvious, you say, there was no fear of such a strong person in her eyes.

Then Xu Wen said his invitation.

But Ye Hongyu can not be as easy to deal with as Mo Shan Shan, she thought for a moment before asking, "So, did Yan Se and Liu Bai agree?"

She automatically ignored Mo Shan Shan, the other party's strength was low, and it did not enter her eyes.

Xu Wen responded: "Under consideration.

Ye Hongyu thought for a moment and asked, "Who else will you invite?"

"It's okay to tell you, but you have to promise not to say it to anyone else, or I'll let you know what is more terrible pain than what you've ever experienced!"

"I can guarantee it!"

Xu Wen actually didn't care about her assurances, anyway, the real wise people could probably see the characters that could enter his eyes.

"In addition to you, there are Masters, the Great Gentlemen of the Academy, the Third Gentleman, the Lotus Birthday, the Guan Lord, and the Wine Seeker and the Butcher."

Ye Hongyu was shocked, and they were all strong people in the world.

It's just that she immediately felt that something was wrong, how come there was no first seat of the scriptures, seven thoughts, and no second gentleman of the academy, and the demon sect walked Tang.

Most importantly, there was no her eldest brother, Ye Su, among these people!

In her eyes, her eldest brother Ye Suke is a real genius.

Puzzled by this, she directly asked this doubt.

"The Buddha's gate is all immortal wood, and Mr. Two, Tang, your eldest brother is shackled in his heart, it is easy to give birth to him to plant shackles, and it is difficult to break the shackles, and it is destined to be difficult to see eternal life in that heaven and earth."

"You are different, you are a person who can break the true cage in your heart, talent, will, and resilience are above them, so you are fortunate to be invited."

Ye Su's heart was caged by Mr. Li slowly.

He is easily limited by those who walk ahead of him, but what he does not know is that it has always been himself who has limited him.

The master has never deliberately pursued someone stronger than himself, but he has broken his limits step by step and achieved the strongest in the world.

Man's enemy is never others, but himself.

Ye Su seems to be seeing through things like life and death, but in fact, this is the shackles that he has been creating for himself to limit himself and limit himself.

"Regardless of strength, your invitation ranking is still below Moshan Mountain. Because she is really obsessed with the Tao, but your obsession with the Tao is false, and she is not as sincere as her. And this sincerity is very important in practice! Hearing

Xu Wen so disparaging himself, as well as his eldest brother, Ye Hongyu rarely refuted.

She understood that this strong man must have seen the level she did not see to make such a judgment.

"Good! I promise! But if you can, I hope you can take my eldest brother with you, and bring it with you if you stun!" "

Ye Hongyu is really good to her brother.

Xu Wen agreed, because Ye Hongyu was the first to agree to his invitation.

"That person back then is the current master! If you want revenge, you can let me help, I will kill him directly, or I will beat him half to death and hand him over to you.

After hearing that the person was in charge, Ye Hongyu did not show surprise, his face first smiled, then cried, and then showed cruelty.

She actually had some guesses about the answer, and there were few people who could enter the Zhishou Guan and do that thing.

The palm sect was one of the objects of her suspicion.

"Thank you sir! But if Mr. is not in a hurry to leave, this matter is not in a hurry! "

This is the first time Ye Hongyu has called Mr. Xu Wen.

"Well, then you go your own way first, and then you will meet a few interesting people, take a look at more, you will have a different harvest!" This thing is left to you, activate it with mental power, and you can contact me!

After speaking, Xu Wen left a talisman card. It also disappeared like the last time I saw Moshan Mountain.

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 52

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