
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 11

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 11

School parking.

A white Porsche Cayenne car.

Suddenly shook violently.

It's as if someone is pushing a cart in the back, shaking and shaking.

Parking, generally not very crowded.

Occasionally students come over and do not notice the abnormality of the Porsche Cayenne.

But one student, who happened to observe, observed an anomaly in the Porsche Cayenne.

His name is Wang Haijun, and he is video chatting with his girlfriend.

While chatting, I noticed a white Porsche Cayenne shaking.

Wang Haijun was shocked, damn it, to hell with the daylight, how could the car shake by itself?

He was a little timid and afraid to get closer, so he hid in the corner of the parking lot and continued to chat with his girlfriend.

More than half an hour passed.

He hangs up the video.

Prepare to return to the dormitory.


He saw the white Porsche Cayenne not shaking.

After a short while.

A man and a woman get out of a white Porsche Cayenne.

After he saw the woman, his mouth opened into a 0-shaped expression, and he looked shocked and unbelievable.

In any case, he did not expect that the woman turned out to be Gong Xue, the flower of Nanhai University, a goddess as proud as a white swan.

Such a beautiful and proud school flower, playing car shock with boys' shoes in the daytime, and playing too much.

Wang Haijun looked at Gong Xue's back, feeling that his chest was too tight, as if he couldn't get out with a breath.

He took out his mobile phone and secretly took a picture of the back of Gong Xue and Lin Jiang getting out of the car and leaving.

"Who is this kid?"

Wang Haijun looked at Lin Jiang's back and couldn't wait to go up and beat him.

It wasn't until Lin Jiang and Gong Xue's backs disappeared in the parking lot that Wang Haijun walked out of the parking lot.

He tiptoed over to the Porsche Cayenne, and through the window, he saw a wad of tissues thrown on the rear pedals.


Wang Haijun's hammer chest was stunned, obviously, Gong Xue and the man just now did not take measures to avoid it, that is to say, the two really did a fight.

And all this.

Lin Jiang and Gong Xue did not know.

Nor would they have imagined that there would be a well-intentioned person hidden in the parking lot.

Gong Xue's pair of long legs walked with narrow steps, and she walked slowly.

Her beautiful eyes glanced at Lin Jiang with disgust, and said, "It's not an example." "

Lin Jiang turned a deaf ear and said, "At night, Furong Pavilion 7889, see you and see you." "

"Not going."

Gong Xue said angrily, just now Lin Jiang also promised her that only this once, next time he would never ask her to do this kind of thing again, in the blink of an eye, he forgot everything.

"At eight o'clock in the evening, there is a gift for you." Lin Jiang smiled.

"Not going."

Gong Xue said coldly.

After that, she distanced herself from Lin Jiang and went to the girls' dormitory.

Lin Jiang glanced at her back and thought that she couldn't run away.



College life is varied.

It's also boring.

Several boys' shoes in the same dormitory.

The whole day is either studying beauty, or studying football, or scrolling through videos and playing games.

Lin Jiang returned to the dormitory and saw that the brothers were holding a mobile phone and gathered together.

He stepped forward and took a few looks, daring to think that a few of them were watching a video.

In the video, a beautiful woman with a bumpy figure, wearing yoga clothes, is doing various difficult yoga movements.

He shook his head and walked away in embarrassment.

He never watched his little sister dance.

Don't watch beautiful women talk about meat jokes.

For him.

Watching dances and listening to meat jokes, these are of no use at all except for making him uncomfortable.

In contrast, he prefers to have some practical experience with beautiful women.

"Lin Jiang, you're back."

The fat man hurriedly ran over and said with a smile: "To tell you a big thing, Li Xinyu, the first beauty in the dance department, will live tell the mystery and depth of yoga ten minutes later." "

"Aren't you a fan of Gong Xue? How did he become Li Xinyu's yoga fan again? "

Lin Jiang thought that this dead fat man looked like a pure lover on the surface, but in fact, this product was full of flowers and intestines.

"Gong Xue is an unattainable goddess, and Li Xinyu is a beautiful and sexy goddess, and the two are different." The fat man explained.

Lin Jiang was too lazy to care about these gossip, he was now full of baby-making, Xue Duozi and many blessing wool.

He wasn't interested in anything else.

"Lin Jiang, Li Xinyu is live in the yoga room of the school's dance department, are you interested in taking a few views with me?" The fat man whispered.

"Not interested."

Lin Jiang shook his head directly, he was not half interested in voyeurism.

"yes, I'll go by myself."

The fat man shrugged, and after saying that, he really left the dormitory and went to the yoga practice room of the dance department.

Half an hour later.

The fat man returned to the bedroom with a handful of snot and tears.

A few boys in the dormitory hurriedly gathered around and asked him what was going on?

The fat man refused to answer, and the brothers inquired sideways before figuring out what was going on.

It turned out that the fat man peeped at Li Xinyu, and was caught by someone's real boyfriend and slapped two big slaps.

The fat man suffered such a big loss, he could only be dumb and eat huanglian, and he couldn't say it with bitterness.

Besides, Li Xinyu's regular boyfriend is not small, called Du Xuegang, the president of the student union, and it seems that he is still the son of the deputy director of the Nanhai Finance Bureau.

With the background of Du Xuegang's identity, the fat man's two slaps are destined to be in vain.

Lin Jiang listened to the cause and effect of the matter, comforted the fat man for two sentences, and said nothing else.

With the connections he has at hand, helping the fat man find the field is a matter of minutes.

But he didn't want to.

First, he has always pursued the principle of steadiness and low profile.

Second, the fat man goes to spy on someone's girlfriend, and to any responsible boyfriend, it is light to slap him twice.


Lin Jiang invited the fat man to eat in the school cafeteria.

"Say okay, the standard of three hundred and eight, don't play tricks." The fat man said.

"No problem, three hundred and eight standards." In school, Lin Jiang has always kept a low profile and never flaunted his wealth, so a few buddies in the same dormitory do not know anything about him.

The two came to the school cafeteria.

I went to a freshly opened hot pot restaurant, ordered a lot of hard dishes, and asked for a few beers.

The fat man opened a bottle of beer and said with self-pity: "I'm too unlucky, I glanced at Li Xinyu twice, and I was slapped twice by that stupid fork..." "

The fat man's words were just finished.

A voice came from behind: "Say who?" "

The fat man looked back, and suddenly he was agitated, and he hurriedly got up from the chair and screamed.

A young man in sportswear glanced at the fat man in disgust: "When you speak in the future, it is best to have a door on your mouth, don't be knocked out of your front front teeth one day." "

"Yes, I remembered."

The fat man nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

The young man in sportswear glanced at Lin Jiang, his brows were slightly wrinkled, he was the president of the student union, and he was also a cadre, Lin Jiang was a freshman, and when he saw him, he didn't even say hello, and no one next to him ate and drank, and he didn't put him in his eyes at all.

"What's your name?"

"Lin Jiang."

Lin Jiang replied without raising his head.

"It's not good for you to walk with dead fat people less in the future." Sportswear young man condescending.


Lin Jiang nodded, eating the hot pot with his own care, still ignoring him.

The sportswear man frowned and wanted to attack, but this was the cafeteria, and there were many people, which damaged his image as the president of the student union, so he snorted coldly and left.

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 11

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