
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 17

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 17


Li Xinyu was really crying and laughing.

She now understood why Lin Jiang would spend two million to raise her, daring to take revenge on Du Xuegang.

After Lin Jiang beat Du Xuegang violently, his mood was greatly relieved, and he suddenly felt much more comfortable seeing Li Xinyu.

"Dress nicely at night, and I'll take you to the movies."

Lin Jiang glanced at her meaningfully, and left with shaky spirits.

Watching a movie?

Li Xinyu's eyebrows frowned slightly.

As an adult.

Of course, she understands that watching a movie, drinking a bottle of wine, and the story begins.




Du Xuegang was very depressed.

So depressed that I wanted to vomit blood.

The student council president is gone.

The girlfriend is pregnant with someone else's seed.

The bad luck was all spread out on him.

"Xuegang, I inquired, that kid's name is Lin Jiang, it's the freshman you asked the student union to run the afternoon before yesterday."

"I guess it may be that Lin Jiang found out that we targeted him and deliberately retaliated against you."

"Xuegang, that Lin Jiang is not simple, the background may be very deep, let's not provoke him."

A senior student union officer persuaded him with good words.

"Kuroko, don't talk about it."

Du Xuegang's eyes were full of hatred.

"Don't worry, I won't say a word."

The student union cadre called Kuroko agreed quite crisply on the surface, and then turned around and forgot about it.

He came out of the bedroom with his front foot.

The hind foot spread the word.

"Tell you, Du Xue was just given green by a freshman named Lin Jiang."

"This buddy is awesome, even Du Xuegang dares to be green."

"This is nothing, it is said that Du Xuegang went to find a place after being green, and was violently beaten by Lin Jiang."

"Was Du Xuegang's head kicked by a donkey? Why don't you call the police if you are beaten? "

"It's Du Xuegang's hand that moved first, how can I call the police?"

"This is also, do it yourself, and as a result, someone turned it over, and there is still a face to call the police."

"Then again, Du Xuegang also deserves it, and he is too floating when he is the president of the student union."

Du Xuegang didn't know.

He has become a joke at Nanhai University.


He is planning how to take revenge on Lin Jiang and Li Xinyu, a dog man and woman.

Suddenly, a strange phone call, the other party was a beautiful woman, asked him to go to the bar at night.

Where is Du Xuegang in the mood to go to the bar now, thinking of taking revenge on Lin Jiang and Li Xinyu and finding the venue.

However, the beauty sent him two photos, and he immediately changed his mind and saw him at the bar in the evening.

The beauty in the photo, the proper goddess, is no less than Li Xinyu.

Du Xuegang couldn't help but think that Lady Luck still favored him.

No, as soon as Li Xinyu split his legs, a beautiful woman took the initiative to send it to the door.

He took a shower, blew a new haircut, changed into a set of branded clothes, and prepared for his evening date.

At night.

Eight thirty.

Du Xuegang drove a black Honda Accord and navigated to the door of a bar near the center of the city.

He parked the car and made a call to the beauty.

A short time later, a very beautiful woman came out of the bar.

Seeing the beautiful woman, Du Xuegang's eyes straightened.

This beautiful beauty is very different from the beauty he met at school, and she has a charm in her, which makes people look at it and involuntarily think of it.

This feeling, he has never experienced.

"Handsome guy, let's go." The beauty smiled charmingly.

Du Xuegang nodded blankly and followed the beauty into the bar.

A black Rolls-Royce Cullinan drove into the parking lot.

In the car.

Lin Jiang sat in the driver's seat, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth.

On the co-pilot, Li Xinyu wore a very sexy one, a white ultra-short vest with an open belly button, and a pair of washed blue denim shorts underneath.

She had long tan hair tied into a ponytail, her delicate melon face was white and pink, and her charming little eyes flashed with a trace of surprise.

Lin Jiang's arrogance made her heart full of shock, Rolls-Royce Cullinan, this car landed at least seven or eight million.

"Do you know what the name of tonight's movie is?" Lin Jiang asked.

"I don't know."

Li Xinyu shook his head slightly, Lin Jiang said that he was taking her to see a movie, but this is obviously the door of the bar, is there a movie in the bar?

Lin Jiang said with a smile: "Tonight's movie blockbuster is called, and Huang Huang arrested Du Gongzi." "

Li Xinyu's coquettish face floated with a hint of understanding, no wonder Lin Jiang brought her to the door of the bar, it turned out to mean this.


The phone rang.

Lin Jiang pressed the answer button and pressed the hands-free again.

A pleasant female voice came out of the mobile phone microphone: "Things are arranged." "

"Very good, I am waiting to enjoy this good show." After Lin Jiang finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Li Xinyu was very knowledgeable and did not ask a single superfluous word.

She secretly guessed in her heart what Lin Jiang's identity was.

You know, 99 percent of young people, at the age of seventeen or eighteen, absolutely cannot take out two million at once, let alone drive seven or eight million luxury cars.

Waiting is the most boring.

Lin Jiang was bored, and reached out to play with Li Xinyu's melon face, who was very well-behaved, neither resisting nor taking the initiative, and let him play.

An hour later.

An obese woman came out of the bar with Du Xuegang in her arms.

She dragged Du Xuegang directly into the business hotel next to the bar.

Lin Jiang smiled, took out his mobile phone, and clicked on a monitoring software.

Two or three minutes later.

Du Xuegang and the obese woman entered the room.

I saw that Du Xuegang seemed to be crazy, pressed the fat woman on the bed, and gnawed down like a pig.

Lin Jiang looked a little cold, Du Xuegang really dared to take a mouth, this kind of heavyweight woman, few people dare to speak, Du Xuegang is a man.

Li Xinyu's eyebrows furrowed, and her charming little eyes were full of disgust.

She knew that this was a bureau that Lin Jiang gave to Du Xuegangbu.

But Du Xuegang's behavior really made her disgusting.

That fat woman looks to have at least two hundred pounds, how did he have the courage to take a mouthful?

A little later.

Du Xue just got to the point.

Don't look at the people he has developed, but the capital is really unflattering.

Lin Jiang's eyes looking at the surveillance screen were full of contempt, in terms of capital, Du Xuegang was not worthy of lifting shoes for him with this goods.

And his scum-like combat effectiveness, simply a disgrace to the old face of the countrymen.

At this time, a police car flashing its siren stopped in front of the business hotel, and several security officers got out of the police car and rushed straight to the hotel.

Two minutes later.

Just when Du Xuegang was galloping.

The police pushed the door in and pulled him off his fat steed.

Du Xuegang drank too much alcohol, theorized with the police, and pushed the policeman, and was handcuffed with titanium alloy on the spot and taken away, as for the fat woman, he was also taken away.

Lin Jiang saw this scene through the surveillance footage, and smiled, it can be predicted that college students buy drunk prostitution in late-night bars, and all the human evidence and material evidence are complete, and administrative detention for 15 days is inevitable.

At the same time, the police will also report the matter to the school.

For the sake of face, although the school will not deal with this matter publicly, it will definitely persuade Du Xuegang to quit.

Moreover, Du Xuegang has the stain of prostitution, and he will definitely not be able to take the exam in the future.


The phone rang.

Lin Jiang pressed the answer button.

"Are you satisfied with tonight?" A pleasant voice came out of the mobile phone microphone.


Lin Jiang said lightly.

"Your evaluation is the greatest recognition of my work." The pleasant voice sounded again.


Lin Jiang hung up the phone.


He drove Cullinan to send Li Xinyu back to school.

"Is the movie good?"

Lin Jiang asked while driving.

"It's okay."

Li Xinyu thought that this kind of movie is really disgusting, but he is embarrassed to tell the truth.

At night.

After ten o'clock.

Nanhai University.

Parking lot.

A black Cullinan SUV slowly pulled up to the parking space.

Li Xinyu looked slightly nervous, the parking lot was dark, and there was no light at all.

Moreover, Lin Jiang also turned off Cullinan's car.

She was mentally prepared for what would happen next.

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

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