
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 69

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 69
After the reincarnation was completed, the speed of evolution and upgrading of the world suddenly accelerated a lot.

This kind of improvement, on the one hand, is that Xu Wen has laid an excellent foundation for growth at the level of world rules and reality.

On the other hand, it also lies in the original source of this world, which is the core fragment of a high-level world.

Moreover, the original level of this world is at least at the level of the Great Thousand World.

Such a deep foundation allowed the whole world to develop rapidly under Xu Wen's planning, but it was very adaptable, and there was no discord at all.

This speaks volumes about many things.

If the general world develops like this, the structure of the world will not be able to sustain it for a long time, because the world is growing too fast.

After the soul reincarnation, the most important branch of reincarnation, took shape, the whole world was completely sublimated.

Starry Sky World is accelerating.

In the end, except for the three hundred and sixty-five main stars, they completely turned from fake to real stars.

The other 129,630 secondary auxiliary stars also completely accelerated their formation soon after.

The most primitive starry sky in the entire world was perfected.

And the entire Xuanhuang Reincarnation World has also officially evolved from the peak-level Dongtian World to the more advanced Xiaoqian World.

Within the entire world, countless spiritual veins have completely evolved into higher-level heaven and earth dragon veins!

The mountains are taller and tall, crossing the earth, evolving into the mountain and earth soil dragon veins dominated by the earth attribute heaven and earth aura.

Spiritual energy flourished in rivers and lakes, as well as endless oceans, and constantly evolved, and water spiritual veins dominated by water attribute spiritual energy appeared.

In some rock belts, gold-based dragon veins based on metallic aura have evolved.

In areas with strong forests and trees such as the central large forest, wood spiritual veins dominated by wood attribute aura gradually formed.

Deep underground, the magma layer, as well as some earth fire volcanic areas, formed a fire dragon vein dominated by fire attribute aura.

On some islands where strong winds appear, some canyon areas have formed the wind system dragon veins of things.

In the land covered with ice and snow, some special ice dragon veins have evolved.

In some extreme yin places, the yin attribute dragon veins of alternative yin classes have evolved.

Some extreme yang, hot desert areas, formed a yang attribute dragon vein such as yang.

The Yin and Yang Five Elements Dragon Veins, as well as wind, ice, thunder and other heterogeneous dragon veins, have gradually formed in the world, and finally evolved, together forming the curtain of this heaven and earth for spiritual energy ascension!

The aura of the Xuanhuang Reincarnation World climbed rapidly, and in just a hundred years, it was raised to the level where immortals could be born!

The ascension of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is only a small part of the evolution of the world, a branch.

Another aspect of world sublimation lies in the change of luck.

Originally, the core of the world's qi luck was a qi luck microspring, which was a very tiny fountain of qi luck.

And now with the emergence of soul reincarnation, the luck of all living beings in the whole world is rising invisibly, and the luck of all things is improved because all things have obtained the eternity of the soul to some extent!

And the eternity of the soul of all things is the foundation of the rise of luck of all things.

Without the complete formation and perfection of samsara, this thing of the soul attached to samsara to produce the eternity of the soul would not have occurred.

Only a soul for a lifetime, and a soul that exists in all lifetimes, luck is naturally different.

The rapid rise of the luck of all things caused the spring of qi luck to expand rapidly, and finally turned into a huge spring of qi luck.

Moreover, a lake of luck gradually formed around it.

This is the evolution of luck supported by rules!

The Qi Luck Microspring is evolving into the Qi Luck Lake and feeding back to all sentient beings.

The invisible rain of luck between heaven and earth will fall from time to time and give it to all sentient beings in heaven and earth with the rules of heaven and earth.

When this rain of luck is formed, a channel of luck will spontaneously form between heaven and earth, sending the "lake" in the lake of luck to the cloud of luck.

That passage is protected by the rules of heaven and earth themselves, and no life can touch it.

This article was added by Xu Wen, and it is a correction of the loopholes in the operation of heaven and earth.

After all, after intelligent beings understand the rules of qi luck, their favorite thing to do is to find loopholes, and they can't help but be greedy in their hearts to rob all sentient beings of qi luck.

At the same time, a part of the qi luck will also flow into the soul reincarnation, distributed to different lives, so that they have different pre-weather luck.

Qi luck comes from all sentient beings and goes to all sentient beings, and the complete cycle of qi luck is completely formed.

At this point, the rules of the new heaven and earth qi luck reincarnation have been improved.

The emergence of the reincarnation branch of the reincarnation rule of qi luck has promoted the improvement of the core rule of the reincarnation rule of heaven and earth.

The evolution of the whole world has been further enhanced.

But the changes in the world are not only in luck, aura, and soul, but also in the origin of all things.

At this moment, the origin of all things in the world was invisibly strengthened.

Not only intelligent life such as humans, Yu people, maiden, and Meizu, but also lower life such as plants, animals, and high-level exotic beasts, and non-living substances such as rocks and soil have been improved like never before.

This ascension is invisible and invisible.

The source of a life is the foundation, and this life is a house, then the source of life as the foundation becomes very important.

In the past, when the world was in the cave world, the origin of this house was a sandy land that could barely support a small house, but now it has become a more solid dirt foundation.

The muddy foundation can make the house taller, larger and more potential for improvement.

An ordinary weed in the Flood Barren World is an immortal grass that can make people live forever in the Extraordinary World.

This truth represents the huge gap between the lives of the two worlds.

But the root of this gap lies in the fact that the life source of the wild grass in the flood world is an unknown number of times that of the ordinary world's mortal life source.

Therefore, it can become an immortal grass in that world!

This kind of origin improvement has allowed martial artists who were originally only able to grow into grandmasters now have the potential to grow into heavenly beings.

That's the benefit of Origin Enhancement.

At the same time, the stability of time and space in the entire world and the resilience of all things also improve with the improvement of the origin of all things.

In the past, the Heavenly and Human powerhouse could easily destroy a huge big rock.

But now, the power he burst out may not even be able to destroy a stone that is one hundredth the size of this rock.

In the past, a strong man could destroy a range of kilometers with all his strength, so now it is difficult for him to even destroy a ten-meter-level destruction area.

The origin of all things in the world is ascensed, so that all the substances in the world become less easily destroyed.

The destructive effect of the power of the strong on the world is rapidly weakening.

The original world space-time was easily torn apart, but now with the improvement of the origin of all things, the resilience of space-time itself has been unprecedentedly strengthened.

Originally, the destructive power of some strong people on time and space was one thousand, but now they can't even reach this destruction value.

When the origin of all things was improved, Xu Wen made a certain deviation, so that the resilience of time and space was strengthened.

But at the same time, he also adjusted some of the rules of time and space, so that countless tiny natural wormholes appeared in the world time and space itself.

And those who feel the rule of space infinity can use these wormholes to carry out cross-space activities.

If you are a person with a strong formation, you can even harmlessly shrink people or objects through the formation, and let them transfer through these tiny natural space-time wormholes.

Xu Wen fine-tuned some of the space-time rules he obtained in Haotian World and applied them to this world.

This is also his preparation for the situation that the world will continue to expand beyond the boundless geographical distance.

At that time, the vastness of the world must have the necessary time and space means to achieve exchanges between various intelligent civilizations, so as to further promote the development and improvement of the world.

He limits the destructiveness of some space-time aspects, but also enhances the availability of some space-time aspects, giving some opportunities to the strong in intelligent life.

For Xu Wen, everything has a degree!

The best choice is to grasp the balance of change and make everything most appropriate and future.

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 69

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