
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 63

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 63
Today's sea is absolutely forbidden for ordinary people!

The width of the vast Western Sea alone reaches hundreds of thousands of li, and the sea distance between the central continent and the western continent is quite far.

Fortunately, there are countless desert islands among them.

The waves near the coast of the West Sea are more than ten meters high, and this is still a relatively "quiet" state of the ocean.

When the wind is high and the waves are high, huge waves of 40 to 50 meters can create patches of marine wetlands in coastal areas.

Fortunately, the western part of the Central Continent is full of mountains, and these waves cannot erode much land.

Like the eastern part of the Land of the Seven Kingdoms, the land of hundreds of miles offshore cannot survive, because when real waves appear, the rising sea can flood the coastal land for hundreds or even thousands of miles.

Zhang Yun was lucky that the place he came to happened to be a bay between a peninsula that stretched out and the mainland.

The sea water in this bay is relatively balanced, the depth of the ocean is not deep, and it is a pure shallow sea area.

It is very suitable for the survival of the mackerel, and there is a tribe of marine mackerel people living here.

In today's world, the sea is dozens of times or more larger than the earth's ocean, and the ocean is the real paradise of exotic beasts.

Terrible beasts, as well as ocean storms, undercurrents in the sea, together constitute a terrible scourge in the ocean.

These disasters make the survival of the mackerel very difficult.

Even if they cultivate the internal force martial arts, even if they have the power of mental power, they still cannot fight against the huge number of exotic beasts with the same number of strong people, nor can they fight the terrifying super storm and the mysterious turbulence in the sea.

These mackerels also cannot survive at depths of more than a kilometer in the ocean.

The water pressure there is too huge, and their physique cannot resist such a strong water pressure environment.

Only some special alien beasts, as well as alien beasts above heaven and man, can survive in the marine environment below kilometers.

In an environment above 1,000 meters, terrible typhoons exceeding category 20 can have a direct impact, turning the surface of the ocean into a dangerous turbulent area.

Therefore, these mackerels can only run to the vicinity of some islands with shallow bays, as well as bays along the coast of the mainland.

The production of marine plants, fish, etc. in these places is stable, suitable for them to get food, and they can thrive steadily.

The temperament of the mackerel is as undulating as the ocean, sometimes very mild, but sometimes very irritable, like a sudden rolling tide.

Zhang Yun communicated with the Sai people with his mental power and took the initiative to tell them many things on the continent, which made the leader of the Sai people accept him, let him know the Yu people, and was willing to teach him the language of the Yu people.

The mackerel are a purely marine intelligent race.

They love to sing, and they sing very well.

But this is not a pure hobby, but in the marine environment sound is the best medium for interconnection.

The way the eyes observe the way things communicate, there is no sound communication under the ocean, and the sound fluctuations scan the surrounding environment quickly and finely.

Singing is one of the ways they train their voice, and different songs also secretly convey different meanings.

Or find a treasure, or call for help, or attack or something like that.

Wars often break out between different mackerel tribes.

The reason for the war between them is simple, that is, the struggle for the homeland.

There are too few bays in the ocean suitable for mackerel survival, and some terrible storms will also destroy some islands, bays, which has created a large number of wandering mackerel tribes.

When these tribes find other safer Terran lands, they will fight for them.

Although the mackerel are only the only intelligent race in the ocean at present, their survival situation is very difficult.

When their tribes meet each other, they are mortal enemies!

The Saito invented the treasure art of special water refining tools, which can refine special underwater coral, seabed cold iron, seabed cold copper and other treasures and metals into weapons suitable for water battles.

They also hunt some powerful alien beasts and make their skins into leather armor for defense.

The tough bones of these exotic beasts are either made into weapons or built into underwater houses from a type of seaweed.

Zhang Yun dived to the bottom of the sea to observe the houses of the maiden, which were very tight, and it was difficult for ordinary grandmaster powerhouses to break them.

They also like bright colors and clean very much.

The interior of their houses is clean and meticulously decorated with corals, pearls, sea gems and other ornaments.

There aren't many other things in the ocean, but items like pearls and gemstones are not uncommon.

The singing voice of the mackerel is really good, and some female maiden with strong mental power, their singing voice is even more terrifying, and even hallucinogenic.

Ten female maiden of the Dongxuan Realm sang together, and even Zhang Yun, who knew the Fate Realm, felt that he couldn't stand it and was almost confused by them.

This is also the result of their lack of malice, no full burst, just let him experience it.

The surnames that the mackerel do not have are either water, sea, or wind, all very simple.

Their tribe has no king, only elder powerful mackerel elders.

The elders form a group of three to five elders and decide together everything in the tribe.

Moreover, the mackerel itself is an equal race between men and women, and even the status of the female mackerel is slightly higher.

Zhang Yun opened a cave by the sea and settled down, he will not be able to survive in the sea.

He brought information about the Central Continent to the Terrans, letting them know that the Central Continent was divided into five regions.

There are the most civilized regions of the Seven Eastern Kingdoms, the central large forest with endless forests, and the western part of the continent with high mountains and snowfields....

For the first time, they heard stories of the Terrans, the Feathers, the Barbarians, and the Wolf Clan.

For the first time, they also knew that life on land was so wonderful and had so many interesting stories.

What Zhang Yun said was not only what the older mackerel liked to hear, but also the younger mackerel was fascinated by it.

He learned the language quickly, mastering it in just one month.

After all, the strong people who know their destiny realm have a very strong innate ability to learn and understand.

Zhang Yun told them these stories in the Yuren language, and he was also the first storyteller in the world to truly complete the communication between the Terrans and the Yuren.

Both sides got what they needed and got the knowledge and information they wanted.

The magnificent and colorful underwater world and its story also gave him more material for storytellers.

He stopped here for a year.

Then he heard that there was an island a hundred miles overseas, so Zhang Yun decided to build a big ship by himself to take a look.

As a storyteller, he learned to observe how to build ships.

The waterproof gum used by the mackerel can also be used.

It's just that Zhang Yun didn't expect that when he went, he had an accident, and it also gave him a different journey.

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 63

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