
I, the Fruit Snatcher - Chapter 68

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I, the Fruit Snatcher

I, the Fruit Snatcher - Chapter 68

The sea surface below the Merry kept churning, and a huge shadow emerged from the sea.


A huge cat-shaped sea monster emerged from the back of the Merry, looking at the people on the Merry curiously.

"Meow?"(Who is calling me?)

"The sea monster is coming! Help!"

Usopp and Chopper were frightened and ran away.

Luffy grinned happily and shouted:

"Meat! It's meat! Mushrooms are delicious, but meat is more filling! I'm hungry again!"

Zoro pulled out three swords and agreed with a big grin:

"That's right! Meat is more filling!"

Weiwei waved her hands in panic and said:

"You can’t eat it! Sea cats are sacred sea beasts in the waters of Alabasta, and they bring good luck to people!"

Sanji lit a cigarette:

"Eating it can also bring good luck!"

""Meow!!!" (Hey, human! I'm here to make friends!)

The cat-shaped sea monster was frightened by the three people and retreated repeatedly, almost running away immediately.

"Wait a minute!"

Qin Lang stood in front of the three people and said with a smile:

"Luffy, Sanji, Zoro, don't do it, this is the informant I summoned."

The three of them looked at each other, put away their weapons and fists in disappointment, and said angrily:

"I came across a big piece of meat, but unfortunately I can't eat it……"

"Well, well, well……"

Qin Lang communicated with the other party for a while, and then let the sea cat dive back into the sea.

""Meow!" (I feel like your friends want to eat me!)

The sea cat screamed and turned and fled.

Qin Lang turned around and smiled:

"Sea cats are sea beasts that can avoid disasters and seek blessings. They are extremely sensitive to dangerous auras.

I have just asked the leader of the sea cats. According to its description, there are many auras that terrify it in the sea recently.

And the final destination of these terrifying auras is the Kingdom of Alabasta."

Hearing that there is a strong man, Zoro immediately became interested and asked with great interest:

"oh? How many smells scare it? I really want to fight these guys!"

"Probably around seven people."

Qin Lang looked at everyone and said with a smile:

"And it was also on our ship, feeling the breath of danger. If it weren't for the power of the Whispering Fruit, it would have been impossible for it to surface.

In other words, in the Kingdom of Alabasta, there are now at least seven strong men who are probably as strong as Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji."

After Weiwei heard this, she looked at everyone with a guilty conscience.

After all, everyone had only promised to send her to the Kingdom of Alabasta. As long as she was sent ashore, the commission could be regarded as completed.

"Oh, look at those ships on the sea over there. Sauron turned around and pointed his sword at the sea far behind him, and Xiaoyou said with interest:

"Those dozen or so ships are all marked with the logo of Baroque Works!"

"What! Let me see!"

Usopp raised the telescope and looked carefully.

He found that those ships were equipped with two crossed knight swords, and behind the crossed swords was a pair of purple wings. He raised his head and said in panic:

"Really! Those ships are all flying the flag of Baroque Works. Are they all our enemies? There are too many enemies, right?"

Weiwei took the telescope and looked at it and said worriedly:

"It seems that the members of Baroque Works have begun to gather. These people are probably billionaires, subordinates of the chief commander, and candidates for executive command.

Their number should be around 200 people.

And their combat effectiveness is far greater than that of the bounty hunters of Whiskey Mountain!"

Usopp opened his mouth, stretched out his tongue, and said in shock with his tongue tied:

"More than 200 people? But we only have nine people on the ship now, not even ten! Do we have to deal with 20 powerful enemies by ourselves? We will be beaten to death!"

Chopper held his little head and looked at Nami in horror:

"Nami, are we going to fight more than two hundred people? How terrifying!"

Nami has become accustomed to it. She sighed and touched Chopper's little head:

"It's no use regretting, you've already boarded the pirate ship!"

Qin Lang patted Usopp's shoulder with a smile and pointed at the three people beside him:

"Don't be nervous, Usopp, you want to be the most powerful warrior on the sea, learn more from these three."

Luffy said excitedly, pinching his fingers:

"Two hundred people? Leave them all to me! I'm going to beat them all away!"

Zoro stroked the scabbard and said coldly:

"Luffy, don't fight with me, they are all my prey!"

Sanji smoked a cigarette and narrowed his eyes slightly:

"Hey, that's enough for both of you! There are only two hundred people, just leave them all to me!"

Usopp looked at Qin Lang who was smiling aggrievedly:

"I'm just an ordinary person! These three idiots are not human! It's a monster! Oh, by the way, Qin Lang, you are a monster too……"

Usopp turned back and looked at Chopper with tears in his eyes:


Chopper also looked at Usopp pitifully:


"Woohoo, we are so miserable!"

Usopp and Chopper hugged each other, feeling quite like brothers in need.

Qin Lang looked at everyone with a smile and said:

"And we have to distinguish whether they are true partners or not. When we are together, I can actually tell the difference.

But once someone leaves the team and I happen to be away, the impostor will be able to take advantage of it."

"Is the key point how to distinguish true partners?"

Zoro looked at the squids spraying ink in the sea water, and his eyes suddenly lit up:

"I got a great idea!"

"You came up with a good idea?"

Everyone looked at Zoro with a wicked smile, doubting the value of this good idea.

It was like the last-ranked student in the class suddenly said proudly that he had solved a problem that the first-ranked student couldn't solve.


"Tsk! How could this idiot Green Algae Head come up with such a good idea? It’s incredible!"

Sanji tightened the white bandage on his left wrist and looked at Zoro suspiciously:

"Hey, idiot swordsman, have you been impersonated by an impostor? It’s not like you can come up with this idea!"

Qin Lang had tied the bandage on his left wrist beside him and said with a smile:

"Yes, that's right, I have confirmed it! This Zoro is a fake!"

"Is it? I just said he was a fake! go to hell! Dead shemale!"

Sanji excitedly kicked Zoro, who was unprepared at the side.


Before Zoro could say a word, he was kicked out by Sanji and fell into the sea, choking on his stomach. seawater

"Damn Qin Lang! What the hell are you talking about!"

Zoro climbed out of the sea angrily, drew his sword angrily and was about to fight Qin Lang and Sanji.

"Damn it! You bastard chef with curly eyebrows, you dare to attack me! I'm going to kill you two bastards!"

Sanji looked at Zoro who had climbed back to the Merry from the sea with disappointment and snorted.

"That demon can't swim, so it seems that she is not a fake. She is confirmed to be the idiot swordsman himself."

Qin Lang apologized to Sauron with a smile and said:

"Oops, sorry, Zoro. It seems that I made a mistake. Please do not mind"

"I believe you! Qin Lang, you just wanted Sanji to kick me away on purpose! I will chop you to death!"

Zoro gritted his teeth and rushed over, but was stopped by Nami.

"Stop making trouble! Zoro."

Nami looked at the growing golden sand island in the distance and said:

"Ahead is the Kingdom of Alabasta."

Luffy jumped on Merry's head, grinning and said:

"Hehe, I smell meat! I want to eat meat!"

Qin Lang waved his bandaged left hand and said:

"Okay, let's get ready to land! From now on, the first thing to do when you land on the island and meet each other is to confirm the mark! Anyone with the mark on their left arm is a partner! Those without it will all be treated as enemies!"

Weiwei looked at the people with white bandages on their wrists and smiled happily.

"Thank you everyone!"

Luffy looked at Weiwei in confusion:

"ah? Aren't we partners? Why thank us? Qin

Lang said with a smile:

"If you really want to thank us, please treat us to a good meal at the palace after defeating Baroque Works!"

Luffy said excitedly:

"Oh oh oh oh, let’s have a party! I like! Have a party, hahahaha!"

Weiwei lowered her head gratefully, refusing to let her friends see her tearful eyes.


"Ah… Ah… Boss! Five more plates of this meat!"

In a restaurant, a man with a naked upper body, wearing shorts and an orange cowboy hat, was eating and drinking heartily.

On the tables on both sides of him, there were two piles of empty dishes half a meter high.

"Wow! He eats a lot! He has already eaten almost ten servings of food!"

This amazing appetite attracted the attention of countless Alabasta people. They had never seen a guy with such an amazing appetite.

"Hush! Keep your voice down. Look at the cross-skull tattoo on his back with a crescent-shaped white beard! He should be a pirate, right? Pirates are murderers!"

"Hiss, do you need to tell the surrounding king's army that there are pirates here?"


Aboard the Merry.

Qin Lang looked at the golden desert island close at hand and showed a happy smile.

"The island now has the Flame-Flame Fruit, the Sand-Sand Fruit, the Quick-Cut Fruit...

The Kingdom of Alabasta is truly a sumptuous buffet feast!"

I, the Fruit Snatcher

I, the Fruit Snatcher - Chapter 68

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