
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 56

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 56
If it goes with the flow, the integration of rules is a slow process that needs to be chimerized.

Previously, Xu Wen accelerated this process with the origin of the world.

But now, he's letting it go naturally.

The whole world is growing towards the limit state of the Dongtian World, and he also wants to save the origin of the world in case he doesn't need it.

After all, from the Dongtian World, advancing to the Xiaoqian World is an extremely complicated process, and it is also an extremely difficult leap.

Xu Wen needs to accumulate enough World Origin in case of accidents, and prepare a certain amount of World Origin for urgent use!

He fell into a deep sleep.

But within the world, change continues, and a new profession quietly originates from the land of the Seven Kingdoms.

The rules of this world are the rules of reincarnation, and the dynasties of the Seven Kingdoms region have been undergoing reincarnation.

A dynastic power is always being replaced either because of a revolt at the bottom, or because of a family rebellion, or because the prince is vying for the throne.

But in this region, there have always been seven major countries.

The Land of the Seven Kingdoms has maintained the sphere of influence of the Seven Kingdoms due to the geographical restrictions of the Heavenly Abyss, high mountains, and large rivers. Even if one of the countries is divided and chaotic, it is difficult for the power in other places to extend.

Because in every country, there are extremely influential martial arts transcendent families, sects.

This stable indigenous power will not allow other national forces to enter, because it will affect their inherent interests.

Because of the expansion of the world, the area of the seven countries has also expanded by dozens of times.

After enlargement, their energy can only be used to govern the territory within their own borders, and they cannot forcibly expand their sphere of influence.

But no matter how large the area and population, there is only one big country in the territory of each country.

Seven countries are like this, and the whole world is even greater!

Such a vast world, coupled with the world region information that Xu Wen deliberately revealed before, has contributed to countless people who yearn for the outside world and put into action a broader world.

And these people walked in the Seven Kingdoms and even the wider world, gradually merged with novelists, and became a new profession, storyteller!

Storytellers travel throughout the Central Continent, living in a fixed place to live, and living on tips from others.

They can bring information and stories to people in remote areas.

Storyteller is a desirable profession, but it is also an extremely difficult profession that has no fixed place to live and it is difficult to have children.

Zhang Yun is an exception!

He is fifteen years old and the son of storyteller Zhang Qifeng.

Zhang Qifeng came from the easternmost region of the Seven Kingdoms, walked the Seven Kingdoms World as a storyteller, and finally crossed tens of thousands of miles to the westernmost country of the Seven Kingdoms, where he met a girl who was heartwarming.

The other party's eyes were very pure and clean, which made Zhang Qifeng fall in love at first sight.

But that girl only had one request, that is, he had to stop the pace of the storyteller and accompany her for the rest of his life before he was willing to marry Zhang Qifeng.

Zhang Qifeng's heart was moved, and he stayed.

But part of the reason is also that he has dark wounds and will not live long.

The original Zhang Qifeng was a grandmaster-level storyteller, a strong man who could live at least for a long time.

However, in the course of his travels, he meets a family that wants to force him to stay.

The other party plotted his insight and information ability, ready to make him one of the sources of information for this family.

But Zhang Qifeng was interested in traveling through various countries at that time, how could he stay for a family.

So there was a struggle between the two sides.

In the end, Zhang Qifeng killed the other party's two grandmasters, and escaped with the sword qi of the other party's half-step Tianren powerhouse.

The ultimate ability that the storyteller wants is that mouth, and light skill.

That half-step Tianren's blow left him with an indelible dark wound, which made Zhang Qifeng, who was only thirty-two years old at the time, think of settling.

The thirty-two-year-old Grand Master is an absolute genius.

The reason why that family wanted to forcibly leave Zhang Qifeng was that the rich information he knew about the book was on the one hand, and his powerful talent was also on the other.

That family wanted to let Zhang Qifeng into the wind and let his powerful talent pass on to his next generation, and the entire descendant could only be regarded as the descendant of that family.

Because of this dark wound, he was originally a storyteller's genius, and he didn't live long, and soon after he met the girl he wanted.

After the two got married, their son Zhang Yun was born less than ten years ago, and Zhang Qifeng couldn't afford to get sick and died.

And his wife was also worried and died when Zhang Yun was fourteen years old.

At the age of fourteen, Zhang Yun was already a master of the innate peak level, thanks to the powerful martial art "Taiyi Qingniao Gong" left by his father.

It comes with light gong taiyi god xinggong, and blue bird finger fist power.

All storytellers who dare to act across borders must at least have the strength of a grandmaster.

Taiyi Blue Bird Skill is very powerful, this one of the most powerful Blue Bird Finger Fist Strength, it is actually an improvement of the finger sword technique created by Yue Nu A Qing, which was improved by a powerful storyteller.

The improved finger sword technique became a set of finger power.

This set of Taiyi Shenxing Gong is a set of heavenly and human-level divine exercises, which is characterized by the fast flow of internal force, so that the speed of practicing this skill is far beyond ordinary people, and it is the best internal force exercise that benefits light exercises.

After the death of both parents, Zhang Yun began to shoulder his father's profession as a storyteller.

He did not have the idea of running a family business, because he benefited from his father's teaching since he was a child, he was better at storytelling, and he was more eager for the wonderful world outside and the adventure life outside.

Another reason for this idea was that his uncle's family wanted to seize his fields and houses.

Relatives came to eat the household, and this matter has now fallen to Zhang Yun.

However, Zhang Yun was the first to be at the peak of the powerhouse, and his uncle's family was testing him out of some scruples.

Zhang Yun was educated by his father since he was a child, and he also knows many light and dark things in the world, so he naturally knows the thoughts of his uncle's family.

But he didn't want to get entangled in this matter, so he wanted to sell his house and land and leave.

But his uncle's family is not benevolent, and he will never sell their house and real estate to them.

This time, Zhang Yun had already found a buyer, ready to buy the house and land, buy a flying bird, and leave here to become an adventurer.

Now his family property is not bad, in addition to a large house with five yards, there are two hundred acres of land, three hundred acres of orchards, and one hundred acres of dry land.

In such a large hometown, his family only used less than thirteen long laborers to achieve all the cultivation.

The reason for this is due to the diffusion of farmer and Mojia technology.

Farmers provide diffusion of highly efficient planting techniques, such as rotational cultivation, fertilizer accumulation, and pest and weed preparation.

In addition, the farmer family has also bred cattle, horses, donkeys and other livestock with the blood of exotic beasts, with great strength and docile personality, that is, they eat a lot.

The Mojia people were even more powerful, and they invented a new kind of efficient production tools such as the iron plow, the four-wheeled vehicle, and the wheelbarrow.

The iron plough can cultivate the land efficiently even with only a little internal force from the farmer, and the size of the excavated soil can be adjusted.

Mojia also improved water wheels, diffused techniques such as canal excavation and reservoir construction.

These technologies allow landowners in various countries to cultivate large-scale land at a very small cost, and the kind with extremely high yields.

The improvement of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth also increased the energy contained in ordinary agricultural products.

Today's landlords grow a kind of spiritual rice, spirit sale and the like, which has been transformed by the farmhouse to have some of the elixir effect.

For the people of the Seven Kingdoms at this time, food was not a problem, and what was problematic was the invasion of alien beasts in the wilderness of heaven and earth.

Like Zhang Yun's village, ninety percent of his energy is not on farming, but on dealing with the invasion of foreign beasts.

Fortunately, now there are strong bows, swords, and low-level organ beast techniques opened by the Mo family, and the organ beast can be used as part of the power to resist the invasion of foreign beasts.

Zhang Yun's family has five organ wolves, the most important property in the family.

His father was originally a grandmaster, so he accumulated such a large family business.

But now, he actually wanted to sell this family business, and what the buyer valued most was these five organ wolves that could deal with grandmaster-level exotic beasts.

The technology diffused by the Mo family allows the people to cast grandmaster-level organ beasts.

However, if you want to obtain the Great Grandmaster-level organ technology, you must add the Mo family, and leave a blood oath on the ancestral stele forged by the strong man of the Mo family, and plant a spiritual prohibition in your heart not to spread this technique privately.

Only after investigation, the disciples of the Mo family who have been banned can learn the techniques of the Great Grandmaster and even the heavenly and human level.

The same is true of the farmer's technique, and if you want to learn the farmer's grandmaster-level farmhouse exercises, you need to face the same choice.

Because only this level of practice can allow farmers to achieve research and upgrading of agricultural technology.

The highest organ beast in the world is the peak of the grandmaster.

The five Grandmaster-level organ wolves in Zhang Yun's hands were still very precious things.

This time he didn't just sell, he exchanged.

Zhang Yun exchanged five machine wolves for a machine flying eagle that had been used for some years, this kind of flying machine beast, the Mo family only sold but did not spread technology, and the price was higher.

After completing this step, he quickly left his hometown with the wealth of his hand, and began his journey as a storyteller.

But Zhang Yun didn't know, he fortunately took the first step.

Because his uncle's family was actually ready to light a kind of beast incense in his house, ready to attract a tide of exotic beasts to kill him, thereby robbing him of his family business.

That kind of beast incense that came from the vein of poison doctors, but it could attract grandmaster-level exotic beasts.

But by the time they were ready to move, Zhang Yun had already completed the transaction, and the buyer was a big household in the town, and they couldn't afford to mess with it.

But Zhang Yun moved quickly and invisibly resolved this crisis!

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 56

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