
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 70

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 70
The evolution of the world continues, and the world is becoming resilient and strong.

Another special place of expression is the interior of the world, where the dimensional space of the deep space realm appears.

This dimensional space can also be regarded as a subspace attached to the world, or it can be called the cave world in the eyes of ordinary people.

They are all very small, the largest is no more than tens of miles in size, and the smallest is no more than the size of a house.

Xu Wen was not prepared to let them be born, but let these small holes that were performed by themselves due to the rules of time and space be closed first, and carried out self-evolution at the level of time and space.

When the time comes, or when some powerful characters understand the mystery of the rules of space and discover their existence, let them appear in the eyes of the world.

At this time, the whole world was constantly evolving, and the area was rapidly expanding.

The main dimension of the world's earth and sea has expanded by nearly three times, which is still the result of Xu Wen's control, so that the expansion of the world mainly does not exist in size.

This time the expansion is mainly carried out by the sea, not the land.

The size of the three continents of central, northern, western, and southern has not been expanded, because Xu Wen believes that this size is enough.

The world has simply evolved more oceans, and islands in new oceans, small continents.

For the evolution of these places, Xu Wen is not prepared to intervene, but is ready to let it proceed spontaneously.

What will emerge in the future depends on the natural evolution of creation.

It can be said that under Xu Wen's intervention, the main area of many intelligent races has not changed much, but the vastness of the world itself has tripled.

In this slow evolution, the whole world completes a promotion once and for all.

The Xuanhuang Reincarnation World has been elevated to a higher level, and it is also true, and it is regarded by the heavens and realms as the level of the world's foundation.

Small thousand worlds!

In the eyes of many powerhouses in the heavens and realms, the Xiaoqian World is the beginning of the real world.

Like the Dongtian World and the Dimensional World, in their eyes, they are simply insignificant existences, and they are not even in the scope of the world!

Xiaoqian World, representing the world of Xuanhuang reincarnation, walks at the starting point of the real world.

Xiaoqian World is a world level with a huge span.

The small thousand world is divided into nine stars, and every time the star is raised, the small thousand world will expand ten times to a thousand times, and the tenacity of time and space will expand by more than ten times.

But this change in the Xiaoqian world is not the mainstream of the Xiaoqian world.

The real upgrading of the small world is the continuous improvement and improvement of the rules, and the sublimation from the level of basic rules.

For example, in some small thousand worlds, the transcendent route is only martial arts, and some only have magic paths.

The more perfect the rules, the better the cooperation between the rules, the higher the world level.

Some small thousand worlds are not big, but they can accommodate multiple cultivation systems, and there are better rules, but its level is very high.

Size is only a small aspect of the small world, and the rules are the core factor.

After the Xuanhuang Reincarnation World was upgraded to the Xiaoqian World, the entire world was raised to a new level.

After completing this world sublimation, the entire Xuanhuang Reincarnation World has grown into a world with an extremely strong foundation.

The aura of the world rose to the point where immortals could be allowed to appear.

Above the Great Heavenly Man is the strong one of the Dharma Elephant Yuan God.

Inside the Yuan God, the soul condenses into one, turning into something immortal, and if the Yuan God does not die, then the person does not die.

The image of the law is the self-evolution of the vitality of the Yuan God and the heaven and earth, and it has great power.

A group of strong people who have reached the half-step Dharma Yuan God have completely taken this step with the sublimation of the entire world, becoming true Dharma Elephant Yuan God Realm powerhouses.

The Law Elephant Yuan God went one step further, condensed his own perception of the rules, and formed the Dao of Heaven and Man, which is the most primitive immortal fruit.

Dao Guo Yicheng, after surviving the Immortal Tribulation, is the initial human immortal-level powerhouse.

Above the human immortals, there are the Earth Immortals, Heavenly Immortals, Golden Immortals, Taiyi Golden Immortals, and the Daluo Golden Immortal powerhouse who closes the timeline, and the Daluo Golden Immortal of the Mixed Yuan with the Dao of Perception and the Avenue of Heavens as the core.

The magic path is ultimately condensed into a godhead similar to Dao fruit.

This path is extremely dependent on the power of faith.

In the world of Xuanhuang reincarnation, the future is destined to develop in several ways and directions.

After the entire world became a small thousand world, Xu Wen released the people he had brought over, because they were no longer the limit existence of this world.

For example, Qin Shi Huang, Xu Wen once promised him that he would have the opportunity to see immortality.

The limit of the world today is immortals, and the appearance of immortals can be allowed, and the first emperor can obtain immortality as long as he cultivates to the extreme.

If he wishes, he can also make a self-proclaimed and seal to a better era and be born again.

However, this time, after the first emperor came out, he did not immediately go to open a new Qin state, he chose to join the sect founded by the Taoist Xiaomeng, and changed his name to become a disciple of Xiaomeng.

Because the First Emperor understood that Xiaomeng's talent was the most powerful, he could get the best exercises from her and walk the best path.

After nearly 150 years of cultivation in Xiaomeng's sect, the First Emperor came out of the mountains and chose a chaotic region to re-establish the Great Qin Empire.

He was really powerful, and once again created a powerful Qin Kingdom.

Moreover, this is a quasi-immortal Qin Empire.

Master, Guan Lord, Lian Sheng and others were also released by Xu Wen, some of them founded the Zhishu Guan, some founded the Buddha Lian Sect, and everyone's final choice was to become the strongest and pioneer of the force.

Only the master, did not open the academy again, he just traveled the whole world, collected and watched the whole world's books, and absorbed the essence of wisdom.

In the end, the master took the first step and achieved the immortal fruit position.

Xiaomeng, Zhang Sanfeng, A Qing and others followed, and they achieved the position of immortal fruit, but they were also one step behind their master.

After these people sealed in the tomb of God became brilliant, they created more wisdom crystallization, and the whole world ushered in a new great development.

Xu Wen continues to lead the development of the world with his wisdom and the advantages of the information of the heavens.

The Xuanhuang Reincarnation World took a million years, experienced some small storms, absorbed the essence of the wisdom of the heavens, and grew into a middle thousand worlds.

Later, it experienced the expansion of the rules of containing ten thousand ways and reincarnation as the core, and grew into a more advanced world after 300 million years.

The development of the world has also made Xu Wencheng an eternal and immortal super true god, an ancestor-level figure!

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 70

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