
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 68

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 68
The great integration of civilizations in the world of Xuanhuang reincarnation began, and countless people embarked on the adventure road of the sea, wanting to see the Xuanqi world of the distant lord.

This is also in line with the expectations of Xu Wen, the lord of the world.

The mutual exchange and collision of civilizations can give birth to the evolution of civilizations, so that the world has more heritage, and advances to the small world in a more stable state.

But before that, Xu Wen is ready to make up for the most important link in the whole world.

He opened the door of the world again, entered some information about the Ninth Uncle, and searched for the world where the Ninth Uncle was.

This time, he spent 7 world origins to find the target world.

There is a world of nine uncles in this world, and there are evil spirits, zombies, and fox demons in this world, but they are not very powerful.

The only special thing is that this world is a cave-heaven-level world that has been degraded from the original small thousand world.

In this world, the most special thing is that its yin qi is very strong, and its heaven and earth reincarnation still exists.

And Xu Wen made some preparations to open this world.

He cast a picture scroll from the World Gate, and then this picture scroll expanded infinitely, covering the entire Chinese land, and it continued to expand, eventually covering the entire world.

At this time, the Ninth Uncle and the others in the small town were very shocked when they saw the picture scroll covering the sky.

They knew very well that this was something earth-shattering that some superpower could do.

Even the owner of this scroll may be the legendary immortal.

The world instinct of the Ninth Uncle World did not stop Xu Wen's movements, allowing the scroll to cover the entire earth.

The scroll absorbed a wisp of yin qi from the entire world, and finally six special void shadows were printed on it.

When this picture scroll covered the whole world, the sky did not darken, but the light became like dusk.

After absorbing the yin qi of heaven and earth and forming a virtual shadow like six wheels, the scroll quickly shrunk again, left, and finally disappeared behind the World Gate.

The people of the entire Ninth Uncle World saw the scroll fall over the sky.

But nothing strange happened again, as if everything just now was a dream.

But the world has seen the picture scroll that covers the sky, and has seen the otherworldly mighty power.

From now on, everyone in the whole world is full of interest in the mysterious extraordinary power, and full of enthusiasm for the research and development of extraordinary power.

The extraordinary trajectory of this side of the world has turned from decline to prosperity this time.

This made the essence of the world that originally continued to fall in this world show signs of stopping, and even a certain degree of spiritual energy revival, and the world finally breathed a sigh of relief in the downward state of falling from Xiaoqian.

It was precisely because the world instinctively saw this future with heavenly calculations that it did not stop the action of the scroll, allowing Xu Wen to secretly operate.

Anyway, for the world, there is no substantial loss of what the picture scroll did.

The scroll that Xu Wen lowered in the Ninth Uncle World was that he consumed 120 World Origin to create a special artifact.

And this artifact-level picture scroll is very powerful.

Best of all, it's disposable.

Because it only has one effect, its effect has been super enhanced and has become more advanced than ever.

Its role is to copy!

This picture scroll descended to the world of the Ninth Uncle, copying the six reincarnations of hell in that world.

Because this is just an act of copying, not direct destruction, plunder.

Therefore, that side of the world did not carry out fierce resistance, because there was no loss, but because of Xu Wen's big moves, the fate of that world changed to a certain extent, which was beneficial to the world itself.

The reincarnation mechanism of the Nine Uncle World is an infinitely weakened projection-level world function of the six reincarnations of the higher world.

That's why it can be replicated.

Fortunately, the picture scroll prepared by Xu Wen is a one-time copy scroll, and the copying ability is super powerful.

Otherwise, his plan this time may not be successful.

After this low-level reincarnation was copied, Xu Wen was not able to integrate it into the Xuanhuang reincarnation world.

A necessary work still has to be done, that is, to remove its original world imprint and mark it with the world imprint of the Xuanhuang reincarnation world.

Reincarnation itself is a high-level rule, so this time it took Xu Wen a full ten years to complete the cleansing of the original world mark on the replicator.

Then it took him a year to put the mark of the Xuanhuang reincarnation world on every detail of the rules of this reincarnation.

After completing this step, he integrated this reincarnation into the Yin Earth under the Central Continent.

This piece of Yin Earth now has an extremely rudimentary reincarnation function, which can realize soul reincarnation.

But it is too low-level, relying on natural evolution to know what monkey year and month can be improved.

It is a very long process to embed reincarnation into the original Yin Earth soul reincarnation, because in this process, Xu Wen has to make subtle adjustments and chimerize the details of the rules, so as not to have a conflict at the rule level between the two.

The entire chimeric process lasted for nearly a hundred years before it was considered a complete success.

After the success of the more advanced reincarnation chimerism, the soul reincarnation of the Xuanhuang reincarnation world has undergone a fundamental improvement.

The entire Yin Earth level was originally located deep in the earth.

But now it has detached from the depths of the earth at the spatial level, forming a new and huge Yin Earth space.

Everything in this space is pure gloomy attribute.

This space already has the prototype of a small hole in the world, and Xu Wen named it the Nine Netherworld Land.

Most importantly, a new reincarnation emerges.

In the deepest part of the Nine Netherland, that is, the most central place, six chaotic holes quietly formed, and the souls of all the lives in heaven and earth after death were attracted by the Nine Netherland, and then spontaneously walked up to a vagina.

There is a yellow Styx in the middle of the vagina, and these souls instinctively wash away their past life marks and memories in this Styx lake, becoming blank pure souls.

Then this soul spontaneously came to the six mixed holes, under the "judgment" of the rules, entered the mixed hole where they should have been, reincarnated, and then reborn.

These six mixed holes are the reincarnation mixed holes of the low-level projection function of the six reincarnations.

It is the first life luck that the afterlife deserves.

Those with the highest luck are devoted to the royal family of reincarnated intelligent life, or the descendants of exotic beasts in the bloodline of divine beasts.

Those with the second highest luck are reincarnated into a family of great wealth and nobility, or the children of those who practice strongly, and they are born with a better foundation.

Those with higher luck will be reincarnated as intelligent beings such as people, feathers, quasi-fathers, goblins, charms, heart demons, and maidens.

Those with lower luck are reincarnated as alien beasts, powerful plant life.

Those who are lucky again are reincarnated as ordinary animals, slightly more powerful plants.

Those with the weakest luck are reincarnated as plants, various microorganisms and other lower life.

No matter what kind of life they are reincarnated into, they are innately able to assign different levels of pre-descendent luck.

But that doesn't mean their fate is fixed.

Their acquired choices, behaviors, personalities, environment, will and other factors are the key to determining their true destiny.

Divide the afterlife with qi luck, which Xu Wen has modified to a certain extent, and is suitable for the six reincarnations of the Xuanhuang reincarnation world.

One of the criteria for reincarnation is to look at the person's destruction and contribution to the functioning of the world.

There is karma in destroying the functioning of the world, and merit in supporting the functioning of the world.

The other depends on whether sentient beings have the resentment that arises from this person.

This is judged by heaven and earth by the higher rules of cause and effect together with the rules of reincarnation, and the judgment of heaven and earth is carried out.

For example, a king, even if his original intentions are good, but he promotes a policy that causes the people to live in poverty, then there will be resentment among all living beings.

And according to the calculation of cause and effect, he is the greatest contributor and origin of the resentment of heaven and earth, then the karma in him will be very heavy.

For example, a certain army carried out a massacre, which caused resentment among the sentient beings.

But the origin of this massacre was not the decision of a certain general, but the conspiracy of someone behind the scenes.

Then this karma is to be counted on the conspiracy maker.

The meritorious karma of the Xuanhuang reincarnation world only looks at the deeds regardless of the mind, only looks at the results, traces the roots, and does not look at the thoughts and minds of the person.

It's all subject to the actual impact!

This time, the emergence of a new reincarnation also represents that the last flaw of the Xuanhuang Reincarnation World has been completed!

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 68

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