
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 58

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 58
Zhang Yun's breakthrough this time made him think of leaving the Han Kingdom.

He wanted to go to the neighboring Chen Tangguo, which was the most powerful country in the Hou Han, Chen Tang, and Sun Kingdoms.

The founding lord of Chen and Tang was originally a great general of the country, but he was forced by the old emperor and almost destroyed his family.

Later, the founding lord rebelled, and the whole process turned out to be extremely smooth, winning successive victories all the way, successfully hitting the national capital, claiming the emperor of the Lindynasty, and taking the name of the country Chen Tang.

This lord of the Chen clan, after the founding of the country, eliminated accumulated shortcomings, suppressed the power of the hundreds of sects, strengthened the legal system, founded the martial arts department that monitors the rivers and lakes, and vigorously promoted pills in the army to strengthen the martial arts in the army, gradually making Chen Tang rise and become the strongest country in the three kingdoms.

Chen Tang's second-generation monarch was also a Ming monarch, and now he was planning to overthrow the Three Kingdoms and unify the entire domain.

Zhang Yun heard that Chen Tang was able to rise, and there seemed to be the support of the disciples of Ghost Valley behind him.

He knew about the daimyo of Oniya.

If you live in peace, the world will rest, and if you join the WTO, there will be strife!

It is said that he takes the path of vertical and horizontal and likes to support the rise of a country's disciples of the vertical and horizontal ghost valley.

They have very few disciples, but each generation of Ghost Valley disciples is extremely strong in terms of strength and strategy.

Unlike Chen Tang, Sun Zhou was a Sun family that took advantage of the new emperor's young age and the eunuchs in the palace to compete for power, suddenly broke out, occupied the national capital, and reached a series of agreements with their own families to become emperors.

Among the three kingdoms, Sun Zhou is the weakest, the family in the territory, the sect is powerful, and it is completely an alliance of small and medium-sized forces.

Zhang Yun came to the border area, but before he could get out of the customs, he was intercepted by the Hou Han's Exotic Beast Flying Eagle Force and the Organ Giant Eagle Force.

The other party saw that he had grandmaster-level combat power, so he forcibly pulled him into the army, not caring if he was a storyteller.

Fortunately, Zhang Yundong's mental power in the Xuan Realm was converged by him and was not discovered.

Otherwise, the Later Han army may put him in a more dangerous war confrontation, and now it is only mandatory for him to help guard the border between the two countries.

Daheguan is a border checkpoint between the two countries, located on the border of a small abyss.

The abyss has always existed in the world, and it has not been filled with water such as rivers, but because Xu Wen has set up a special dark river system below, and the water inside will automatically flow back into other highlands.

Therefore, all the heavenly abysses will always be the appearance of a deep and empty big abyss rift.

The Heavenly Abyss has always been the most dangerous barrier between countries, and the power of terrifying winds and special turbulence in time and space has gathered inside and above.

That is, the flying power of various countries does not dare to pass over the abyss.

After being trapped here, Zhang Yun learned that Chen Tang had launched a tentative attack on Hou Han and Sun Zhou.

Chen Tang, with one enemy and two, is preparing for the destruction of the two countries.

He was unfortunate and was caught.

Fortunately, a Grandmaster Realm expert like him can be rewarded with elixirs as long as he helps defend the city.

And these pills are high-grade pills that are not open to the people in the Han Kingdom in peacetime, and are only for the royal family and the army.

The war began, and the first thing Chen Tang dispatched was an air force composed of strong minds, flying puppets and flying beast troops.

Although their runes are not as good as the rune masters of the Haotian world, they can also summon natural forces such as flames, ice, and wind.

The Flying Golem and the Flying Beast provide melee shelter for those with strong mental power.

Flames shone in the sky, ice flew like a rain of arrows, and fierce winds disturbed the trajectory of the opposing flying troops....

A terrible air battle broke out, and chaotic battles in the sky became regiments.

On the side of the Later Han Kingdom, there are also strong mindfulness powerhouses in the flying troops, but they are mainly organ puppets and flying beasts, and the distribution of mentally strong people is less.

Zhang Yun also understood the role of the strong Nian Li in the flying unit, but Hou Han did not pay attention to such a thing at all.

Chen Tangguo's combat strength ratio was more reasonable, so as soon as the war began, Chen Tangguo's flight power had the upper hand.

Soon after, the flying army of the Han Kingdom was defeated, and the will to fight was not good, and they fled quickly.

The result was the Great River Pass of the Later Han Kingdom, facing the Chen Tang Flying Unit's Fu Shi wave after wave of flames, cold ice, and fierce wind air strikes, and the entire level burned.

The only reason for everyone to survive is that this level is designed according to air defense forces, and the defense is extremely strong, so that it did not lose instantly.

With the improvement of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, some high-quality rock-like natural materials have also appeared in this world.

The Great River Pass is made of a type of red flame stone mined from the volcano, which is very tough.

However, it is not easy to mine and the price is extremely high.

It can be said that the entire castle pass itself is directly made of gold.

Then Chen Tang's ground army was dispatched, and walking in front of him was a rock armored giant bull beast with strong defense.

This alien beast is castrated with hearing and vision, and can only charge under the control of the commander in iron armor.

Other alien cavalry units followed.

They approached the walls of the city pass, combined into terrible organ fortresses, and formed temporary strongholds.

Chen Tang's army then fired rockets into the city in the stronghold formed by this organ to suppress the strength of the city's defenses.

Then one by one, the building car organs that were higher than the city pass were pushed over.

Pushing the cart was a large elephant-like beast behind, which also had its hearing damaged so as not to be frightened on the battlefield.

In addition, Zhang Yun's mental power accidentally discovered that Chen Tang had actually carried out a deep underground excavation of the army.

The other party should have used some kind of pangolin, as well as the corresponding mechanism.

Although Hou Han also defended the underground forces, this time the position where the other party dug the tunnel was very deep and was not discovered by Hou Han.

Because now outside the city pass, the attack in the sky is very fierce, and the other party also creates the sound of bells and drums to cover up all the movements below.

Only then did Zhang Yun discover that compared with Chen Tang's innovation in the use of military technology, the Hou Han was still using the old defense method of organ puppets and exotic beasts.

But now that the superiority in the air has been lost, the alien cavalry units cannot be dispatched.

Because as soon as this cavalry unit appeared in the city pass, it would be hit by flames and ice from the sky, and it would not even be able to gather.

And the command staff of the Hou Han was not good, tactically suppressed by the opponent step by step.

The entire Hou Han army had a weak will to fight, and the use of technology and strength all lagged behind people, and if it were not for the geographical advantage of defending the city, they would have lost long ago.

Zhang Yun found that there was enemy power underground, and couldn't help but remind him.

However, his hint was not heeded at all, which made Zhang Yun realize that Hou Han lost this time, and he also had to find a way to escape in advance.

Chen Tang's underground army did not open the exit of the underground passage inside the pass at all, but opened it three miles away behind the Great River Pass.

And then an army appeared from behind the Great River Pass!

The entire Dahe Pass is now wrapped by Chen Tang and made into a dead end.

The national strength of the Hou Han is not as strong as Chen Tang, even if it is consumed, the Hou Han can now consume Chen Tang.

Then a terrible battle of heaven and man broke out between Hou Han and Chen Tang, and the result was that Hou Han Tianren was defeated, and the entire army of Daheguan actually surrendered to the enemy on its own.

This barrier, which was abundant in supplies and could have resisted for at least a year, was abandoned by their own people and thrown into the arms of the enemy country.

A majestic pass worth comparable to the accumulation of gold was given to the enemy country Chen Tang by the generals of the Heavenly Human Realm of the Later Han Dynasty.

But no one noticed that the clever Zhang Yun had long escaped from the pass in the chaos of this heavenly and human battle and disappeared into the mountains.

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 58

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