
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 7

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 7
The breath of rigid and soft reincarnation, as well as part of the breath of yin and yang reincarnation, was extracted by the divine tomb three months later.

Together, they fell into the core of the rules of reincarnation in the world, becoming another branch of its thick trunk.

The increase in world rules, especially the establishment of new branches of the core rules of reincarnation in the world, has allowed the whole world to start expanding on its own.

The emergence of the yin yin and yang reincarnation rule does not account for a high proportion, but the quality of yin and yang reincarnation is extremely high.

A year later, the whole world increased to 5,000 acres, and the world expanded by nearly six times!

5,000 acres, about more than 3 million square meters, more than 300 hectares in size!

The whole world began to rapidly evolve from the ultra-miniature dimensional world to the miniature dimensional world!

Xu Wen was very generous this time, directly investing in the accumulated 10 world origin generated by the world itself to strengthen the Vientiane Qiankun Network.

After this enhancement, its appearance has also changed dramatically.

The original rag net full of original flavor has become a delicate, jade net made of jade threads, faintly flowing on it, and a transcendent aura floats and sinks on it.

Now even from the point of view of appearance and breath, this Vientiane Qiankun network is an artifact.

He also invested 10 remaining World Origins to strengthen the World Gate.

This time, the appearance of the World Gate has also improved after the upgrade.

It became a pure black metal stone door, the size of which rose to 1 meter high, and the whole stone gate was extremely smooth and simple, looking like an ancient treasure that had undergone the baptism of endless years.

The breath of the World Gate has also become more and more profound and unknowable.

Similarly, it makes people understand at a glance that this is an extremely powerful treasure.

As for Luo Tian's Peeping Mysterious Broken Mirror, he didn't have much World Origin to strengthen it now.

Now, he has gained a lot from Zhang Sanfeng.

There are also mysteries such as the breath mystery of the power of internal force martial arts, the mystery of the power of longevity, and the mysterious breath of the phase of the turtle, snake, and beast, which require the analysis of the divine tomb for a long time.

Before crossing, Xu Wen still admired Zhang Sanfeng very much, but now he can't let him out.

When all the mysteries in his body are completely absorbed, Zhang Sanfeng will be completely marked by this world, and the world will develop to a certain point, and then let him out.

Such a master, born at the right time, will definitely bring different changes to the development of the world, and may also be an excellent change.

After completing the enhancement of the two artifacts, Xu Wen set his sights on a new goal!

Once again, he opened the door to the world, searching for a world in memory information.

This time, he used 4 world origins to successfully locate that world.

This is a world of ancient Wu-Yue hegemony.

Yue Nu A Qing was born as a shepherd, and her kendo has also reached its peak state, and Yue Guo is preparing to invite her out of the mountain.

But Yue Guo was destined to be disappointed, and a dark stone door opened, taking Ah Qing away with her flock of sheep, and even the earth under her feet, the surrounding trees, birds, and insects.

This is naturally Xu Wengan!

It's just that Xu Wen miscalculated this time.

Yue Nu A Qing was frightened, and just now the folding sword in her hand actually passed through the gap of the Vientiane Qiankun net and gave Xu Wen a look.

This sword was sharp and high-speed, beyond the reaction of ordinary people, and directly cut off one of Xu Wen's arms!

Yin Hong's blood spilled, causing Xu Wen to be hit hard for the first time since crossing!

If he hadn't reacted a step faster at the last moment, and his body's instinctive reaction made him quickly retreat, Xu Wen's head would have been cut off by A Qing's sword.

He is the Heavenly Dao of the World, but his true body is not strong enough to fight at all.

Therefore, in front of peerless swordsmen with terrifying talents such as Yue Nu Aqing, Xu Wen had no actual combat experience at all, and even had no fighting instinct.

If it weren't for the powerful reaction of life instinct that saved him, he would have to do a true disembodied heavenly path this time.

The main function of the Vientiane Qiankun network is to net things and make things smaller, but its mesh does not have the function of blocking the sword strike.

This is Xu Wen's negligence, and it also created his tragedy.

Xu Wen endured the pain and hurriedly sealed A Qing and her sheep into a small tomb in the divine tomb, allowing her and her sheep to sleep together until the moment they were born.

He left only one ram and one ewe, making them the first pair of sheep and the first mammals in the Xuanhuang reincarnation world.

Other lands, insects, birds, were also left behind by him as part of this world.

"What a powerful sword!"

Only then did Xu Wen retrieve his severed arm, and he could feel the terrifying sword intent aura on the severed mouth.

Yue Nu A Qing is very simple, but her sword is also very pure because of her naked heart, full of pure sharpness and terror!

In her unintentional sword refining, she gave birth to an extremely terrifying sword intent that could cut off everything.

Xu Wen took his arm back, and it only took 1 point of the world origin, and he was completely fine, as if he had not been cut off.

He didn't hate Yue Nu Aqing at all, but admired her.

Her sword technique, sword intent is really powerful, and she was able to almost cut herself with a sword in that situation.

Such a powerful A Qing is destined to bring great changes to his world.

Through the power of the world, Xu Wen sensed the mystery of this sword intent, and also learned the terrifying sword technique that belonged to A Qing.

But the brain will know, the hands, feet, body, all tell Xu Wen that they will not do anything.

He needs to study hard, or directly strengthen with the World Origin, so that he can truly use Yue Nu Aqing's sword technique and sword intent.

He is not willing to waste the origin of the world, anyway, his future time is endless, and he can use the piano, drinking, and refining swords to spend his life.

Now, what Xu Wen has to do is to wash away the imprint of their original world of the soil, water, insects, birds, sheep, and trees that have come to his own world, give them the imprint of his own world, and transform them into the life and matter of his own world.

But before that, he opened up the world again, eyeing his second goal in this world.

That net went down, and directly took away the first beauty in the Yue Nu Aqing world, Xi Shi!

Similarly, the ignorant Xi Shi was also sealed into the divine tomb by him to sleep.

This time, Xu Wen is not greedy for beauty.

He thought deeper.

Shih Tzu can be one of the four beauties of ancient times!

There were hundreds of millions of people who appeared in ancient times, and there were not tens of millions of beauties, but also millions.

But why is the name of the four people of Xi Shi passed down through the ages.

To say that there is no extraordinary power in Xi Shi, or something special, Xu Wen does not believe it.

You know, his current experience tells him that the heavens and realms exist.

Then the name of Xi Shi has been passed down through the ages, and even the name has been passed down to the heavens, which shows that the name Xi Shi, or this person, contains certain secrets.

Therefore, his plan is not only to let Xi Shi a mortal into the divine tomb, but also to prepare for the four beauties to enter the divine tomb all the time, sleep in it, and really at the right time, let them shine in their own world.

After getting Xi Shi, Xu Wen did not close the door to the world.

He continued to get off the net, and in this world he took a forest, a swamp, a river, a sea water, a mouth of volcanic lava, a desert, a snowfield, a metal deposit containing many metals, and a special jade mine.

He did not obtain many of these things, and each one was only ten acres in size in his own world.

It then placed the forest east of the tomb, the desert to the west, the snowfield to the north, the swamp to the south of the tomb, and the ocean to the east of the earth, separated from the primordial ocean.

He placed metal ore east of the swamp, jade mine was placed under the snowfield, lava was put deep underground, and rivers crossed the earth.

For every terrain creature, he brought some.

Subsequently, Xu Wen did not immediately go to grab the remaining four ancient beauties, but began to refine some new things, absorb the aura mysteries they contain, and supplement the rules of the world.

Refine them, wash away the imprint of their original world, and brand their own world.

This time, Xu Wen's movements are great, but he also needs an extremely long time to deal with everything and ensure that his world will not have problems at all.

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 7

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