
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 13

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 13

The school-wide notice of criticism in the school office column has just come out.

Immediately afterwards, another school-wide notice was posted on the school office.

"Du Xuegang, the president of the student union of our school, has a lazy style and is not righteous, and after discussion and decision of the school, Du Xuegang was removed from the position of student union president, and Liang Meng, vice president of the student union, temporarily replaced the president of the student union."

As soon as this announcement came out, it exploded throughout the school.

As a party, Du Xuegang did not know at all.

At the moment, he is walking near the school with his girlfriend Li Xinyu.

Du Xuegang, one meter eight, plays basketball all year round, has a strong physique, and looks passable.

Li Xinyu, one meter seven tall, dance department flower, one word horse master, hot figure, long legs and thin waist, three measurements of amazing eyeballs, a logo melon face, exquisite, a pair of charming eyes, as if can hook people's souls.

She wore a pair of white wide-leg pants, a white blouse, long hair and a shawl, indescribably charming.

In terms of appearance, she and the school flower palace snow are between Bozhong, regardless of victory or defeat.


Just as the two were disseminating.

Du Xuegang's mobile phone rang.

He took out his mobile phone and glanced at it, then turned to Li Xinyu and said, "It must be a matter for the student union, I'll deal with it first." "

Finish speaking.

He picked up the phone and deliberately pressed the speakerphone button.

"Xuegang, just now the school issued a notice to remove your student council president." A hurried voice came from the other end of the phone.


Du Xuegang looked confused!

The school removed his student council president, how is this possible?

Some time ago, the school leader also praised him for his management talent and handled the affairs of the student union in an orderly manner.

"Did you read it wrong?"

"Xuegang, the announcement is in the school's school affairs column, you can read it yourself."

Hung up.

Du Xuegang still did not believe that the school would remove his student council president.

"Xuegang, go back and take a look."

Li Xinyu raised his eyebrows lightly and said softly.


Du Xuegang nodded, this matter is true or false, go back and take a look to know.

Immediately, the two returned to campus.

Below the school office.

Du Xuegang looked at the notice that had just been posted, and for a while it was like being struck by lightning, and the whole person was dumbfounded.

President of the student union, this position is dispensable for ordinary people, but for him, this position is a plus.

After all, he wants to enter politics in the future, and the first step in politics is to see what awards he has won during his time in school, what contributions he has, and whether he has held a leadership position in the student union.

Li Xinyu glanced at Du Xuegang, who had lost his soul, and left quietly.

In fact, she knows very well Du Xuegang's personality, and the reason why she agreed to Du Xuegang's pursuit is actually for future consideration.

College is good, but sooner or later there will be a day of graduation.

Now there is fierce competition from all walks of life outside.

She is a dance graduate, and if she wants to gain a foothold in society, it is not easy to talk about it.

Therefore, she wanted to use Du Xuegang's family background to buy an 'insurance' for her future in advance.


The phone rings.

She took out her phone and glanced at it, showing an unknown number.

She hesitated for a few seconds and pressed to answer.

"You are?"

"How did you know my mom was hospitalized?"

"You still know my mom has liver cancer?"

"Who the hell are you?"

"Do you know about my dad's sale of the house?"

"What the hell do you mean?"


Hung up.

Li Xinyu's coquettish face flashed with a hint of surprise and doubt.

The person on the phone just now knew everything about her family.

Her mother was hospitalized with advanced liver cancer, her father sold his house to raise medical bills, and even so, he still couldn't afford the expensive chemotherapy costs.

The man on the phone told her that he could donate two million to her family's medical bills if she agreed to a condition.

The other party's condition was to let her be a lover for a year.

Although the other party's conditions are a little insulting.

But it is the best way to solve her family's financial difficulties.

In order to raise medical expenses for her mother, sell houses and cars, her father scraped together more than one million.

Moreover, this more than one million is almost at the bottom, if she can't raise money again, her mother's next treatment costs....

After a short contemplation, Li Xinyu made a decision.

If she gave each other a lover for a year, she could exchange it for two million, she was willing.

After all, in this era of economic inversion, two million is a lot of money.

None of her relatives and friends around her could come up with two million at once.

Ten minutes later.

She dialed the unknown number.


"Your conditions, I promise."

"Where do we meet?"


Hung up.

Li Xinyu returned to the girls' dormitory, took a bath, changed clothes and made up.

During this period, Du Xuegang made two consecutive calls, but she did not answer.

Although Du Xuegang is her real boyfriend, she and Du Xuegang have always kept their distance and have never crossed it.

Moreover, Du Xuegang's purpose for her made her very bored, but it was difficult to say it clearly.

Half an hour later.

Li Xinyu is wearing a coffee-colored hip-wrapped skirt, the upper body is a pink shirt, the lower half of the shirt is tied in the hip-wrapping skirt, a pair of cool high heels are stepped on her feet, and her long tan hair is draped obliquely over her shoulders, the whole person looks beautiful and sexy, charming and moving.

Carrying her LV bag, she walked out the door of the girls' dormitory, came to the back door of the school, waved a taxi, and walked to the Seremban Court Hotel that the man said.

Hibiscus Pavilion.


Lin Jiang ordered a table of hearty dishes.

On the table is a bottle of Feitian Maotai.

Compared with red wine, he prefers white wine, especially Feitian Maotai, drinking a sip, full of sweet wine aroma, much better than red wine horse urine.

He slowly tasted Feitian Maotai alone, waiting for Li Xinyu to arrive.

Du Xuegang is stupid, holding chicken feathers as an arrow, he smokes a cigarette, and he can be criticized by the whole school.

Lin Jiang's temperament will be rewarded.

Du Xuegang didn't open his eyes like this, he wouldn't let him have a good time.

Removing Du Xuegang as president of the student union is only the first step.

Next, he will give Du Xuegang two more big gifts.

PS, beg for a monthly pass, ask for flowers, kneel for everything, and the thief rises.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 13

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