
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 60

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 60
Zhang Yun, dressed in a coarse suit of animal skin, suddenly rushed out of the woods like a wild man.

It was the first time in two years that he had seen a place with traces of a human being.

In front of him is an open river beach, around which there are many giant trees that are thousands of meters high, and there seem to be traces of human beings on those giant trees.

Just when Zhang Yun was happy to see the human beings, the countless vines crawling on the ground around him suddenly came to life, turning into wooden snake-like monsters and entangled him.

Zhang Yun immediately resisted, but at this time, a terrifying mental force fell from the sky, directly fixing him in place, and those vines also entangled and trapped him.

These vines actually grew spikes on their own at this time.

And that spike easily pierced his Great Master-level skin defenses, and a mysterious mixed toxin was injected into his body.

Zhang Yun felt that his internal strength and mental power had all been suppressed, and he was now hit by a special toxin, and he couldn't use a trace of strength.

At this moment, several beautiful women wearing green capes descended from the sky, dressed in light armor woven from mysterious silk, holding hardwood bows with extraordinary breath, and looking curiously at the "primitive people" in front of them one by one!

Seeing these people, Zhang Yun didn't understand, he met the Terrans in the forest!

The Terrans of the Forest are a predominantly female branch of the Terrans.

They live in the central forest, love nature, like to protect the forest, are good at using various wood techniques, and their strength is mainly mindful.

The more passionate the Forest Race, the higher the achievements in Nian Li.

They have a special view, and this view is more suitable for women.

This, coupled with the light female body, was suitable for moving in trees, which created a social structure in which the Terran women in the forest were predominant, and the leader was also the queen.

The situation of the Terrans in the forest was told to him by Zhang Yun's father, Zhang Qifeng.

His father had never seen the Terrans in the forest, but other storytellers had come to the Great Central Forest and spread the story of the Terrans in the forest among the storytellers.

Storytellers are very fond of exchanging information with each other.

Zhang Yun thought that he had finally walked out of the dangerous land in the mountains, but he came to the Central Great Forest again, but this time he was completely out of the Seven Kingdoms Region.

He was a little excited here, after all, this was a forest race that his father had never seen.

Exuberant curiosity is the driving force behind his departure from the cottage and willingness to become a storyteller who travels the world.

"You are an Oriental Terran!"

The female captain of the Terran in the forest at the head asked in a blunt oriental language.

Although the language of everyone was Chinese at the beginning, in the long process of evolution, the languages of different regions still became dialects of different regions.

The language of the Terrans in the forest is similar to that of the Seven Eastern Kingdoms, but the pronunciation is very different.

"Yes! I am a storyteller from the seven eastern countries and a traveler of the world. I was lost in the mountains and forests to the east before, and I didn't come out until now, and I have no ill will towards your tribe of the Terrans in the forest.

Zhang Yun quickly explained.

Hearing that he was a storyteller, several Terran women in the forest suddenly became curious, and there was no obvious hostility in their eyes when they looked at him.

Apparently they are aware of the existence of storytellers and that storytellers can bring them information about the outside world.

"I'm sorry, but our Terrans in the forest have recently had a dispute with the Yu Clan, so everyone is more nervous. We welcome storytellers who can bring outside information to the tribe! Welcome, guests from afar!

An old voice apologized, and the next moment, a master of mental power floated down from above.

The other party speaks a pure oriental language.

"I've seen the elders!"

Zhang Yun felt the other party's vast aura of mental power, where did he not understand that this extremely kind-looking old woman was a great master of the realm of fate.

"It's okay, I don't know that your clan is here, how offensive."

Zhang Yun immediately expressed his position.

With a wave of the old man's hand, the vines on his body dispersed on their own, and then the beautiful female captain fed him a fruit, and he felt that his internal strength and mental power had been restored.

"Please come to our tribe to rest!"

The old man invited, and Zhang Yun quickly nodded in agreement.

The tribes of the people in the forest were in the trees, and they themselves climbed up as easily as apes.

Zhang Yun used light work and followed along the tree.

His hand made the female warriors in the forest look sideways.

People with strength, people with ability, are more welcome everywhere.

This tribe of Terrans in the forest is called the Qingteng Tribe because the female warriors of their tribe are the best at using vine-type spells.

The outer layer of the entire tribe is arranged with a defensive belt composed of vines, as well as a thorn vine forest.

This area is on the edge of the Great Central Forest, but alien beast invasions still occur frequently.

And now, the expansion of the Feather tribe that can fly to the sky in the forest threatens the survival of the forest race.

Moreover, the Yu tribe can't help but kill, and the ecological damage to the forest itself is relatively great, which makes the Terrans in the forest very dissatisfied.

Because of the problem of resources and ideas, the contradictions between the two ethnic groups are now very acute.

The central hall of the Qingteng tribe is within the canopy of one of the tallest trees in the tribe, and it is a house made entirely of vines.

More importantly, this vine makes up the house, but it is also a huge living vine in itself.

When necessary, this vine will transform into a terrifying war machine to protect the entire Qingteng tribe.

This was originally just a river beach without many big trees, but five hundred years ago, the ancestors of the Qingteng tribe planted the giant tree purple bark giant seconia here.

This giant tree is thousands of meters tall and is the most suitable giant tree for the survival of the Terrans in the forest.

The purple-skinned giant cedar forest has grown up for a hundred years, making them a stable survival place for the Terrans in the forest.

The Terrans in the forest are somewhat similar to the nature-loving elves, but different.

The Terrans in the forest love nature, but more rational use, not strictly abide by the practice of not cutting down trees and not killing animals.

They just think that everything should be in line with nature, not wasted, maintain the balance of nature, and everything should be moderate.

Although the Terrans in the forest are mainly female, the status of men is not low.

Between the two sides, strictly speaking, it is relatively equal, but the male is not good at fighting in the forest, and is not good at the mental power of the natural school.

Their main task in the tribe is to make tools and practice internal martial arts, which is the main force of the entire tribe in ground melee combat.

The female warriors of the Terrans in the forest are responsible for attacking enemies, fighting in trees, reconnaissance on the perimeter, and defending against alien beasts in the air.

Among them, in the past, the air beasts brought the greatest threat to the Terrans in the forest, and now they are the Yu Clan.

After Zhang Yun came to the Terrans in the forest, he took the initiative to tell them everything he had encountered in the past few years according to their requirements.

He had no geographical prejudices, and unreservedly told some of his own experiences, including the battles of the Terrans, the darkness of the Terran family sects, the commerce and trade of the Terrans, culture and other aspects.

These are very attractive to the Terrans in the forest.

In particular, the stories of some heroes he told made it easier for these to be solidified in a place with young forest Terrans.

The Terrans in the forest are relatively equal, and everyone can enter the tribal hall to listen to Zhang Yun talk about what he has seen.

Of course, he can't finish it in one day, and the people of the Qingteng tribe still have their own things to do.

So for the next few days, he would tell stories every day at dusk, telling everything about his experiences.

And at that time, except for the defenders, everyone else would run over while enjoying dinner while listening to the storyteller Zhang Yun tell everything outside!

Zhang Yun also received great benefits.

In order to thank him, the elder of the Terran in the forest prepared for him the elixir that enhanced the power of the Terran in the forest, and told him about his experience in breaking through to the realm of knowing fate.

With these supports, after staying in the Qingteng tribe for less than two months, Zhang Yun successfully broke through to the realm of knowing fate and became a life form comparable to the strong people of the inner force!

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 60

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