
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 64

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 64
Zhang Yun's adventurous spirit is very good, although he has seen the danger of the sea, he has not encountered any danger in the Central Great Forest in these years.

He was more curious about what was in the depths of the ocean, far from land.

Zhang Yun was like a gambler who dared to take risks and did not take his life seriously, driving a small boat he made and stepping into the deep sea.

But he was unlucky, he encountered a super typhoon!

Zhang Yun also had great gains in the Terran Clan, and he had already stepped into the sixth realm and a half step above knowing his fate in terms of mental power.

His internal strength also reached the half-step Great Heavenly Human level.

Such a strong strength allowed him to survive in a storm like today's earth spiritual energy blessing.

Zhang Yun protected the boat with his internal and mental power, allowing it to move forward with the storm, but he himself lost his way.

This storm was terrible, and it was enough to destroy half of the Houhan Kingdom when put on land.

However, Zhang Yun learned from later experiences that such storms were only typhoons-like storms common in the ocean.

He drifted all the way and didn't know where he was going.

Fortunately, he had prepared enough food and water on the ship, and he also bundled special dry food and water with waterproof oil paper.

This dry food is a kind of food of the Yu clan.

Because the Ha warriors have to fly in the sky, they need very light and easy food to eat for long marches.

So they developed a compressed food made from countless kinds of dried fruits and forcibly suppressed by warriors.

It has a shelf life of decades.

Zhang Yun learned how to make this food and always carried it with him in case there was no food when there was an accident.

He drifted in the sea for half a month before he managed to find a large island.

This is a purely uninhabited island with a large area of forest.

Zhang Yun rested on it for three days, feeding on sea beasts, fish and fruits, relieved his fatigue, recovered his internal strength and mental power, and continued to go to sea.

The only thing he could be sure of now was that he was far away from the Central Continent.

Zhang Yun had an idea at this time, that is, to go west, he wanted to go all the way to the west of the world to see what the end of the world was.

The greatest motivation for storytellers to act is to see what the world is like before they have seen it.

And Zhang Yun is now curious about what the end of the world is.

He continued to sail westward, and if it weren't for the fact that the hull wood he used was from the salty and tough wood grown from the spirit plants of the beach sea, the boat would have fallen apart.

If it weren't for the structure of some of the techniques used to build the ship, Zhang Yun would not be able to control the entire ship with one person.

Thanks and material support, he was able to successfully build this extremely fastened treasure ship.

The ship continued westward, and ten days later he saw a scene that shocked him greatly.

Not far to his south, a huge active volcano on a seamount is constantly spewing thick black smoke.

Then three huge firebirds covered in red fireworks and with a wingspan of 100 meters flew out of the volcano and patrolled the entire area around the island.

They passed above Zhang Yun, but did not attack him, just glanced at it and quickly left.

Even though they were flying at an altitude of three hundred meters away from Zhang Yun, the flames on their bodies still made him, a half-step Great Heavenly Man powerhouse, feel burning.

This bird is born like an extremely eagle, and from its tail feathers it resembles a legendary phoenix.

But it is very ugly, as if it cannot extinguish its own flame and control its own flame.

Zhang Yun naturally didn't know that this giant bird named Flame Eagle was an eagle-like beast with part of the phoenix bloodline.

They are the result of the original phoenix birds spreading phoenix bloodlines to other birds.

Zhang Yun didn't know that he was the first storyteller to travel west from the Central Continent, and this Flame Eagle did not attack him, which was the result of Xu Wen's secret influence.

Although Xu Wen was in a state of slumber, he still had a trace of consciousness to observe the world.

He believes that the world needs a well-rounded traveler, so that people on all continents and races know everything about other races and other continents.

And Zhang Yun is the one he chose.

It is precisely because of this that he can survive the place where the exotic beasts of the Eastern Mountain Forest and the Central Great Forest are haunted at all times, and danger can come at any time.

He is a special patron of the world, as long as he persists in his travels, as long as he persists in spreading what he sees and hears to every civilization he encounters.

The world's shelter for him will not disappear.

There are many dangerous beasts in the sea, and after experiencing the Flame Eagle, he encountered a super giant whale that was more than two kilometers long.

This creature lives in deep sea areas and takes thousands of years to grow up.

But once they grow up, they are super behemoths that are 10,000 meters long, and the giant whale that Zhang Yun encountered only grew to the juvenile stage.

The giant whale has a gentle personality and ignores Zhang Yun.

But the next one almost killed him at the bottom of the sea, and after the giant whale, he encountered a group of giant sharks up to 30 meters long!

Each of them is a strange beast of the Heaven and Human Realm, and they are also terrifying and ferocious predators in the deep sea.

Although Zhang Yun has very little meat, he is a strong man in heaven and man, and his breath is very tempting.

This group of giant sharks with average strength at the beginner level launched an attack on him, and Zhang Yun had to fight back.

He slashed twelve giant sharks to death with his palm knife before they retreated in fear.

Then Zhang Yun came across a seagull, but this giant bird that was 100 meters long was very interested in eating him.

Zhang Yun couldn't fly into the air, so he only left a three-meter-long wound on the other party's body to knock the other party back.

The most terrifying sea behemoth he encountered was a super octopus that was 30,000 meters long.

This terrifying creature was able to prey on the huge whale in the sea, and his boat was almost swallowed by the other party.

If it weren't for the sudden arrival of a tornado in the sea at the critical moment, which frightened the other party, he would have almost no possibility of escaping.

In addition to these, there are also up to 100 meters long cancer, giant shrimp, seahorse, sea cucumber...

It can be said that all normal and ordinary world marine life, in the ocean of today's Xuanhuang Reincarnation World, under the blessing and strengthening of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, has become a terrifying giant ocean beast.

The number of Celestial-level marine alien beasts is more than ten times more than the number of Celestial-level beings on the entire land combined!

Today, the entire ocean is almost the world of giant beasts.

But the huge sea beast was only a small part of the danger Zhang Yun encountered.

Super winds in the sea, a lack of fresh water, and frequent ocean storms are the most inexplicable existences.

Fortunately, the storm sent all the way, and when there was a storm, there was rain, which solved his dilemma of lack of fresh water.

Moreover, although the special storm of the ocean surprised him, it also made Zhang Yun's advance to the west faster.

After nearly a year of adventures at sea, he finally managed to see the coast of a huge landmass.

Zhang Yun became the first storyteller in the Central Continent to reach the Western Continent.

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 64

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