
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 54

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 54
Xu Wen thought about how to persuade the Guan Lord, but he found that no matter what method he used, it was impossible to completely convince the Guan Lord.

Because this person has taken the concept of knowing the view of knowledge and observation as a guideline, he is the true sword bearer of the path of knowing and watching.

For Zhishouguan, although the existence of Haotian cannot make human beings develop, it can make human beings exist eternally, and the inheritance of Zhishouguan can exist eternally.

What Zhishou wants is not change, but unchanged!

But whether or not the Lord goes to His world is not an absolute necessity.

Xu Wen temporarily gave up the idea of contacting the Guan Lord, and prepared the choice of Master, Liu Bai, and Yan Se.

Only after they made their choice and they were taken away by himself would he ask the Lord's choice.

Then he went to see Li slowly, and he gave his answer.

That is, if the master leaves, he will guard the academy he left behind in this world for the master, and he is willing to become the guardian of the academy founded by the master, and he is willing to support a piece of their sky for his junior brothers and sisters.

And if the Master does not want to go to that world, then he will go and carry forward the Master's path in that world.

This is the choice of this big gentleman when faced with a great opportunity.

He also deserves to be the first disciple of the master, the most outstanding disciple.

Xu Wen met Li slowly in Tuyang City, and then he returned to Chang'an City, but at this time, a person who was unexpected by him went straight to him.

A certain little black charcoal maid, the incarnation of Haotian, stepped on the light and was in a dark existence.

She came to find Xu Wen, obviously not to fight.

"Interesting! You actually woke up early! The

moment Xu Wen saw her, he understood that it was Haotian's will that dominated, not the will of the little maid.

At the same time, he also noticed some things, such as Wei Guangming coming to Chang'an City and becoming her teacher.

But the interesting thing is that he actually did not fight with Yan Se and returned to the sky together.

Both are now alive and well.

This is obviously the result of Haotian's intervention, and although Xu Wen was surprised by Haotian's appearance, he also guessed.

The greatest ability of intelligent life is that when it is negotiable, some issues can be compromised with each other.

Those intelligent beings are like this, he Xu Wen and Haotian can also compromise with each other.

Of course, there is a premise that there is no absolute opposition between the interests of the two sides.

But is there an absolutely antagonistic contradiction between Haotian and Xu Wen?


What Haotian seeks is his own existence, the indispensability of faith, and the fact that he can always control the whole world.

She had even understood the role of the master, that is, Hua Yue.

This round of bright moon seems to be her enemy, but it can make the whole world more complete, so that the guardian of the world from meteorites is not only her Haotian Divine Kingdom, but also the moon transformed by the master.

What Xu Wen asked for has already been obtained, at most, it is to recruit some talents and make his world more different.

The current contradictions between the two sides are all on the master, and they both want to push the master to the position of their own plan.

"I know, you want to recruit some people in my world, this can be allowed, but the master can't, he is the key to transforming the moon, this world must have the existence of the moon, and it can't be delayed any longer!"

Haotian does not hide that everyone is extremely intelligent and has terrifying heavenly calculation power.

Instead of playing the edge, it is better to speak out.

She obviously already knew what Xu Wen had done, and Hao Tian, as the only rule god in this world, reading minds or something, was not a problem for her at all.

Xu Wen also expected it, and he also said his own suggestion:

"You don't have to be a master to transform the moon, you can also transform the moon!" In this way, you are Haotian who controls light and sun, and you are also the king of Hades who controls the night and the bright moon, light and darkness are one, yin and yang are one, that is the real great perfection.

Xu Wen paused at this point, and then added:

"And I have a guess, if you can truly transform the moon and reach the realm of light and darkness, yin and yang, you are the truly perfect god." At that time, you will no longer need to eat people, and you will no longer have the great terror in the eyes of those practitioners. You can even get rid of the restrictions imposed on you by the Seven Heavenly Books! "

Haotian is limited by the seven heavenly books, which is an absolute great secret, something that only Zhishouguan and Hao know.

The fact that Zhishou Guan has been able to transcend the world above the Xiling Divine Temple is that they control the true secrets of the seven heavenly books.

Hearing that Xu Wen actually knew this secret, Haotian stood up all of a sudden, truly gaffe.

But then she calmed down and sat down quietly.

Since the other party knew this secret, maybe the other party would be sure to threaten her through the Seven Heavenly Books.

However, she had no access to the Seven Heavenly Books due to the restrictions of the Creator Gambler.

Then she thought about it carefully, because the master transformed the moon as a choice, but she turned the moon as a little maid, which seemed to be a good choice.

It's just that for some reason, she never thought of this herself.

The body represents the light of Haotian, and she herself is also flawed, and the true unity of light and dark is also of great benefit to her.

Haotian directly analyzed the possibilities through the heavenly calculation, and found that this is indeed a good road.

The reason why she let her master become the moon is because she understands that although she is the controller of the world, she is not the controller of the world.

If she prevents the moon from appearing, or does not cooperate with the script that makes the moon appear, the world itself may abandon her.

But the world itself also has an instinct to balance power, so she never realized that she was also a being who could transform the moon!

"I can transform the moon, but I don't have a way to transform the moon!"

Haotian wanted to transform the moon, but it was not so easy to do it, because there were no rules of yin and yang reincarnation on her body.

The reason why she is in the dark and stepping on the light, rather than the posture of light and darkness, is because the power of light and darkness still has a huge conflict in her body, it is divided, and she is using the power of darkness to suppress the power of light, so as to achieve the control of power.

But such an approach is dangerous in itself.

Truly controlling light and darkness has endless benefits for Haotian.

"I have a way, but I need you to help me, force the master to leave, and not Hua Yue, so that he is willing to go to my world." You swear by your origin! "

Xu Wen has a way, but he won't give it easily.

In this regard, Haotian agreed without hesitation, and she and Xu Wen were not necessarily enemies in the future.

Seeing that Haotian swore by the origin, Xu Wen gave her the method of transforming the moon, and what he gave was the method of transforming the moon that was suitable for Haotian himself.

The moment he saw this method, Hao Tian was in a cold sweat.

Because she realized from this method that Xu Wen knew everything about her, if the two sides really clashed, the other party understood the essence of her power, but she did not understand the other party, she would definitely suffer a big loss.

This time she gave in and chose to cooperate with Xu Wen, which was really the right one!

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 54

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