
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 2

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 2

A meaningful smile crossed the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth.

He picked up the remote control on his desktop.

Pressed the door open button.

A crisp snap.

The door opens automatically.


Chen Shao's beautiful eyes flashed with a surprised expression.

She secretly breathed a sigh of relief, walked into the room with a pair of snow-white round long legs.

In the room.

A seventeen or eighteen-year-old young man sat on a gaming chair, and a pair of clear eyes swept around her.

This moment.

Chen Huang was a little unsure.

Could it be that this seventeen or eighteen-year-old young man is a mysterious person?

It can't be!

She and the mysterious person often called, the other party's voice was thick and powerful, sounding like a middle-aged man in his thirties and forties, how could it be a young man of seventeen or eighteen?

"Hello, little sister."

Lin Jiang smiled and waved to greet Chen Huang.

"You... You are? Chen Shao's beautiful eyes were full of surprise and puzzlement.

"Young sister, you seem to be surprised."

When Lin Jiang spoke, his eyes swept over Chen Huang's body, a beautiful goose egg face, very beautiful, light body, Yang Willow small and thin waist, straight and slender legs, and round buttocks.

"I... I seem to have gone to the wrong room. "

Chen Huang didn't believe that the mysterious man would be a seventeen or eighteen-year-old young man, and at his age, it seemed that he hadn't gone to college yet, right?

"You're not wrong."

Lin Jiang's expression flashed with a playful smile: "This is room 7888." "

Chen hurriedly turned around to look at the house number, which marked the number of room 7888.

A moment later.

She turned around and looked at Lin Jiang on the e-sports chair, seventeen or eight years old, sunny and handsome, with a wistful bad smile on the corner of her mouth.

"You... What did you tell me yesterday? Chen Huang asked tentatively.

"Yesterday I told you on the phone that you should fly over from the southwest and accompany me on a special and meaningful day." Lin Jiang swept over Chen Huang's delicate body, and his liver was slightly moved.

In the past ten years, in order to develop his limbs into a small black body, he insisted on taking astragalus, huangjing, goji berries, deer antler velvet and other medicinal wines every day.

Ten years have passed, his body is full of masculinity, and his five limbs are also as he wishes, developing three points stronger than Xiao Hei.

Now seeing such a high-value beauty as Chen Shao, it was suddenly a little difficult to control himself.

"You... It's really you.... "

Chen Huangjiao's body trembled slightly.

She didn't expect it anyway.

The so-called mysterious man is not an old man of fifty or sixty years old, nor a middle-aged man in his thirties or forties, but a young man of seventeen or eighteen.

This made her a little unacceptable for a while.

"Young sister, you seem to be very disappointed!" Lin Jiang smiled secretly in his heart, don't see that she is disappointed now, she will scream in surprise in a while.

"Didn't... No. "

Chen Shaomei's eyes flashed a trace of doubt.

Could it be a prank by a mysterious man.

Deliberately found a seventeen or eighteen-year-old young man to test her?

Thinking about it like this, she suddenly felt that it was very possible.

"Young sister, give you ten minutes." Lin Jiang pointed to the door of the bathroom, and the meaning was self-evident.

"I... I......? "

Chen Shao glanced at the door of the bathroom, hesitating for a moment, if this was a prank arranged by a mysterious person, wouldn't she be with a young man of seventeen or eighteen...?

"Why, you don't want to?"

Lin Jiang's voice suddenly became cold, and a sunny and handsome face surged with indifference and chill.

If Chen Huang dared to refuse him, he would not force it.

But he has ensured her smooth sailing in recent years, and this account will be repaid with interest.

"I... No....... "

Chen Huang's heart trembled, I don't know why, Lin Jiang was angry, she actually had a feeling of fear.

"There is no best."

Lin Jiang glanced at her and said coldly: "I guarantee you a worry-free future, the condition is that you give birth to a child for me, if you want to regret it, the consequences will be serious." "

"Yes . . ."

Chen Shao knew that the consequences of offending the mysterious man would be serious.

But she wanted to find out, is this little young man in front of her a mysterious person?

"I... I...... Are you really him? "

"Three years ago, I told you one thing, I was in school." Lin Jiangjian raised her eyebrows slightly, is she suspicious of her identity?


Chen Shao began to recall in his mind.

One night three years ago, the mystery man did tell her that he was at school.

At first, she thought that the mysterious man might be in graduate school, or some top adult financial institution, or some other training institution.

I never thought that the mysterious man was really going to school.

If you extrapolate by age, three years ago, he should have been only fifteen or sixteen years old, and at that time, he was probably just a junior high school student.

"Young sister, my patience is very limited."

Lin Jiang was slightly displeased.

For this unforgettable bar mitzvah, he prepared many films, as well as many artistic props.

Therefore, time is extremely precious to him and cannot be wasted.


Chen Shao nodded gently.

Although she was still wondering how a teenager could have so much energy, she still walked with a pair of slender jade legs, pushed open the bathroom door and walked in.

Lin Jiang leaned on the e-sports chair, and his expression surged with smugness.

In this country where entertainment is paramount, it is rare for a beautiful star like Chen Huang to maintain her innocence.

A little later.

There was a rumbling sound of water running from the bathroom.

A touch of beauty rose in Lin Jiang's mind.

After many years of layout, he is now about to complete the first step in his life, and his mood can be described as hearty.

Ten minutes later.

Chen Shao came out of the bathroom wrapped in a white bath towel.

At this moment, she is quite beautiful and beautiful like a water hibiscus.

She glanced up at Lin Jiang, and even though she had thousands of questions in her heart, she had to press it.

Lin Jiang was also looking at her, but what he was thinking about was Chen Huang's black silk outfit in Jiudao Bay.

Immediately, he pointed to the disposable bag on the bed.

"Change into clothes over there."


Chen Shao nodded gently.

She didn't have to think about it, she knew what clothes were in the disposable plastic bag.

But she had no choice.

Even if Lin Jiang is not a mysterious person.

Also has a close relationship with the mysterious man.

She gently came to the bedside and opened the plastic bag, which contained a black one-piece stocking.

She hesitated, took the one-piece stockings, and turned to go to the bathroom.

Two minutes.

Chen Huang appeared in front of Lin Jiang wearing a one-piece black stocking.

He carefully looked at it and nodded with satisfaction, Chen Huang's appearance and figure were in line with his expectations.

Immediately, he catapulted up from the e-sports chair and threw it down at lightning speed, amid Chen Huang's exclamation...

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 2

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