
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 12

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 12

Finish eating.

Lin Jiang broke up with the fat man.

He got out of school, took a taxi and went to room 7889 of the Seremban Court Hotel.

Coming to the hotel room, he turned on the computer, logged in to the king, and played with pesticides for a while.

In the evening, around eight o'clock.

Gong Xue pushed open the door and came in.

She changed her clothes, washed blue skinny jeans, a white T-shirt, a pair of small white shoes, and a simple style.

But it perfectly outlines her bumpy and wonderful body curves.

A pair of straight long legs, wrapped in tight jeans, more and more straight and round, buttocks plump and upward, thin waist can't help but grasp.

Lin Jiang was playing a game, took the time to glance at her, and said, "You go to the bath first, I'll finish right away." "

Gong Xue was slightly resentful in her heart.

She was a flower of Nanhai University, and I don't know how many people lined up to have a word with her.

Lin Jiang snubbed her for a broken game.

However, she still followed Lin Jiang and went to the bathroom to take a bath.

This has become a routine, and every time before driving with Lin Jiang, you must take a bath.

The next thing is not to talk to outsiders.

Next door to room 7890.

A little after one o'clock in the morning.

The guests stared motionlessly at the ceiling with two panda eyes.

He was also young, but he was not so exaggerated, from eight or nine o'clock in the evening to more than one o'clock in the morning, he took two breaks halfway, each time not exceeding twenty minutes.

Other times, there is always movement, and the movement next door is not ordinarily large.

If he didn't want to cause trouble, he wanted to call the police, where is this, sharpening the gun for hours, he is not tired of grinding, his ears hurt when he listens.

Of course, ear pain is only one aspect, and other aspects are not good.

In the prayers of the guests, the movement in the next room ended at two o'clock in the morning.

The guest then fell asleep and fell asleep.


Early morning.

Gong Xue was still asleep.

Lin Jiang got up in high spirits to freshen up, then changed his clothes and prepared to go to school.

"Hey, wake up, it's time to go to school." Lin Jiang patted Gong Xue's delicate face.

Gong Xue's hazy eyes slowly opened, glanced at Lin Jiang listlessly, and said softly: "I will take a leave with the teacher, and I will not go." "

Lin Jiang smiled gently, turned and went out of the room, went downstairs out of the hotel, and stopped a taxi to the school.

Come to school.

He is the same as always.

Class, class, chat,.


Under a tree outside the school stadium.

Lin Jiang was talking to someone on the phone.

He took a huazi from his pocket and took out a lighter and lit it.

He has no addiction to cigarettes, two or three cigarettes a day.

He just lit Hanako and took a few hard breaths.

Positive mental focus on talking to people.


Two officers of the student union came out of the small forest next to them.

The two took mobile phones and clicked wildly.

When Lin Jiang saw this situation, he immediately understood that he was being targeted by the people of the student union.

However, he was not at all relieved and continued to talk to people on the phone.

"I have something to deal with here, and we'll talk about it another day."

Hung up.

Lin Jiang took a puff of cigarette, glanced at the two student union officers, and said, "Who let you two come?" "

"What's your name, smoking is not allowed on campus, don't you know?" A student council officer asked sharply.

"Smoking is prohibited in the school, but this is a stadium, not teaching."

Lin Jiang's eyes narrowed slightly, and the smile at the corner of his mouth flashed with a cold breath.

Generally, universities turn a blind eye to smoking, as long as it is not too much, the student union will not hold on to this kind of thing.

Unless someone deliberately targeted him.

And he was at Nanhai University, and he did not offend anyone.

To say that there is, only the person I met in the cafeteria yesterday afternoon is called Du He Xuegang, the president of the student union, and the regular boyfriend of Li Xinyu, the first beautiful woman in the dance department.

"Don't quibble, no matter where you are, smoking is smoking, and besides, we have just photographed the evidence of your smoking."

"Now we will give you a verbal warning, and if we repeat the next offense, we will report it to the school for handling."

"In addition, you prepare a one-thousand-word review and submit it to the student union secretariat before this afternoon."

After two student union officers punished Lin Jiang for smoking, they walked away.

A sneer crossed the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth.

Du Xuegang, the bastard, dared to retaliate against him.


He sank his consciousness into the system database and flipped through Du Xuegang's information.

[Du Xuegang, one year old, eight years old, ten years old, eighteen years old, twenty-one years old... 】

[Family background: father Du Yuemin, executive deputy director of the Finance Bureau.... 】

[Family background: mother Li Cuimei, vice president of Nanhai State-owned Mobile Company.... 】

[Social background: friend, Li Shaojun, captain of the customs anti-smuggling team... 】

"Social background: girlfriend, Li Xinyu, a junior female student in the dance department of Nanhai University..."

I read Du Xuegang's information.

Lin Jiang smiled coldly, this product is really a sanctimonious hypocrite, four years of college, female students alone slept several times, moreover, there were two female students who had aborted for him.

If he made Du Xuegang's dirty deeds public, would he still be the president of the student union?


Nanhai University's school board posted a university-wide notice criticism.

"Lin Jiang, a freshman in the Department of Management, smoked outside of class hours, causing adverse effects, and today the whole school reported criticism, hoping that all students in the school will take warning..."

The announcement quickly spread throughout Nanhai University.

The name Lin Jiang became famous at Nanhai University for the first time.

And Lin Jiang, as the party concerned, never expected that the student would be so ruthless, and actually gave him a whole school report criticism for the sake of farting a little bigger.

Although the school-wide circular is not very serious, it is generally used to scare students.

But he has always pursued the principle of keeping a low profile, not being in the limelight or making a name for himself.

This is good, the student union issued a notice criticizing, his name can be regarded as completely resounding Nanhai University.

Of course, Lin Jiang knew that the initiator of his fame was Du Xuegang.

He smiled coldly, took out his mobile phone, dialed a strange number, and ordered: "Du Xuegang, the president of the student union of your school, is not an honest person and has a lazy style, so he found an opportunity to remove him." "

Hung up.

A meaningful smile rose at the corner of his mouth.

He has deployed many bureaus over the years, including Nanhai University.

The removal of Du Xuegang's student union president is just a trivial matter.

Next, he wanted to give Du Xuegang a big gift, hoping that he could catch it.

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 12

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