
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 16

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 16


Nanhai University.

Yoga practice room of the Department of Dance.

Li Xinyu, the first flower of the dance department, is wearing a set of yoga clothes and is practicing various difficult movements in the yoga studio.

Yoga room doorway.

Du Xuegang held a handful of flowers, his eyes stared at Li Xinyu's sexy and curvaceous body, and there was a thick hot light.

Although he chased Li Xinyu.

But Li Xinyu has always kept a wistful distance from him, not giving him a chance to succeed.

This made him feel like a cat scratching in his heart, uncomfortable to death.

He learned that Li Xinyu's mother was hospitalized and her father sold the house to raise money, guessing that what she needed most now was money.

So, he took 50,000 yuan from his family, borrowed some more from friends, and scraped together 100,000 yuan.

As long as Li Xinyu promised him to accompany him to a candlelight dinner tonight, the 100,000 yuan would be lent to Li Xinyu by him.

"Xin Yu."

Du Xuegang walked into the yoga room holding flowers and smiled.

Li Xinyu looked back and saw Du Xuegang walking over with a handful of flowers, and his beautiful eyes were slightly evasive.

"What are you going to do?"

Li Xinyu's voice was very cold.

"Xin Yu, I came to tell you that Auntie's treatment fee, you don't have to worry, I made up 100,000 for you, it should be able to withstand for a while, after a while, I will get you another 100,000, to ensure that there will be no shortage of Auntie's treatment fee."

Du Xuegang held the flowers with an affectionate look, in his mind, Li Xinyu was short of money at this time, and would not refuse his kindness.

"No thanks."

Li Xinyu's eyebrows frowned lightly and said, "Du Xuegang, we broke up today." "


Du Xuegang was stunned in the local area, shocked and speechless!


Does she know what she's talking about?

Her mother needed money to see a doctor, and no one could help her at this time except him.

"Xinyu, you... Have a new boyfriend? "

Du Xuegang is not an idiot, Li Xinyu suddenly broke up with him, presumably he had a new love.

"It's not about you."

Li Xinyu glanced at him, without any color in his eyes.

"Why doesn't it have anything to do with me?"

Du Xuegang's expression gradually became fierce, and he roared: "Tell me, who is he?" "

Li Xinyu was startled by Du Xuegang's roar.

All along, Du Xuegang has been gentle in front of her, and has never had such a gaffe.

"It's me."

A playful laugh came in from outside the yoga room door.

Lin Jiang was dressed in a black suit, stepped on a pair of sneakers, and had a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and walked in from the yoga studio.


Du Xuegang frowned.

He stared at Lin Jiang a few times, and it seemed a little familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it.

Moreover, looking at Lin Jiang's age, he is seventeen or eight years old, how can it be Li Xinyu's new boyfriend?

Lin Jiang directly ignored Du Xuegang.

With a sturdy step, he came straight to Li Xinyu.

Then, under Du Xuegang's cannibalistic gaze, he directly reached out and grabbed Li Xinyu's Yang Liu's small waist, and the latter trembled, but did not dodge, let him hold it.


Du Xuegang saw Lin Jiang grabbing Li Xinyu's small waist, and his eyes were torn, and he couldn't wait to chop off Lin Jiang's hand.

He is Li Xinyu's regular boyfriend, but he has not even taken her waist once.

"Me what?"

Lin Jiang defiantly gave him a middle finger.

"Are you special...?"

Du Xuegang was going crazy at the moment, he held twelve points of confidence, thinking that he could successfully pick Li Xinyu's flower, but unexpectedly, he killed a seventeen or eighteen-year-old child halfway and cut off Li Xinyu in front of him.

"Du Xuegang, you are really pitiful."

Lin Jiang's expression was full of mockery: "Do you know where we were when you called yesterday afternoon?" "

"What place?"

Du Xuegang stared at Lin Jiang deadly, his teeth clattering.

"Rolling orders in hotels, of course." Lin Jiang looked at Du Xuegang like he was looking at what he was.

"You... You guys......? "

Du Xuegang looked at Lin Jiang and Li Xinyu, and cursed: "Adulterer and adulteress, you..." "

"And, I'll tell you one more thing."

Lin Jiang said with a smile: "Xin Yu's belly is pregnant with the crystallization of our two loves. "


Du Xuegang almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood.

He has been Li Xinyu's regular boyfriend for so long, and he has never even touched his waist, but she is pregnant with someone else's seed.

Li Xinyu frowned, wanting to explain, but remembered the contract signed yesterday, no matter what Party A said, Party B could not justify, refute, dismantle the platform, and so on.

So, she was silent.

Her silence seemed to Du Xuegang to be a tacit acquiescence.

When he thought that he had taken good care of Li Xinyu these days, while she was lying in the arms of another man and putting a stack of high hats on him, he had the urge to kill.

Lin Jiang sneered in his heart, his second gift was not bad.

"I'll kill you."

Du Xuegang lost his mind and rushed towards Lin Jiang like crazy.

Lin Jiang pushed out Li Xinyu in his arms, and a contemptuous smile crossed the corner of his mouth.

Over the years, he has not practiced boxing, and to put it bluntly, like Du Xuegang, seven or eight are not his opponents


Du Xuegang had already pounced in front of him and smashed a punch towards Lin Jiang's face.

Lin Jiang sideways avoided, a hook punched Du Xuegang's chin, and then kicked Du Xuegang's left leg knee.

Du Xuegang snorted, his knees went soft, and he knelt down on the spot.

Lin Jiang swept again, and the sole of the shoe came into close contact with Du Xuegang's brain.

I saw Du Xuegang being kicked to the ground.

This scene.

Li Xinyu was stunned.

She never expected that Lin Jiang, who looked only seventeen or eighteen years old, would beat a tall man in his twenties down, which was really beyond her expectations.

At this time.

Lin Jiang kicked Du Xuegang a few times.

The latter lay on the ground screaming vigorously.

"Go to Nima's..."

"Whatbi, Lao Tzu smokes a cigarette, and he was retaliated by you."

"Your dog day..."

Li Xinyu hurriedly came over and pulled Lin Jiang away, she was afraid that if she continued to fight, it would not be good to make a human life.

Lin Jiang is very measured, and he will not cripple Du Xuegang, let alone kill him.


Li Xinyu grabbed Lin Jiang's arm and pulled him out of the yoga room.

After a long while.

Du Xue just got up from the ground.

He wiped the blood stain from the corner of his mouth.

There was crazy hatred in his eyes.

"Li Xinyu, and you adulterer, wait..." Du Xuegang limped out of the yoga room.

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 16

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