
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 61

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 61
After two months in the Forest Terrans, Zhang Yun was ready to embark on the road again.

He decided to continue west.

Since he has already gone out of the range where the Seven Kingdoms are located, then he must go to see everything in the Central Great Forest, the world west of the Central Great Forest.

In gratitude for the information he brought to the entire tribe, the Qingteng tribe captured an eagle-like beast as his mount.

The Terrans in the forest don't like to control alien beasts, but that doesn't mean they can't.

There are more exotic beasts in the central great forest, and the great master-level exotic beasts are everywhere, and even the heavenly and human-level exotic beasts exist every seventy miles, and the great heavenly human-level exotic beasts above the heavenly and human are more common.

The terrible man-eating vines, man-eating trees, man-eating flowers and plants, highly poisonous flowers and plants, and highly toxic thorns emerge endlessly, and the spirit flowers and spiritual grasses are also uncountable.

Zhang Yun experienced many dangers in this process, but the gains were also great.

In less than three months, he had actually broken through to the Heavenly Human level of the Internal Martial Dao!

It was also the strength of the internal force and the Nian Li Shuangtianren level that allowed him to barely use the most cautious attitude to risk death across the entire Central Great Forest.

In the process, he encountered more Terran tribes in the forest.

These tribes are much larger than the Qingteng tribe, and they all warmly invite Zhang Yun to be guests to tell them the stories they know about the world that the storyteller has experienced.

At the same time, the other party will also tell him some stories of the Terrans in the forest, the Yu Clan, and some elixirs and other rewards.

At this time, he realized that the current Central Great Forest had been divided into three.

The eastern region is the territory of the Terrans in the forest.

The area in the middle is the territory of the peak Great Heavenly Human level, or even the half-step alien beast above the Great Heavenly Man.

The west is the territory of the Yu clan.

However, because of the special topography of the forest, some tribes on each side have formed a situation of intertwined canine teeth in each other's territory.

The people of this foreign race of the Yu clan, Zhang Yun also occasionally looked at the territory of the Terran in the forest.

But these Yu clans are very careful, often the figure flashes away, and does not give him the opportunity to communicate with the other party at all.

The Ha Clan is powerful in the sky, but the forest is dense, and when they approach the forest canopy area, they are vulnerable to alien beasts, powerful man-eating blood-eating plants, and close ambushes by the Terrans in the forest.

They are much weaker in melee combat than the Terrans in the forest.

One of the mysterious blood-eating tree species called Blood Devouring Heart Willow is a powerful plant that is a heavenly and human level when it comes to adulthood.

It prefers the blood of the Ha Clan the most, and they can be disguised as common willows.

The most terrifying thing is that the roots of this mysterious alien plant of the Blood-Devouring Willow can move, and it often wanders in the forest, waiting for the opportunity to prey on the Yu Clan.

And the Terrans in the forest are not on its recipe, and its secondary favorite blood is a cold alien beast.

The bloodline power of the Yu tribe is biased towards the night and the moon.

The Terrans in the forest are life-based, and it is also this difference in power attributes that makes the Yu tribe have such natural enemies.

The Yu tribe has natural enemies, and the Terrans in the forest also have natural enemies.

A strange beast called the Blood Eater Langur, only the size of a palm, but good at concealment, most fond of sneaking up on and sucking the blood of the Terrans in the forest.

Various forces, races, and beings hunt each other and restrain each other throughout the Great Central Forest.

No one side can truly gain the upper hand, and every kind of life has terrible natural enemies that they fear before they grow to the level of great heavenly beings.

Natural selection, this is the direct phase of the survival of all things in the central forest.

Compared with the living environment here that is always worried about fear, the living environment of the Seven Eastern Seven Kingdoms of the Terran is unknown how many times better.

But in the same way, if the power of the Central Great Forest is dispatched as a whole, it will definitely be countless times higher than the Seven Eastern Kingdoms.

Cruel competition is also easy to create terrible strongmen, and this is where the Central Great Forest is powerful.

Fortunately, the Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi here is the best in the entire Central Continent, and the strong people here are not willing to go out to survive.

Soon after, Zhang Yun, who had experienced nine deaths, finally came to the territory of the Yu Clan.

In this series of experiences, he was even caught by a golden monkey of the Great Heavenly Human level, and fortunately this level of alien beasts had wisdom.

Zhang Yun told the other party the story of the outside world, which made the other party spare his life, and even gave him some huge benefits.

The Ha are different from the Forest Terrans, although they also like to live in high places.

However, the Yu clan's station is a bit tall, and they either built a tall palace on the top of the mountain to live in, or built a huge metal pillar that supports the sky, and built a palace on top of the giant pillar.

Moreover, the Ha clan has always considered themselves to be the son of the moon god, and they are very arrogant.

The nature of the Yu clan when Xu Wen first introduced it has changed after they have the ability to fly in the air, and they have become unsightly and extremely arrogant.

Zhang Yun did not contact the high-level of the Yu clan, only the low-level people of the Yu clan.

They like to listen to Zhang Yun's stories from the outside world, but they also show a proud posture when facing Zhang Yun.

Zhang Yun, who was already accustomed to seeing all kinds of people and so on, naturally didn't say much.

So he just learned about the general situation of the Yu Clan and headed west.

After the Yu tribe's living environment is now good, it has returned from the original equality system to a strict class state.

The highest class is the royal family of the Hato, the second class is the nobility, and the lowest is the commoners, as well as the untouchables.

The royal family, the blood of the nobility is fixed.

The inferior commoners, untouchables, are distinguished by strength and talent.

Because of the solidified relationship of class, the Hato people at the bottom like to hear the stories of storytellers the most, and they like to run out of the central forest and become a member of the world travelers.

Some of the less arrogant Yu clan have also become approachable storytellers.

If it weren't for the fact that all the Yu Clan could fly, had excellent air supremacy, and suppressed the sinister environment with a large number of heavenly and alien beasts in the Central Great Forest, the society of the Feather Clan would have fallen into collapse long ago.

Only a few tribes are adopting a relatively parallel strategy of the Ha people.

Yuren obviously has air superiority, but he can still only compete with the alien beasts in the forest, and the three central large forests of the Terrans in the forest are fundamentally because the Yuren system shackles the real strength of the Yuren.

Now some of the low-level Hato have fled overseas and established new Hato branches overseas.

And the most spread among the Hato is also the story between the princes and princesses of Hato.

Moreover, the high-level of the Hato likes to listen to the stories of infatuation between the nobles, and they don't seem to care much about the survival of the Hato at the bottom.

The story involving the survival of the people at the bottom does not have much market at all in the upper echelons of the Hato people, only the people at the bottom are full of yearning for the outside world.

The social structure of the Yu people, like Sun Zhouguo, has fallen into a state of decay and collapse.

However, Zhang Yun also discovered something, and there were some powerful presences in the Yuren royal family.

They are at least strong people at the peak of the Great Heavenly People, and there is not even a lack of existence above the Great Heavenly People.

Obviously, the powerful heritage of the Yuren royal family still exists, and without a certain amount of time to accumulate, the terrible contradictions within the Yuren will not completely erupt.

However, the Hato people have two enemies, the Terrans and the Alien Beasts in the forest.

Zhang Yun has already seen the situation where the Yuren society collapses and the Yuren flee from the Central Great Forest countless years later.

After an eleven-year journey in the Central Great Forest, Zhang Yuncai walked out of here and entered the Western Plateau.

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 61

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