
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 8

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 8
Xu Wen's run-in this time lasted for nearly twenty years.

In the past twenty years, he spent seven years grinding away the original world imprints of terrain materials such as snowy mountains and sand, so that the last bit of connection between them and the original world completely disappeared.

Those animals, plants, microorganisms and the original world connection have also been worn out in these seven years.

Then, in just three months, Xu Wen branded them all with the imprint of this side of the world, making them fully possess the roots of the Xuanhuang Reincarnation World.

During these seven years, these things, including animals and plants, were actually in a state of sealing sinking tablets.

He had to be careful not to invade his own world with something from the original world.

When all this was over, Xu Wen released the restrictions on them, so that the world had its own sheep, mice, snakes, insects, birds, and fish; With your own snowfields, swamps, metal veins, jade mines, forests, deserts.

Behind the sheep, rodents, snakes, etc. began to multiply, and the forest, meadow, began to expand.

There are aquatic plants in the river, swimming fish, and saltwater fish and other creatures in the sea.

They began to bring more rules of life to the world, more breath of life.

The core rules of reincarnation of the whole world are rapidly perfecting.

And the many branch rules attached to the rules of reincarnation either spread out more and more subtle branches, or they themselves are completing and growing.

The whole world is also expanding rapidly, and the wall of the world is more stable.

The higher rules supported the entire Xuanhuang Reincarnation World to absorb a large amount of chaotic power from chaos and transform it into countless kinds of material energy, allowing the entire world to continue to expand.

The next thirteen years are the thirteen years in which Xu Wen has continuously extracted more breath rules from these natural terrains, animals, and plants.

The rules of time, space, life, reincarnation, light, darkness, day, night, yin and yang are rapidly growing.

The whole world has also improved as the core of the rules continues to grow.

Xu Wen kept adding more rules, but for each rule, he would add it in the form of a reincarnation branch.

For example, the time reincarnation branch of day and night at the time level, such as the starry sky space flow reincarnation branch of the alternation of the sun and moon at the space level, such as the life reincarnation branch of life withering, the soul reincarnation branch of soul rebirth, the climate and moisture reincarnation branch of atmospheric flow, the life and death reincarnation branch of all things, and the yin and yang reincarnation branch that alternates between the yin and yang of all things....

With each new rule, Xu Wen will revise it on the basis of its rules, so that it has the prototype of a reincarnation branch.

This is like one plus one and two is the basis of common rules in the ten thousand worlds, but how the algorithm above comes from, everyone's algorithm is different.

The different algorithms of different individuals for the same person are the reasons why the rules of different worlds are different.

The basic things are the same in all worlds, but the higher operating foundation is completely different from world to world.

Just like electronic products, different companies' products have their own different system systems.

But if it comes to the root, it's all the same principle.

What Xu Wen drew from these things was this basic rule.

There are many basic rules, and the more powerful the world, the more and more complex the basic rules.

In the process of growing up in Xu Wen's Xuanhuang reincarnation world, all the rules were given the core mark of reincarnation by him.

Let them be like branches and leaves, always with the trunk of reincarnation as the core.

Twenty years is also twenty years in which the whole world has expanded exponentially on the basis of the growth of rules.

The current Xuanhuang reincarnation world has been officially promoted to a miniature dimensional world.

And the original world is ultra-miniature!

This step of metamorphosis happened a year ago.

Now Xuanhuang Dongtian World is close to the size of a city in Xu Wen's previous life, with four county-sized oceans, a town-sized desert, snowfields, swamps, and forests the size of three counties and grasslands the size of two counties.

In the desert west of the whole world, a huge volcano has appeared, and the mountains are gradually taking shape in the extreme west.

A river, from west to east, flows into the East China Sea.

To the west of the volcano, there is the West Sea; North of the snowfield, there is the North Sea; South of the swamp is the South China Sea; To the east of the forest is the East China Sea.

In the ocean, there are large fish, seagrasses live, which constitute the original marine ecology.

There are even sporadic islands in the ocean, further expanding the diversity of the entire ocean.

Moreover, the entire ocean has officially merged with the sea water brought by Xu Wen, completely evolving into the lowest level saltwater ocean!

The whole world already has a complete ecosystem!

The number of sheep is as high as tens of thousands, the number of rats is as high as half a million, and the number of snakes, eagles, and other predators is also growing rapidly, numbering in the thousands.

The number of insects is countless, and birds and other animals are also tens of thousands.

Sheep, rats, insects feed on grass, spiders, centipedes and other insects, birds, insectivorous, snakes feed on rats, birds, eagles feed on lambs, rats, snakes, birds, and the life of the whole world forms an ecological balance that feeds on each other.

Some parasitic, scavenging plants, animals, also appear in the ecology, further balancing the entire living system and perfecting the special reincarnation relationship of life in the food chain.

The whole world's vitality machine is exuberant!

And the other changes are also very large.

The sky of the Xuanhuang Reincarnation World has grown to 200,000 meters high, and the sun and moon are running at the void level of 190,000 meters to 200,000 meters.

A peach tree originally from Haotian World, under the investment of Xu Wen's nearly twenty points of world origin, completely turned into a large fireball with a diameter of nearly 100 meters.

In the center of this sun, the peach tree became the source of energy for the sun, the tree of flame at the beginning of the entire world.

Its flame power comes from the origin of the world and the power of the world to transform chaos.

Among them, the chaotic power of world transformation accounts for more than 90% of the solar energy, and the world origin only maintains less than 10%.

The original moon has also increased to 100 meters, and it is also powered by chaotic energy and the origin of the world.

It's just different from the light and heat of the sun.

The moon sprinkles the yin force, the cold qi, which is the source of the cold power of the entire world.

The whole world of the earth, nearly 90,000 meters thick.

At the level of 90,000 meters, there is a strange space, which is the yin soil of the entire world, the transit station of the soul in the soul reincarnation.

At 50,000 meters, there is a sea of fire at the center of the earth, the source of volcanic power.

The world wall of the entire world has also reached the level of the mini-dimensional world, which can better resist the chaotic forces, transform more chaos into matter and energy, and make them the source of the world's operation.

Now the Xuanhuang Wheel World has initially completed the foundation of the world operation level!

Twenty years later, Xu Wencai stopped and rested for a while, and then he paid attention to the Yue Nu A Qing, Xi Shi and others in the Divine Tomb.

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 8

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