
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 59

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 59
Zhang Yun fled into the mountain, did not dare to go out easily, and finally got lost in this wild mountain.

But at this time, he found that even the Terran realm in the war was much safer than the real wilderness no man's land.

On the first day after getting lost, he came across a beautiful sea of flowers.

He was excited and wanted to go over and enjoy the natural beauty.

But some of the experiences his father had told him made him a little more careful.

The more beautiful something is, the more dangerous it is!

This is what his father Zhang Qifeng has been telling him.

If he hadn't been nearly killed by a beautiful witch last time, he would have forgotten this truth and was completely attracted by this beautiful sea of flowers.

But when he came to his senses, he sensed something wrong with his mind.

That sea of flowers had a power that vaguely affected people's spiritual power, and he took out the few survival equipment on his body from a distance, and a telescope looked at it from afar.

At this time, he was covered in cold sweat, looking for a sea of flowers, and there were white bones.

Although most of them are animal bones, there are also human bones.

Then he saw a scene that made him creepy, a wild boar with an alien beast at least the level of a grandmaster was blinded at a long distance, attracted by this sea of flowers, and walked over uncontrollably.

It came to the middle of the sea of flowers, and then inexplicably fell down.

Then those sea of flowers revealed their true faces, and there were countless vines hidden under those flowers.

They pounced, like piranhas, and quickly sucked the blood and flesh of the wild boar clean, leaving only one white bone pressed underneath by the wriggling flower vine, and did not pay attention to the slightest abnormality.

Obviously, this is a sea of man-eating flowers that can confuse the spirit, and the great master-level exotic beasts cannot get rid of it.

Zhang Yun carefully avoided here, but did not go out ten miles.

He was bitten by an inconspicuous little snake, directly poisoned in his body, and almost died.

If he hadn't frantically devoured the weeds around the little snake and inadvertently ate the antidote, he would have died.

Where poisonous snakes are infested, the antidote will be within seven steps.

It was an experience his father had taught him that saved him.

Although Zhang Yun did not know which kind of weed was the antidote, his train of thought was right.

Although he was detoxified this time, he was weak for two days, and it took two days to recover with the strength of his Grandmaster Realm.

At this point, Zhang Yun really understood how terrifying the uninhabited wilderness forest was.

Just inconspicuous plants, poisonous insects, is a great harm to human life, and you need to be extremely careful!

In the rest of the mountain road, Zhang Yun was still in a lost state, but he found a way not to do it, that is, to walk west along where the sun rose.

He is now extremely careful to guard against all kinds of abnormal plants and insects around him.

There are many animals such as rabbits in the mountains, which can be regarded as helping him solve the problem of food.

But he still forgot that the most dangerous thing in this mountain was never the strange plants or hidden poisonous insects, but the terrifying animal beasts.

On this day, he unexpectedly found an elixir.

It was a plant called Qingxuanhua, and its pollen had the effect of enhancing people's spiritual power.

Zhang Yun observed again and again and found that it had no guardian beast, so he stepped forward and plucked the flower.

But what he didn't expect was that this guardian beast of the green Xuanhua was a wind leopard, and the other party had just gone to inspect the territory.

After Zhang Yun left, he was furious and the wind leopard caught up with him with the smell.

But the alien beasts in the mountains can grow up in natural fighting, and the other party did not attack immediately, and Zhang Yun did not open his mind to scan the farther place.

That night, he slept in a large tree.

But Zhang Yun did not expect that this wind leopard was also a master of climbing trees, and the other party launched a surprise attack, if he hadn't slept uncomfortably, and the dangerous instinct made him move his body again, his whole person would have been torn in half by the wind leopard.

Although this inadvertent blow avoided the fatal blow, it caused a large hole in his shoulder.

Originally, this time the claw strike was aimed at his neck.

After waking up, Zhang Yun was almost scared to death, seeing the wind leopard on the opponent's trunk rushing back and pounced again with hostility, the blood on the tip of the claw was still bright droplets, Zhang Yun did not know that he almost died in the ambush of a grandmaster-level beast.

But this time, Zhang Yun will not allow himself to have problems.

His mental power directly exploded, pressing on the wind leopard's body alive, and slammed the other party back, causing the wind leopard to suffer a heavy blow.

But the wild beast is powerful, and the other party discovered the strength of the enemy and ran away without looking back.

This can make Zhang Yun half angry.

With his Dongxuan Realm mental power, he could completely kill this alien beast that almost killed him.

As a result, the other party was so cunning that he actually fled.

Zhang Yun had to use medicine collected from the forest to heal his injuries, and did not dare to continue on the road.

But in the next few days, he found that this wind leopard did not really escape, and the other party was lurking in a very distant position to observe him through the smell, looking for an opportunity.

Obviously, this wind leopard is very vengeful.

Fortunately, this wind leopard did not know that he still had the power of Nian Li, and he had discovered the existence of the other party through Nian Li.

After recovering from his injuries, Zhang Yun also thought of some of the experiences his father had told and successfully killed the other party by luring him.

In the next one, Zhang Yun experienced all kinds of exotic beast attacks!

He has encountered lightning finches who are not strong, but their speed is extremely fast, only the innate peak of the lightning flock, except for some that were pecked into skeletons by the other party.

If Zhang Yunlingji hadn't moved to dig a pit and bury himself, he would have died under the attack of this group of little guys.

He also encountered a huge snail nearly ten meters tall, but what was in the shell was not a body, but a terrifying brain.

The opponent's powerful mental power almost crushed him into minced meat.

Fortunately, he broke through to the late Dongxuan stage at a critical moment, and only then escaped his life.

This special snail beast known for its spiritual power is a kind of intelligent beast. Fortunately, the other party moved slowly, so he did not control other alien beasts to pursue him.

He also encountered a mysterious spiral-shaped mountain.

But only later did he see that the big mountain had collapsed, and a huge snake-like beast that was three miles long was sleeping inside.

He was unlucky and happened to meet the moment when the other party woke up.

And this is a big heavenly and human-level beast!

He also encountered a mysterious peacock, and the other party did not have any hostility towards him, but controlled him through the peacock pattern behind him and the mysterious aroma emitted.

As a result, he was controlled for nearly half a year, and in the middle he had been uncontrollably using internal force to help the other party warm the other party's peacock eggs, until the little peacock inside was born, the other party let him go!

And the experience that made Zhang Yun almost die once in a lifetime was a blood-colored little wolf at the half-step heavenly human level that he encountered.

This blood wolf, which was only a foot in size, was very eager for the blood of the warrior, and chased and killed him for ten days.

In the end, he also sneaked into the territory of a celestial-level alien beast, so that the other party did not follow him again out of jealousy.


Zhang Yun fled in the mountains and forests for two years, although he also encountered several spiritual flowers and exotic grasses, which allowed his inner cultivation to be promoted to the beginner grandmaster, and his mental power was raised to the peak of Dongxuan.

But along the way, his more circumstances are near death!

If it weren't for his internal strength itself supporting light skills, making his ability to escape extremely strong, he would have died ten times and become the feces of foreign beasts.

Fortunately, he was light and lucky, and finally managed to escape this large mountain forest two years later.

But what Zhang Yun didn't know was that this mountain range happened to run east-west.

And he was lucky enough to run from the easternmost to the westernmost side, and walked out of the longest straight line in the entire mountain forest.

The horror of the no-man's land where the alien beast was located was also deeply imprinted in Zhang Yun's heart.

However, after he came out of this mountain forest, he found that he had walked out of the Terran survival area and came to a forest Terran tribe in the central forest.

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 59

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