
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 19

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 19

Lin Jiang was suddenly anxious.

The child in Gong Xue's belly.

He planted it with great painstaking efforts.

You have to be born.

This matter is not negotiable.

"The child must be born, if you dare to make the child, I will definitely send your parents into the number to step on the sewing machine."

"Lin Jiang... You bastard.... "

Gong Xue cried out aggrieved.

It's not that she doesn't want to have this child.

Rather, the conditions do not allow.

She was twenty-two, a senior, unmarried.

Lin Jiang is eighteen years old, a first-year student, under the legal age of marriage.

If a child is born, who will take care of it? How to register my child?

"Listen to me, you give birth to the child, I am responsible for raising it, and in the future, your parents will completely turn the page, how about it?" Lin Jiangdao.

"No, you are eighteen years old and have no sense of responsibility, what if I give birth to the child and you leave it alone?" Gong Xue cried.

"The ancients became fathers at the age of fourteen and fifteen, who have you seen abandon their wives and sons?" Lin Jiang thought to himself what kind of logic she had.

"That's not okay, we're not married, and we can't get a child after birth?" Gong Xue cried.

"This is easy to do, now all localities have opened up the registration of illegitimate children, and when the time comes, the children's household registration will be under your name." Lin Jiangdao.

"What's more, I have children out of wedlock, you want me to die?" The more Gong Xue cried, the louder he became.

Lin Jiang thought about it, having a child out of wedlock is really not good for her reputation.

"You see this is good, when your belly is obvious, I will send you abroad, you quietly give birth to the child abroad, when the time comes, I will arrange someone to bring you and the child back, as for the child's household registration, I will find a way to get it, and I will definitely not let you die."

He is now trying everything to let Gong Xue give birth to the child, and other things don't matter.


Gong Xue's crying became quieter.

"Absolutely." Lin Jiangdao.

Gong Xue took a tissue to dry her tears and pondered for a long time before reluctantly nodding her head.


She has one last question.

"You... Would you like to marry me? "

"Of course I do, isn't this my age standard, wait a few more years, when I graduate from college, we will get a marriage license immediately."

Lin Jiang was also open-minded in order for the child to be born as he wished, anyway, it was all a few years later.

"Okay, I promise you to give birth to the baby." Gong Xue thought about it and decided to listen to Lin Jiang's words and give birth to the child.

Lin Jiang soothed her with good words.

From this matter, Lin Jiang drew a lesson.

It's still a female star in the entertainment industry.

They have children, they don't ask for hukou, they don't ask for marriage, they don't ask for weddings, and even, the less people know, the better.

It's simply the other half tailored for him.

In the blink of an eye, another few days passed.

Gong Xue's mood has settled down.

In order to let her raise the fetus with peace of mind, Lin Jiang specially arranged a reliable nanny to go to her home, eat three meals a day, according to the recipes of pregnant women, and also took her to the hospital for examination, everything was fine.

As for the school, Gong Xue applied for a one-year sabbatical.

Of course, as soon as Gong Xue suspended school, Nanhai University exploded, and students were privately discussing, why did the school flower goddess choose to take a year off?

Some people say that Gong Xue is sick and needs to be recuperated at home.

Some say she is going to intern at her family's company for a year so that she can inherit the family business in the future.

Some people also said that Gong Xue wanted to go to a well-known school abroad to audit.

Even, some people said that Gong Xue was going to be engaged to the son of a certain capital predator.

In short, there is everything to say.

Only no one said that Gong Xue was pregnant, took school and went home to give birth.

In the eyes of the students of Nanhai University, Gong Xue is a goddess on high, a holy swan, and she doesn't even have a boyfriend, how can she be pregnant out of wedlock.

But there is one person who is an exception.

Li Xinyu.

She had personally seen Lin Jiang and Gong Xue have an affair.

Once, Lin Jiang took her to the Furong Court Hotel to open a room, and she found a set of cleaned women's clothes on the wall hook of the washroom in the room.

Moreover, this women's outfit was worn on Gong Xue the day before.

Still, she's smart and knows what to say and what not to say.

Moreover, after Gong Xue took a break from school, as the first flower of the dance department, she successfully ascended to the position and became the school flower of Nanhai University.



This day.

Lin Jiang came to the seaview villa to visit Chen Shao.

She is almost two months pregnant.

Although the stomach is not yet obvious, there are already some signs.

He came to talk with Chen Huang for a while, had a meal, and returned to school.

En route.

He received a call from the capital.

"Third Master Han, I haven't been in touch for a long time."

"I heard that your little life in the capital is very moist?"

"Something to say."

"However, I have to state in advance that from five years ago to today, you owe me a total of four adult favors."

"Just remember, when I need you to return the favor one day, if you dare to push three and four, don't blame me for not paying attention."

"Say, what's going on this time?"

"Qiao Xin, it's the actress who plays what a song."

"What's wrong with her?"

"She's also good and scares you."

"Okay, I know the matter."

Hung up.

A sneer crossed the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth.

Third Master Han.

The bearer of the domestic film industry.

He stomped his foot, and the entertainment industry had to shake three times.

A few years ago, when he was laying out in the entertainment industry, he had contact with Han Sanye.

Since then, Third Master Han will call him whenever he encounters something that is unpredictable.

He is also happy to sell Han Sanye's favor, after all, in the entertainment industry, Han Sanye's status is undoubted.

Back then, when Chen Shake was filming, the male protagonist of the same crew wanted to attack her, and Lin Jiang called Han Sanye, and the male protagonist was banned the next day, and finally went to prison.

The relationship between him and Third Master Han is to use each other.

If Third Master Han has something he can't figure out, he will ask him for help.

And the things he solved with Third Master Han were all trivial matters.

Therefore, Third Master Han owed him several adult favors.

This is also well known to Third Master Han.

Just now, Third Master Han called him and asked him to help solve one thing.

This old boy didn't know where he offended Qiao Xin and was stabbed on it.

You know, Qiao Xin's family background is not simple.

To say which star in the entertainment industry cannot be offended, Qiao Xin is one of them.

What Third Master Han meant was to ask him to mediate and let Qiao Xin accept it when he saw it, there was no need to break the fish dead net.

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 19

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