
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 18

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 18

In the dark.

A luxury garage worth seven or eight million was in the south.

It's like being slammed by the driver stepping on the accelerator.

I saw the front of the car rushing forward, and then falling back into place.


The frequency is very fast.

If you look closely, you will find it.

Cullinan will rush forward two or three times per second.

This high-frequency charge.

At least a speed of one hundred and eighty yards per 100 kilometers.

The Cullinan car sprinted through the mud for more than two hours before it sped out of the mud.


Nanhai University.

The school made a secret decision.

Students who are seriously at fault will be withdrawn from school.

Considering that the impact is not good, the school has kept a low profile.

But word spread in the school.

Du Xuegang, the former president of the student union, was arrested by the police and administratively detained for half a month.

As soon as this message comes out.

Everyone at Nanhai University was surprised.

It is hard to imagine that Du Xuegang, who has been the president of the student union for so long, often talks about discipline and style, opens his mouth to party spirit, closes his mouth to study style, and actually sets an example to go to prostitution, which is really shameless.

And as his ex-girlfriend Li Xinyu, he was suddenly pushed to the cusp.

Many students secretly admired Li Xinyu's cleverness and foresight, and after seeing Du Xuegang's hypocritical face, they decisively broke up with him, which was not implicated in the storm of public opinion.

Otherwise, Du Xuegang was arrested for sweeping pornography, and as his girlfriend, Li Xinyu would inevitably be pointed at.

Girls' dormitory.

Li Xinyu fell ill.

She lay on the bed, her coquettish face pale and her expression tired, as if she had experienced a serious illness.

The girls in the same dormitory comforted her with their mouths.

"Xin Yu, you have to cheer up, don't be sad because of the scumbag."

"Yes, Du Xuegang's kind of person is too scum."

"People like him should be hit by a car when they go out."

"As soon as you broke up with him, he ran out to stay in prostitution, and he was arrested by the police, which shows that he must not do this kind of dirty thing on weekdays, but he just wasn't caught."

"Xin Yu, your new boyfriend is good, although he is a few years younger than you, but he will hurt people, no, he knows that you are sick, and ordered you a lot of nutritious meals, hen soup, abalone, lobster, sauce-fragrant pig's trotters, spicy beef, etc., as well as durian, cherries and a lot of fruits."

Li Xinyu's pale face flashed a wry smile.

She became like this, and she had nothing to do with Du Xuegang, all because of Bai Linjiang.

As soon as she closed her eyes now, her mind was full of images of herself begging for mercy.

She never imagined that one day, she would be so humble, crying and begging for her release.

Even, she felt that knowing Lin Jiang was the wrong beginning.

If the world allows a priori to sign a contract, she must choose to sign the contract after verifying the identity.

After all, she is a normal person.

And Lin Jiang is not a normal person.

He is Xiao Hei's big brother.

Those little blacks who galloped in the primitive tribes had to bow down when they saw Lin Jiang.

She is glad that she practices yoga.

The body is full of flexibility.

Otherwise, the injuries caused by Lin Jiang would have to stay in bed for at least a few days.



Time flies.

The years go by.

Half a month, in a blink of an eye.

Lin Jiang has had a very fulfilling life in the past half month.

Every day or two, I pulled Gong Xue to the Furong Court Hotel to open a room.

At the beginning, Gong Xue was very resistant, and every time Lin Jiang had to come up with a little new material, she would obediently comply.

Later, Gong Xue gradually adapted to his toughness.

When he asks her out, just send a text message and she will come as promised.

Of course, Lin Jiang would go to the sea-view villa every day or two to visit Chen Huang, who was pregnant.

Chen Shao's life in the sea-view villa is very comfortable, the only fly in the ointment is that he is a little lonely.

When a woman is lonely, she is more clingy, even if she is a star.

Every morning, noon and evening, Chen Huang would send him messages, and in the evening would ask him when he would go back.

Lin Jiang saw that she was pregnant, and patiently replied to her news every day to enlighten her mood.

After all, the child she was carrying in her belly was the hope of the Lin family, and it was also the hope of his immortality, and he couldn't miss it in the slightest.

During this time, Li Xinyu's attitude towards him was also gradually changing.

Since the last time I took Li Xinyu to watch a small movie starring Du Xuegang, I talked with her in the car for two hours.

Since then, Li Xinyu has hid when he sees him.

But the contract is written in black and white.

Party B unconditionally accepts any request made by Party A.

There is a contract in hand.

Li Xinyu did not want to break the contract, so he could only do as he asked.

Eventually, she performed a horse against the wall, a horse on the desk, an outdoor horse, and a variety of difficult yoga moves.

Lin Jiang is not a stingy person, for the sake of Li Xinyu obediently performing a word horse for him, he was happy and gave her a red Audi A4 worth more than 200,000 yuan.

This day.

Blue sky and white clouds.

Balmy autumn day.

School, parking lot.

Gong Xue was wearing a set of white sportswear, a pair of white sneakers on her feet, a ponytail behind her head, a beautiful and moving face, surging with a little anxiety and worry.

After a while, Lin Jiang came to the parking lot with sturdy steps.

He glanced at Gong Xue and said suspiciously: "Usually I saw me at school, I ran faster than a rabbit, how dare you ask me to come to the parking lot today?" "

"Get in the car and say."

Gong Xue was not in the mood to laugh with him, opened the door of the Porsche Cayenne and sat down.

Lin Jiang opened the passenger door and sat down, "What's the matter?" "

Gong Xue handed him a test stick with a serious expression.

Lin Jiang took the test stick and looked at the two bars, and he was overjoyed and laughed happily.

"What are you laughing at?"

Gong Xueliu's eyebrows frowned, and her beautiful eyes were full of sorrow.

She became pregnant before graduating from college, and if word of this gets out, she may die.

"Good thing, great good thing."

Lin Jiang worked hard for more than a month, and now that he had results, he was not only happy, but he couldn't wait to wrap up the Furong Pavilion and drink it for three days and three nights.

"Are you okay?"

Gong Xue said angrily: "Let you buy Yuting for me, you just don't buy it, now that you have won the bid, what do you let me do?" "

"What's so difficult about this, give birth, I'll raise it." Lin Jiang said arrogantly.


Gong Xue glared at him angrily: "Your brain is not sick, right?" What is our relationship and how is this child born? "

"Also, you are only eighteen years old this year, in this era, how can anyone be a father at the age of eighteen?"

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 18

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