
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 53

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 53
Ye Hongyu was not prepared to kill the Palm Sect immediately, it was not that she had other plans, but she would not fully believe what Xu Wen said.

In this regard, the naturally intelligent leaf red fish is very cautious.

She still followed the original plan and found the Book of Heaven to talk.

It is better for someone to meet with a certain son of light, or an enemy, and they can't wait to kill each other. The line of fate seems to be back on track, he still meets Moshan Mountain, and under her protection, Zong Ming, the son of light, makes a gamble with him.

As a result, Ning was sheltered by heavenly luck, took the first step, and was the first to break the realm.

Chongming made a ruthless move, but the chess was missed, and he was broken through the Qi Sea Snow Mountain by the sharp counterattack of Yuan 13 arrows, and completely returned to the waste.

Ye Hongyu also did not hesitate to chase and kill Ning someone, but this time, she was not so fierce.

Previously, Xu Wen mentioned the lotus life that had disappeared for decades.

Since the other party mentioned it, it means that the lotus life that has disappeared for an unknown number of years must be near the Tianjiu Mountain in this northern land.

For the leaf red fish who is eager for the lotus birth method, he really wants to see Lian Sheng.

As a result, at a critical time in the struggle, the water of Daming Lake leaked, revealing the true Demon Sect Mountain Gate.

Xu Wen was on the other side of Daming Lake, and he carefully comprehended the entire block array.

He had already understood the principle and mechanism of the Suzaku Great Array, and after he had comprehended all the mysteries of Haotian's power, this large array could be completely understood by him as long as he glanced at it a few times.

Several people entered the Demon Sect Mountain Gate and had a fierce conflict with Lian Sheng, but just when Lian Sheng was about to be killed, time and space froze and Xu Wen appeared.

He stopped the death match between the two sides.

"It's you!"

Seeing Xu Wen again, Ning was a little gritted his teeth, he felt that he was pitted by Xu Wen in the first place.

Even if Xu Wen did not appear, it was very likely that he would enter the back mountain of the academy and successfully open his own sea of snow mountain qi through the Tongtian Pill.

This was what he figured out after meeting his master, getting along with the senior brothers and sisters in Houshan, and understanding some things.

Because this was originally the trajectory of his destiny.

Xu Wen, this guy, is like a fortune teller, he told his original fate trajectory, and made him think that it was Xu Wen's guidance.

However, Ning Ren, who was very upset, still endured it, because Xu Wen was too powerful.

When he reached the Dongxuan level, he felt more and more that Xu Wen's unfathomable depths were even more unfathomable than several senior brothers in the academy.

"Good work! This world, you are the future!

Xu Wen patted Ning on the shoulder to show encouragement, and with a wave of his hand, he healed Mo Shan Shan, Ye Hongyu, and Lian Sheng's injuries with his mental power, but did not treat him.

The reason why he didn't do this was because he had Haotian's power in his body, and Xu Wen didn't want to be analyzed by Haotian in turn.

"I can't imagine that I, Lian Sheng, can even see the powerhouses above the five realms!"

Lian Sheng and Ye Hongyu of the Knowing Fate Realm, Ning Ren of the Dongxuan Realm, and Mo Shan Shan, they couldn't see through Xu Wen's true realm, and only felt that the other party was extremely powerful.

"There is no book of heaven here! You guys go out from there, I'll talk to this Lotus Master for a while!" Be careful when someone goes out, your great enemy is waiting for you outside.

Xu Wen said, and pointed out the location of the secret passage of this Demon Sect Mountain Gate.

Ning immediately realized that this was reminding himself that he had experienced many risks along the way, and on the surface, he was going towards others, and only he knew that the real target of these actions was him.

He immediately thanked Xu Wen.

Several people were very knowledgeable, so they left together, Ye Hongyu and Mo Shanshan knew what Xu Wen wanted to say, but they wisely did not mention it.

When everyone left, Xu Wencai came out with his own purpose, and he told a set of words to the people before him.

Hearing this invitation, Lian Sheng agreed.

If Hao Tian hadn't left all the cultivators with no way to live, he wouldn't have gone crazy and made so many things.

When it comes to talent, Lian Sheng is not inferior to other powerhouses in the Haotian world.

Xu Wen waved his hand to break the Haoran sword qi that imprisoned him and released Lian Sheng, as for what he would do when he came out, Xu Wen would not care.

But if he dared to break the contract, Xu Wen would definitely let Lian Sheng understand what hell was.

He also learned Haoran Sword Qi by the way, and improved it, turning the power of Haoran Sword Qi into a variant cultivation method of Haoran Qi.

This kind of power may be obtained wisely through reading, that is, strengthening the spiritual power of the wisdom type, and combining it with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to generate a special mighty qi that condenses the power of wisdom.

This was a power creation that he couldn't do before, but now after analyzing the mystery of Haotian's power, Xu Wen easily did this, directly creating a power system for the reader.

But the premise of this Haoran Qi practice is that only by really reading through the book, reading through the wisdom in the book, and reading the true truth, and this truth conforms to the invisible rules of heaven and earth, can this Haoran Qi be condensed.

The essence of this mighty qi is the combination of worldly rules, wisdom, information, power, and spiritual power.

After creating Haoran Qi, Xu Wen ignored the prohibition of the Demon Sect Mountain Gate and appeared directly outside the mountain gate.

Then he crossed the vast Heavenly Abandonment Mountain Range and the Northern Wilderness in one step, and came to the shore of the Atamai.

It was here that he met his master for the first time.

"Last time I robbed the master of two jugs of wine, this time I specially brought a pot of peach blossom brew, which can be regarded as a companion to the master. Please! Xu

Wen took out a jar of wine and invited his master to drink.

This was brewed by him using some spirit peaches strengthened by the Heavenly World, which could be regarded as a real spirit wine.

Mortals who drink a sip have a certain life-prolonging effect.

The master is a good eater and drinker, he is not polite, he drank it directly, and noticed the life-extending effect of this wine on the top of the first pin.

"You have a great background, and if you haven't come to me for such a long time, you must have accomplished your goal. Come see me now, there's something about me, right? The

master saw Xu Wen's plan at a glance, he had been paying attention to Xu Wen, the other party saw Yan Se, saw Liu Bai, saw Ye Hongyu and others, and must have some plan.

"Yes, this side of heaven and earth is a fan cage, and you talented people have no room for development. And I want to invite you to the other world, where there is no cannibalism. The world and the monks develop in a mutually beneficial and win-win manner.

Xu Wen directly explained his intentions, and repeated what he had said to others before.

The Master has long known that there must be other worlds outside the world.

But Haotian's existence made him unable to leave, and he could only be trapped in this realm, helplessly melting himself into the world.

The master is essentially a foodie, a salted fish nature.

Xu Wen just wants him to go to his own world and open another academy that belongs to Fuzi, who will definitely be able to bring different changes to the entire Xuanhuang reincarnation world, and it must be a good change.

As for the fact that there is no one in this world who has transformed the moon, what does it matter to him Xu Wen.

The world is originally enemies who are hostile to each other and plunder each other in the dark forest.

Before the master could consider whether to agree, Xu Wen took out a new chip, and he showed the mighty qi he had created.

This Haoran Qi made the master feel familiar, and there was part of the power of Haoran Sword Qi mysterious, but it had undergone a big change.

"This is the power of mighty qi created specifically for readers, as long as you understand the book and read through the book, you can control this power from wisdom and books." If the master arrives in that world, he can be the source of Haoran qi and can also be blessed by the luck of the world. "

To be honest, seeing this kind of power created specifically for readers, the master was very moved.

Because he is a pure reader, otherwise he would not have collected so many books in the world.

The power exclusive to the reader made him very moved, but this did not make the master make up his mind.

Later, Xu Wen added weight and told the master what luck was.

At this time, the master suddenly understood why Ning had to go through so much suffering, and why he felt that he was a game-breaker.

It turned out that this disciple of his own turned out to be a son of luck in the Haotian world, a person who was called by heavenly luck.

This day does not refer to Haotian, but to the world itself.

Only then did the Master understand everything and see through many things.

Because Xu Wen also told him unceremoniously just now that Haotian is an existence who is in the darkness and stepping on the light, and Haotian's avatar is Ning's handmaid.

Xu Wen directly let the master understand everything, just to increase the chips and invite the master to his own world.

Master, like Zhang Sanfeng, is a super talent holder who can break his own world with personal limits, and an extraordinary enlightened person.

Those who are good at war have no great merit, and those who are good at the Tao have no great name, as is Zhang Sanfeng, and so is Fuzi.

Both of them are characters similar to the One-Man World Heavenly Master.

But it is only such a person who can move forward smoothly and quietly to the supreme like the water of thousands of rivers, helping a world to break the shackles of the limits of life in this world, and helping the world to go further in the ultimate state.

Haotian's world For Xu Wen, it is unclear whether others can be invited or not, and the master must be invited.

In the end, the master was very moved, but he still had many disciples, and he couldn't let go of his disciples, so he decided to consider considering taking action again.

After seeing the master, Xu Wen then set his eyes on the next batch of inviters.

The drunkard, the butcher, and the watcher are the targets of his second sequence.

The drunkard and the butcher hid deeply, but they were still found by Xu Wen, although the two of them said that they were afraid of death, but their talent was really powerful.

Otherwise, they would not be the two who survived the thousand-year-long night.

To be able to survive under Haotian's hands, there is no shortage of means, wisdom, and talent, and greed for life and fear of death is not a shameful thing.

Faced with Xu Wen's invitation, the two agreed very happily.

They wish they had someone to help them get out of the great sea of suffering in Haotian World.

And the last viewer may be the most unpleasant existence in the whole world, he is determined, and if he doesn't do it, he will also spoil Xu Wen's things.

Xu Wen had to think carefully about ways to see if there was a way to solve the hidden dangers before he invited the observer.

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 53

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