
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 62

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 62
The western plateau is a land of Buddhas!

This is the ancestral land of the barbarians and the world of Buddha's beliefs!

This area, where beliefs about Buddha and ancestors mingled, became the core of barbarian culture.

The entire western plateau is almost an alpine steppe, stony mountain, snowy environment, with very little forest.

The living conditions here are extremely dangerous, and there are only a few places where food can be grown.

Fortunately, the reiki environment is excellent today, so that the weeds on the plateau are also very vigorous, and there are also types of elixirs such as snow lotus and ice heart flower.

Vastness, wilderness, and devout faith, this is how Zhang Yun feels about the plateau region.

The people here are tall and have the natural power to control the earth.

They were brave and warlike, but they were also Buddhist, and almost every tribal area had a large temple.

The Buddhist method of physical exercise, taking the path of strong physique, is extremely suitable for barbarians.

This also makes the power of the Buddhist family very popular here, and at the same time, the concept of Buddhism also allows the barbarians who live a difficult life to find spiritual sustenance.

It's just that some of the ideas of Buddhism conflict with the current situation of existence here, so the barbarians' original belief in the earth has also been preserved and has become a tradition maintained by sacrifice in every tribe.

The most important thing is that after these sacrifices have obtained the power of mental power, they have far more control over earth-like spells than ordinary people, and strong power is an important factor in their struggle with Buddhism.

Between barbarian tribes, violent conflicts often break out because of hunting grounds, pastures and other issues, and wars between tribes are also common.

Later, the aura of heaven and earth was further enhanced, and the threat of alien beasts allowed them to control the struggle.

In every region, every year, there will be a Colosseum.

Each tribe will choose a team of warriors to hunt alien beasts in a specific area to reduce the threat of alien beasts to the barbarian branch of the Terrans.

The barbarian beast hunting conference is known as the Kush Assembly.

Kush means warrior in barbarian language, and the original word warrior arrived here, and gradually evolved into the pronunciation of Kush.

Barbarians are also a very hospitable race.

They welcomed foreign merchants and storytellers.

Merchants could bring them supplies such as salt, tea, silk, etc. that barbarians lacked, while storytellers could keep them informed about the customs and customs of other regions and the changes in the country.

The barbarians at the bottom like to listen to the heroic stories of all races outside, and they most respect those brave and good generals and countries.

When Zhang Yun arrived here, he was immediately warmly received by the barbarian leaders.

The barbarian children also ran over cheerfully, wanting to hear him talk about everything outside.

It may take the entire barbarian tribe a hundred years to meet a bookmaker who can reach them.

So they welcome storytellers, and adults also use storytellers to educate barbarian children.

Even tribal sacrifices will attract children and gather people's hearts and beliefs by the stories told by storytellers.

Zhang Yun also performed his duties, telling them about outside information and what he had seen along the way.

The story of the Oriental Terrans, the stories of the Terranns in the forest, the stories of the Yu Clan, and the stories of exotic beasts were vividly told by him in the way of a storyteller, full of interest and full of truth that the barbarians did not know.

He told these barbarians about the wars of the country, the struggles of the families, the battles of the generals, and many love stories that were either tragic or comedic.

Zhang Yun spread different cultures and stories to the entire barbarians, allowing them to see a wider world.

He traveled all the way west, experiencing countless barbarian tribes.

There was great hostility between each barbarian tribe, but they treated Zhang Yun with the highest courtesy.

Zhang Yun also came into contact with Buddhism in this process.

Most of the Buddhist children here are from barbarians, but the culture within the barbarians makes them advocate fighting and blood, which conflicts with the teachings of Buddhism.

Therefore, all Buddhist temples will only admit orphans under the age of seven who have lost their double new in the invasion of tribes and exotic beasts.

Boys enter the monastery as monks and girls become nuns.

Since the world view has not yet been fully formed, they have been influenced by Buddhist culture, and their ideas and concepts are also highly consistent with Buddhist culture.

The monks and nuns trained in this way highly recognized the Buddha Sect and were extremely united, coupled with the power of cultivating martial arts and cultivating achievements, made Buddhism as stable as Mount Tai in the western part of the entire Central Continent.

The Buddhist cultivation exercises are not said quickly at all, and each one can only be achieved through hard practice.

But it's better than a pure, a steady word.

If a person persistently practices Buddhist Kung Fu for 30 years, he will become a grandmaster.

After sixty years of cultivation, he will become a great master.

After a hundred years of cultivation, he is destined to be a heavenly and human monk.

But all this is accomplished with perseverance and hard work, with absolute will, enduring the suffering of practice.

Tenacious monks and nuns with insufficient mental nature are destined to become the bottom of the Buddhist sect.

Those who persisted, although older, were masters.

The Buddhist monks and nuns cultivated in this way, whether they are strong people in heaven and man or strong in heaven and people, all highlight one word.


They are tough-willed, strong-tempered and steady-acting.

Such a steady style and steady development make the Buddha gate accumulate strength like a dripping stone, and slowly but steadily become stronger.

Over countless years, Buddhism has accumulated countless heavenly people, great heavenly people, monks and nuns.

It can be said that Buddhism is already a powerful force in the entire Central Continent second only to Taoism.

If it weren't for the sparse population in the western part of the Central Continent, Buddhism as a whole might be the first sect in the Central Continent and even the entire world.

The steadiness of the Buddha Gate and the irascibility of the barbarians themselves are the two major characteristics of the western part of the Central Continent.

Now the power of the Buddha Gate is spreading to the swamp people in the south and the wolf race bamboo in the north.

Despite strong resistance, they are still developing.

Only the Yu tribe who worships the night moon and the forest people who believe in nature, they can't penetrate.

Zhang Yun came into contact with many Buddhist monks, and although they were from barbarian races, their personalities were milder than those of the Terrans in the East.

If he hadn't been determined to travel the world, he would have almost been lured by those monks to Buddhism.

During this period, Buddhism and barbarian culture, plateau and snowy mountains made Zhang Yun make another breakthrough, he successfully broke through to the peak of the realm of knowing fate, and his internal cultivation also reached the late stage of heaven and man.

At this time, he had traveled in the western part of the mainland for thirteen years.

After thirteen years of travel, or riding on the exotic beast flying eagle, he crossed the entire plateau and came to the westernmost coast.

Here, Zhang Yun saw the vast ocean for the first time!

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 62

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