
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 15

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 15

This scene.

Li Xinyu who looked at it was slightly confused.

Could it be that Gong Xue and Lin Jiang are... Couple?

But the two of them don't look a bit compatible?

Gong Xue is recognized by the school as the goddess of school flowers, and is known for her cold and arrogant.

Even if she is looking for a boyfriend, it is impossible to find Lin Jiang.

Although Lin Jiang looks sunny and handsome, the age of seventeen or eight years old is a hard injury.

"You two...?"

Li Xinyu glanced at Lin Jiang, and then at Gong Xue, his expression full of suspicion.

"He... It's my brother. "

Of course, Gong Xue would not admit that she had a relationship with Lin Jiang.


Lin Jiang thought that women are really fickle, calling their father when they close the door, and their younger brother when they are outsiders.


Of course, Li Xinyu didn't believe Gong Xue's words, but he was embarrassed to ask more, after all, this is people's privacy.

"How are you with him?" Gong Xue asked.

"I... Me and him...? Li Xinyu didn't know how to answer, and she couldn't say that she had been contracted by Lin Jiang for a year.

"I invite her to dinner and talk about the mysteries of yoga, can't I?" Lin Jiang took the stubble.

"Talk about the mystery of yoga?"

Gong Xue will not believe him, talk about yoga need to come to the hotel for lunch?


Lin Jiang nodded thoughtfully.

"That... I'm done. "

Li Xinyu felt a little embarrassed, smart as her, and knew that it was inconvenient to stay any longer.

"Go slowly."

Lin Jiang also did not keep her, and said, "Say hello to my aunt for me, and wish her a speedy recovery." "

"Thank you."

Li Xinyu nodded lightly and got up to leave.

Gong Xue kept watching her go out of the restaurant, glanced at Lin Jiang again, and reminded thoughtfully: "She is the girlfriend of Du Xuegang, the president of the student union. "

"Du Xuegang is no longer the president of the student union." Lin Jiangdao.

"When?" Gong Xue's narrow thin eyebrows were slightly picked.

"This afternoon, the school removed him as the president of the student union, and the current president of the student union is called Liang Meng." Lin Jiangdao.


Gong Xue replied gently, she didn't care much about these things, no matter who was the president of the student council, it made no difference to her.

After a while.

The two finished eating.

Gong Xue is ready to go home.

Unexpectedly, Lin Jiang grabbed her arm and stuffed her into the elevator.

"Lin Jiang, you can't... If you continue like this, I... I'm going to die. "

Gong Xue's face was full of shock and fear.

"It's okay, you won't die." Lin Jiang was unmoved.

Gong Xue begged to no avail, so she had to retreat and said, "Two hours at most." "

Lin Jiang thought to himself what two hours was enough, his ability to sharpen the gun has increased recently, and it takes more than an hour to sharpen the gun once.

"Please... Buy Yu Ting. "

Gong Xue was dragged into the room by Lin Jiang's arm, wanting to cry without tears.

"Don't buy."

"You bastard . . ."


Next room.

The guest is a young woman who runs sales and comes to Nanhai on business.

She had a drink with her clients in the afternoon and returned to the hotel to lie down and fall asleep, but she was woken up by hysterical noises.

At first, she thought that the next door was being renovated, and after listening for a short while, she gradually became fascinated.

Once upon a time, she had shouted so excitedly, but that was years ago.

Since getting married, life has become more and more boring every day, and I can't shout a few voices a month.

Now listening to the voice next door, it actually evoked her long-lost feeling, as if she had suddenly returned to the young and lush years.

Then she began to be stunned.

Because the sound next door is really too noisy.

And it's the uninterrupted kind, as if tireless.

She seemed to understand a little, the person living next door must be a big man with his feet, he was watching a small movie, and the voice came from the small movie.

She said, well, in reality, there may be such a strong man.

Two hours later.

The young woman couldn't bear it, she picked up her mobile phone and dialed 110: "I want to report, in room 7889 of the Furong Court Hotel, someone is watching a small movie, and I can't sleep because of the noise." "

Someone called the police.

The civilian police were mobilized.

The police officer who led the shift is still the same police officer from the previous two days.

After he knocked on the door of room 7888, he was speechless, and the culprit of the disturbance was the college student couple two days ago.

He had to warn solemnly again

"The affection between lovers does not violate the law, but the behavior of the two of you has seriously affected the rest of other guests."

"Even if you don't think about other people, you should think about yourself, if you don't know how to converge at a young age, you will go to the hospital in the future, and you will regret it."

Lin Jiang once again gave assurance: "Police officer, I am excited for a while, and I will not take an example. "

Sent away the police.

Lin Jiang continued his unfinished business.

The young woman living next door was helpless.

As soon as the policeman left on the front foot, the sound of a small movie came from the back foot of the next room.

She had to call the 110 alarm platform again.

Feedback from the police officer: Living in the room next to you is a young couple, after the investigation of our police, they did not watch any bad movies, if their behavior affects your rest, you can apply to the hotel to change rooms.

Hung up.

The young woman's whole body was numb.

The next room is actually a couple, not a foot-picking man, what is the situation?

She still couldn't believe that there was such a powerful person, and the animals could not compare to him.

It was past eleven o'clock at night.

The young woman is slowly falling asleep.

This sleep, she slept very steadily.

When she woke up, it was already three days in the morning.


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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 15

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