
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 65

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 65
As soon as Zhang Yun set foot on the Western Continent, he encountered a small trouble.

He is targeted by a group of octopus mermaids living here.

Within thousands of miles of the coastline of the western continent, there is no fixed human habitation, not even fishermen.

There is no way, a big wave comes, and everything can drown you.

Now all races, except for the East Sea Terrans, have temporarily abandoned the way of living in offshore fisheries.

They are more present in the area of Jianghanoi Lake.

Because the world's rivers are now very huge, inland lakes are also expanding with the world's surface and are no different from small oceans.

This area, dark and damp, caused by seawater erosion has caused a lot of caves, but also just suitable for some special magical life hiding

, now in the western continent, the bloodline of magical life has also been rapidly spread, they mixed with the bloodline of foreign beasts, experienced natural elimination selection, and gradually gave birth to some magical life more suitable for the world of Xuanhuang reincarnation.

Like mermaids.

After this kind of life arrived in the Xuanhuang Reincarnation World, it multiplied with other beings and transformed into a kind of offshore sea.

For example, it combines with an octopus beast to derive a life called an octopus mermaid.

His upper body resembles a human monster, but his lower body is completely octopus tentacles.

They do not have the ability to reproduce themselves, but they can form new octopus mermaids with the lives of other intelligent races.

This life has powerful magical life-like pollution powers.

They most like to catch some intelligent beings close to the coastline and drag them under the ocean to the magic nests they forge in the ocean.

Finally, these octopus mermaids inject their own blood into the intelligent being's body, continuously secrete a gel to cover it, and then they will cast a special alienation magic on the life every day.

After nearly a month of evolution, this intelligent life will become the second octopus mermaid.

And this octopus mermaid will inherit the genetic information of the octopus mermaid from the source of blood, retaining a small number of their own original intelligence type genes.

It can be said that this newly mutated octopus mermaid is the same existence as the child of the original owner of the blood.

This is a deformed alienation reproduction, but it exists steadily in the octopus mermaid.

It has changed from the original mermaid to the terrifying creature it is now.

Fortunately, the octopus mermaid can only live in the water and cannot leave the sea for too long, which does not form a special marine fish disaster.

Moreover, it can only alienate intelligent life, and cannot alienate ordinary life forms.

At each high tide, the swollen sea forms a terrible tide deep into the inland area, and the octopus mermaid will take advantage of the ups and downs of the sea tide to dive into the living area of the inshore people's Terrans, goblins, or house-elves, and seize them for alienated reproduction.

As an outsider, it was no surprise that Zhang Yun was attacked.

But in the face of his powerful strength, the strongest is only the octopus mermaid of the Heaven and Human Realm, and it is impossible to succeed.

Instead, Zhang Yun hid and studied these special octopus mermaids.

He has the special treasure Sea Spirit Bead given by the Terran race, which is a self-generated exotic treasure of heaven and earth, which can allow people on land to exist in the sea for a long time without breathing.

Zhang Yun was shocked by the existence of the fishtail mermaid, and he also knew that he might have come to the legendary Western Continent.

What he saw this time made him understand that everything here was completely different from that in the Central Continent, and even the power was completely different.

After recording the octopus mermaids, Zhang Yun did not kill them.

After experiencing a kind of travel, he has never seen anything, no matter how evil and strange life appears, he will not have killing intent.

Zhang Yun went ashore, and after going thousands of miles inland, he saw the Terrans living here.

These races have skin color, hair color, or red, or blue, or blonde, and partly black.

They are completely different races from the Central Continent.

Zhang Yun came into contact with the lord here, this person is also a magician, and due to Zhang Yun's strength, this person did not dare to make any outrageous moves.

Through spiritual communication, the two learned each other's information.

For the first time, this lord knew that the east of the continent was a huge central continent, and in addition to the central continent, there was also a southern continent and a northern continent.

For the first time, he was shocked by how big the world was.

For him, the Western Continent was already incredibly vast, and ordinary magicians could not travel the entire continent in their entire lives.

It was also the first time he knew that the Central Continent was so powerful and so dangerous.

And Zhang Yun also knew for the first time the reason why the skin color and pupil color of the Terrans here were different.

It turned out that all this was done after Rosen spread the magic, and the other lords who did not learn magic did something.

They conducted a lot of experiments in order to gain great power.

In order to obtain more powerful power, these lords injected the blood of life such as elves, goblins, tree guards, sniffers, and thunderbirds into the bodies of the Terrans.

Of these experiments, ninety percent failed, and one percent succeeded.

But those who survived received powerful demons and possessed magical powers.

Later, after the magical power cultivated by Rosen spread, some magicians also carried out similar experiments.

There are many people who fail, but as long as there are successful examples, there are people who are willing to take risks for it.

As a result, these experiments have created many deformed children, but some people have succeeded in obtaining the bloodline of magic.

The thirst for power made the entire continent, whether commoners or nobles, boldly try, or under the compulsion of others.

After a long period of chaos, the bloodline of these monsters was successfully inherited and became the innate strength of the Terrans on the Western Continent, but this also created their hair color, pupil color, and even skin color.

It is precisely with power that the humans of the Western continent have survived in the world of increasingly powerful magical life such as fish people, goblins, house-elves, dragons, basilisks, thunderbirds, beating willows, and devil nets.

The root cause of their power through this way is the erosion and destruction of their guys by powerful beings, and it is also because this power is much stronger than fighting qi and more attractive in diversity.

Zhang Yun also saw the magical life of house-elves here in this lord.

He also learned that the original house-elves had diverged.

A house-elf is absolutely loyal to humans, especially their masters.

The other believes that humans have enslaved them and see humans as their worst enemy.

In the middle of the development of Western Terrans, it was these house-elves that were most aggressive. If it weren't for the protection of the magicians, this group of house-elves loyal to the Terrans would probably end badly.

Zhang Yun also got two house-elves, one female and one male, from this lord.

He was ready to bring such a small thing to the Central Continent.

Because he felt that this kind of intelligent life loyal to the Terran would be very popular among the Terrans.

Next, Zhang Yun traveled to the western continent, which took on a cruciform shape.

The western continent is a segmented continent, and each land is separated by endless mountains, terrible abysses, or hot deserts.

The natural insurance divided them into more than forty small segments.

Each section is an area suitable for the safe survival of intelligent life, and it contains many kingdoms of intelligent races.

They used a lordship system, and each lord had a very large power.

However, the advantage of dispersion is that most of the lords are still good for the people below for the stability of their territories.

Slaves still existed, but their application was not large, and free subjects still dominated the mainstream.

During his travels, Zhang Yun experienced too many novelties.

He saw special dragons, magic phoenixes, and also encountered various intelligent aliens such as horsemen, dementors, vampires, werewolves, veelas and other types.

These original semi-intelligent races have gradually become intelligent races under the influence of rules under the influence of the Xuanhuang Reincarnation World.

Zhang Yun had not yet seen an intelligent race that lived on bloodsucking, so he also specially caught a vampire for research.

It's just that the vampires of this world have been more restricted by the world lord Xu Wen, and sunlight, silver, and yang attribute materials are their absolute natural enemies.

After all, after the transformation of the Xuanhuang reincarnation world, these vampires really achieved that their hearts were not bad, and they were difficult to kill.

Their survivability is too terrible, it is not easy to kill, and the necessary balance must be struck.

This is because the rules of reincarnation are not strong enough, otherwise the rules themselves will balance it as necessary.

In addition to them, Zhang Yun also explored other magical life, such as various magical beasts such as pterosaurs and magic phoenixes, and also grew to the level of heaven and man like alien beasts, and had innate intelligence that was not weaker than that of the human race.

The entire Western world of Terrans does not occupy the mainstream, and their survival is still very difficult, and they must always be prepared for dangers in the wild.

But this continent is very novel, countless diverse races, countless strange abilities, Zhang Yun is eye-opening.

He traveled throughout the Western continent for twenty years, bringing with him the message of the Central Continent.

At the same time, he also collected various information on the Western Continent.

He has also been to the magic academy founded by Rosen and even tried the power of magic.

Twenty years later, Zhang Yun returned east.

Because he already knew that the Far West is an endless danger, a world covered by storms, thunder, and other violent forces.

The end of the world simply cannot be passed, which is the result of many magicians exploring west.

There are many islands west of the western continent, so they can pass.

But the ocean east of the western continent is an endless ocean, there are few islands, and most of the magicians who come out to explore have never returned, and it is Zhang Yun who brings them the information of the Central Continent.

After getting this situation, Zhang Yun dismissed the idea of continuing to the west and began to return by boat.

The reason for this decision is that he wants the people of the Central Continent to know the information of the Western Continent, and he wants to become a great disseminator of world information.

At the same time, he was also very curious about the southern swamp race of the Central Continent, the northern continent, the southern continent, and the river race in the southeast of the continent, and wanted to see it.

If he continued to travel west, he was afraid that he would not be able to complete this idea at the end of his life.

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 65

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