
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 14

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 14

After a while.

A tall, good-looking woman came in from the restaurant.

Her figure is very hot, with a small waist convex and back, long tan hair draped over her shoulders, and a pair of round long legs that are completely straight.

She came in from the restaurant, her beautiful eyes swept around, took out her mobile phone, and sent a text message to the unknown number: I have arrived.

At the dinner table.

Lin Jiang was tasting Feitian Maotai while smoking huazi.

The phone placed on the desktop vibrated a little.

A knowing smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The covenant man came.

He picked up his phone, clicked on the text message, glanced at it, and replied with a number.

A moment later.

Li Xinyu came to the dining table.

She stared at Lin Jiang with a pair of beautiful eyes, her willow eyebrows frowned slightly, her eyes flashed with doubt, and there was a trace of anger.

She felt that she was being pranked, because the person in front of her was too young, only seventeen or eighteen years old, he could come up with two million?


Lin Jiang glanced at her and nodded secretly, worthy of being the first series of flowers in the dance department, his figure was not to be said, the strip was straight, and his face was tender.

Li Xinyu hesitated and sat down opposite Lin Jiang, she ruffled her long hair and said, "Who are you?" "

"What's the point of asking this?"

Lin Jiang shook his head slightly, in his opinion, since it was a transaction, he should go straight to the topic, what is the point of talking about this.

"Why should I trust you?"

Li Xinyu raised his eyebrows lightly, and his voice carried a hint of displeasure.

"With this."

Lin Jiang took out a card from his pocket and pushed it in front of Li Xinyu: "The password is 333666, and there are two million in the card." "

Li Xinyu took out his mobile phone, dialed the bank on the spot, and checked the balance of this card.

There are indeed two million balances in this bank card.

She put the bank card in front of her, adjusted her mentality, and asked, "What other conditions do you have?" "

Lin Jiang glanced at her, it was a smart woman.

He took out a contract from under the table and put it in front of Li Xinyu.

"This is a one-year contract, and in the next year, you must be on call, eat and drink and sleep with you, and you are not allowed to have an affair with the opposite sex..."

Li Xinyu picked up the contract and looked at it carefully.

The more I look at it, the more frightened I become.

This is a maintenance contract.

It is clearly the overlord treaty.

During her captivity, her body, mind, and everything were decided by Party A.

The most important thing is the last article, if Party B violates the above treaty, it shall pay double liquidated damages.

There is also an additional clause that follows: if Party B performs well, after the contract expires, it can be renewed according to the wishes of both parties.

Li Xinyu hesitated for a while, took the pen, and signed her name on the end page of the contract.

Lin Jiang laughed secretly while drinking to himself.

Li Xinyu is a smart woman, she understands better than anyone what she needs.

"From now on, the contract is officially in force." Lin Jiangdao.


Li Xinyu nodded gently, handed the contract to Lin Jiang, and loaded the bank card in front of him into the LV bag.


The phone in her LV bag rang again.

Lin Jiang motioned for her to take out her phone.

Li Xinyu hesitated, took out his mobile phone from his LV bag and glanced at it, caller ID - Du Xuegang.

"Pick up, press hands-free." Lin Jiang glanced at her and knew who was calling.

Li Xinyu pressed his words, pressed the answer button, and then pressed the hands-free.

"Xin Yu, where have you been?"

"I just went to the girls' dormitory to look for you, and your roommate said you went out."

Li Xinyu's eyebrows frowned slightly, not knowing how to answer!

It can't be said that she is eating with people at the Furong Court Hotel restaurant at the moment, and has signed a selling agreement.

"I'll go to the mall to buy something, and I'll go to the hospital later."

"Xin Yu, you wait for me for a while, I will accompany you to the hospital to see your aunt, in addition, I made up with a few friends, there are about twenty or thirty thousand yuan, you take it to pay the medical fee for your aunt, and the rest of the treatment fee, we will find a way."

"No thanks."

Li Xinyu hung up the phone after speaking.

What Du Xuegang was thinking, she knew very well.


Lin Jiang said with a meaningful smile.

"It was, it's not."

After signing the contract, Li Xinyu has decided to completely sever relations with past people and events, and in the next year, she will perform in accordance with the terms in the contract.


Lin Jiang sneered in his heart, if Du Xuegang saw that his girlfriend had become his lover, what kind of expression would it be!

"I need to know your name."

Li Xinyu asked with a frown.

"Lin Jiang."

Lin Jiang did not hide it and told him bluntly.

Lin Jiang?

Li Xinyu's beautiful eyes crossed a trace of contemplation.

The name is somewhat familiar.

She seemed to have heard it somewhere.

But I couldn't remember it for a while.

"You're a student at Nanhai University?" Li Xinyu asked tentatively.


Lin Jiang also did not hide from her, and said, "Freshman Management Department." "


She remembered.

At noon today, when she and Du Xuegang were eating, Du Xuegang called and said Lin Jiang's name, as if it was because smoking violated the school rules, and she was not very clear about the specifics.

Li Xinyu's beautiful eyes crossed a trace of shame.

She was actually raised by a freshman at the same school.

If this story spreads on campus, her reputation as the first flower of the dance department will be completely ruined.

"Lin Jiang, the relationship between us cannot be known by anyone." Li Xinyu said with a serious expression.

"Of course."

The corner of Lin Jiang's mouth hooked a smile: "However, I hate your ex-boyfriend Du Xuegang." "

"I immediately deleted all his social accounts and blocked his mobile phone number." Li Xinyu said softly.


Lin Jiang shook his head and said, "You shared his VX business card and sent his mobile phone number to my mobile phone as well." "


Li Xinyu didn't know what he was going to do, but he still followed his words and sent Du Xuegang's social account and mobile phone number to Lin Jiang's mobile phone.

A hint of conspiracy succeeded flashed under Lin Jiang's dark eyes.

The removal of Du Xuegang as president of the student union was the first gift.

Supporting his girlfriend is the second gift.

In the third gift, he asked Du Xuegang to be discredited and expelled from school.

Then, Lin Jiang and Li Xinyu chatted for a short while, and as for when to do business, he was not in a hurry.

After all, his main strategy next is Gong Xue, and making the school flower pregnant and giving birth is much more exciting than raising a lover.


Gong Xue suddenly appeared in the restaurant.

She had been resting in the hotel room during the day, and did not wake up until the afternoon, got up to freshen up, and then came to the restaurant on the first floor of the hotel to eat.

As soon as she came in from the restaurant, she saw Lin Jiang eating with a sexy beauty, and the two talked and laughed.

Gong Xuemei's eyes crossed with a trace of anger.

Lin Jiang, this bastard, caused her to not be able to go to the ground all day, he was good, and actually hooked up with other beautiful women.

Gong Xue was angry, walked with a pair of long legs, and walked directly to the table where Lin Jiang and them ate.

"Lin Jiang, where is this beauty... Li Xinyu! "

Gong Xue came to the table, her voice was full of questioning, but when she recognized Li Xinyu, she was immediately stunned.

She and Li Xinyu are both high-value beauties of Nanhai University, not only know each other, but also have a certain understanding of each other.

Li Xinyu's coquettish face showed a touch of surprise, she didn't expect to meet Gong Xue here.

"Gong Xue, you... You come to eat too? "

Li Xinyu originally wanted to ask her to know Lin Jiang?

But when the words came to his lips, he kept silent.


Gong Xue nodded her head slightly, and a pair of beautiful eyes stared directly at Lin Jiang, and the resentment in her eyes was clear.

"Sit down and eat?"

Lin Jiang's face did not change color, and his demeanor was calm.


Gong Xue agreed and sat directly next to Lin Jiang, not shy away at all.

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 14

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