
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 1

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 1

A high-end hotel lobby.

A high-looking beauty with a small waist pulled the suitcase and walked in from the elevator with amorous steps.

She is about one meter and seven meters tall, with a graceful posture, a thin waist and hips, and a pair of round and straight long legs, which are seamless and striking.

She has a beautiful goose egg face to the extreme, and a pair of spring eyes, as if she can hook the liver fire in the heart of a man.


Under the sunglasses, her spring eyes flashed with fear, worry, anticipation and other complex looks.


A message alert sounds.

She picked up her phone and clicked on the chat software.

A chat box with a note for the mystery man pops up.

Content: 7888.

This number represents the hotel room number.

She stretched out her slender fingers and replied: Immediately.

Her name is Chen Shake, and she is twenty-four years old.

One night three years ago.

She received a call from a strange man.

The strange man was very mysterious, and just a few words made her break her defense.

Since that night, she has received calls from mysterious men every three to five.

On the phone, the mysterious man told her past like a family treasure.

Even, including all her privacy, he knew it all clearly.

She thought she was being targeted by criminals and sought help from the police.

Unfortunately, the police investigated for most of the day, and there was no clue.

One day, a big guy in the entertainment industry wanted to rule her.

When she is helpless, the mysterious man calls and teaches her the pre-rules of successfully evading the big guy.

Since then, the mysterious person, like her protector, has silently stayed in the secret, protecting her to sail smoothly in the entertainment industry.

For three years, she has regarded the mysterious man as an omnipotent god, because nothing in this world can stump him.

She once asked the mysterious man on the phone, what did he want?

The mysterious man said: Wait for you to give me a baby.

She thought it was a joke.

But just yesterday, the mysterious man let her fly from the southwest to the city.

She had hesitated, hesitated, and timidized.

But remembering the omnipotence and omniscience of the mysterious man, she still came obediently.

She clearly knows that if she offends the mysterious person, the end is better than death.

Two years ago, in the process of filming, the male protagonist of the same crew wanted to attack her, and she informed the mysterious person about it.

A few hours later, the male pig's foot was officially named and banned, and a day later, the male pig's foot was found to be yin and yang contracts, X powder, smoking banned drugs, and even exposed to multiplayer games.

The man was fined all his assets by the tax department and sentenced by the court to fourteen years in prison.

This male pig's foot is also a popular student in the entertainment industry, with a background background.

But under the behind-the-scenes manipulation of the mysterious man, the backstage of the male pig's foot did not stand up for him from beginning to end.

It can be seen how powerful the mysterious man's energy is, and this is only the tip of his iceberg.


The seventh floor arrived.

The elevator doors open.

Chen Huang walked a pair of slender straight legs and pulled the suitcase out of the elevator.

Her beautiful face surged with an extremely complicated look.

A pair of straight and round long legs stepped forward, and high heels stepped on the Marco Polo floor tiles, making a crisp and loud sound.

This is the moment.

Her heart was like the crisp sound of high heels, pounding and pounding, one after another.

Room 7008.


Chen Huang stared at the door with a pair of spring eyes, his expression hesitant.

At this moment, she was in a state of confusion, if that mysterious man was an old man of fifty or sixty years old, what should be good?

If the mysterious man is a BT, what should she do?


She thought a lot, a lot.

But all ideas are no match for her fear and dependence on the mysterious man.

If there is no mysterious person to escort her, with her background, she will not be able to mix in the dirty entertainment industry.

Therefore, she cannot lose the powerful backer of the mysterious man.

Chen Huangyu sighed: If there is a gain, you must pay, and there is no free lunch in the world.


She stretched out her finger and gently pressed the doorbell.

In the room.

A seventeen or eighteen-year-old young man, sunny and handsome, he wore a black shorts suit and a pair of Linin casual shoes on his feet.

At the moment, he is sitting in an e-sports chair with a focused expression.

In front of him is a computer, and the picture on the computer screen is the king pesticide that has been on fire for several years.

"What, even the back row can't cut!" The young man scolded into the computer screen.


A doorbell rang in the room.



Lin Jiang's dark and deep eyes surged with a hint of joy.

At the age of eight, he traveled from Earth to this country where entertainment reigns supreme.

As a traverser, Goldfinger is indispensable.

His Goldfinger is a multi-child multi-blessing system, as long as you continue to build babies, rewards: Shouyuan, powers, enhancements, etc.

But the year Goldfinger awakened, he was only eight years old, his limbs were weak, and his five limbs were beginning to develop, how to create a person?

In order for the five limbs to develop steadily, he waited for ten years.

In the past ten years, he has used the character intelligence stored in the system database to set up a big picture in all walks of life.

Today, it is his eighteenth birthday, also called the bar mitzvah.

His bar mitzvah only invited one person, her name is Chen Shao, a female star between the first and second lines.

Three years ago, when he was watching a TV series called Jiuwanwan Bird, his interest in Bai Yueguang, played by Chen Huang, soared.

Chen Huang's outfit in the play, the style is varied, a hundred charms, boots and stockings, professional OL clothing, cheongsam clothing, sportswear, so that his heart blooms, he can't sleep at night.

The next night, he used a black card to make his first phone call to Chen.

Since then, he will call Chen Huang every few days to help her solve all troubles and ensure her smooth development in the entertainment industry.

Of course, he helped Chen Huang solve the trouble and sheltered her from the previous rules, which was naturally conditional.

He once told Chen Yao that when the time was right, Chen Huang would give birth to a child for him.

Chen Huang did not refuse at that time, it was acquiescence.


On today's special and commemorative day, he asked Chen Huang to fly from the southwest to the city to accompany him for a special bar mitzvah.

There was another factor why he chose Chen Huang, he learned from the information stored in the system that she was still a woman.

Although he also likes aunts and ladies, the bar mitzvah is a major event in life, how can he give it to his aunt!

PS, don't ask me, don't ask me, don't ask me, ask is that Cao Thief is spiritually immortal.

PS, don't ask me, don't ask me, don't ask me, tip the flower vote and speak again.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 1

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