
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 20

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 20

Lin Jiang didn't know Qiao Xin.

Even, he didn't know what happened between Qiao Xin and Third Master Han.

But that didn't stop him from dealing with the matter.

He entered the system database and checked Qiao Xin's life information.

[Qiao Xin, born in the northeast, one year old, eight years old, sixteen years old, twenty-four years old... 】

[Family background: maternal grandfather Qiao Siye..., father Lin Guohua, chairman of Qiao Group, mother Qiao Fangru.... 】

[Family background: uncle Qiao Zhenzhong, congressional boss, aunt Zhao Ping, deputy director of Nortel. ] 】

[Social background: girlfriend Feng Qing, a certain big man's money, outsiders. ] 】

[Social background: girlfriend Ye Fei, the fourth generation of the Ye family, outsiders. ] 】

Half a day later.

Lin Jiang breathed a long sigh of relief.

Qiao Xin's background can be described as awesome.

His maternal grandfather was the number one person in the northeast, and everyone knew and knew it.

There is also her father, Lin Guohua, who is worth tens of billions and is involved in the political and business fields.

Of course, Qiao Xin's biggest backstage is her uncle and aunt.

As for the matter between Third Master Han and Qiao Xin, Lin Jiang has also found out through the system database.

A few months ago, filming of a large-scale fairy tale drama began, and Qiao Xin was the established heroine.

But the day before the crew started filming, the heroine suddenly changed to Zhao Liying, the first sister of Xian Xia.

Of course, Qiao Xin didn't do it, she found out through her connections that Zhao Liying could replace her heroine, and it was the relationship of Third Master Han.

At this point, she and Third Master Han's Liang Zi can be regarded as completely married.

Qiao Xin has always been the image of a good girl in front of the camera.

But she is not a person who is willing to be bullied.

She told her uncle Qiao Zhenzhong and aunt Zhao Ping about this.

Qiao Zhenzhong is not an ordinary person, his level is higher than Han Sanye, and his lover is also the deputy director of Nortel.

The husband and wife joined hands to seek justice for their niece, and Third Master Han's situation suddenly became worrying.

That's probably what happened.

Lin Jiang couldn't help but secretly scold Third Master Han for being confused, is Qiao Xin a bully? actually let Zhao Liying replace Qiao Xin's heroine, thanks to him thinking of it.

Of course, since Third Master Han had begged for him.

He must be in charge of this matter.

After all, Third Master Han is still useful to him, and he can't fall for the time being.

As for how to solve this matter, he had to think carefully.

Half an hour later.

Lin Jiang dialed an encrypted phone.

"There's something to trouble you."

"Third Master Han is still useful to me, I can't fall."

"You personally call Qiao Zhenzhong and let him accept it when he sees it."

"Third Master Han's side, I will warn him and polish his eyes in the future."

Hung up.

Lin Jiang then dialed Qiao Xin's phone.

The phone rang several times before the other party picked it up.


A languid female voice came from the phone microphone.

"Miss Qiao, hello."

"Fifteen years ago, when Mr. Lin Guohua was developing real estate in Huxi, he had three lives on his hands."

"Ten years ago, Qiao's Group had a serious production accident that killed eighteen people."

"Eight years ago, Qiao's Group committed financial fraud and evaded more than 70 million taxes."

"Five years ago, Miss Qiao was dissatisfied with the director's temporary change of script, and secretly used her relationship to secretly ban the director."

"Two years ago, Miss Qiao spent more than 100 million abroad and bought a large farm."

"A year ago, Miss Qiao secretly met with a certain foreign head of state on a blind date..."

The other end of the phone.

A large indoor hot spring.

The faucet rattled with jets of water.

Qiao Xin was wearing a sexy swimsuit, sitting on a chair next to the hot spring, the water droplets on her skin slowly dropped, and her delicate and attractive round face surged with unparalleled shock.

Her expression seemed to be frozen at this moment, a pair of slightly lazy star eyes, flashing a little empty and weak.

In terms of appearance.

Qiao Xin is not the best in the entertainment industry.

But she has a quiet temperament that gives people a very comfortable feeling.


Her mood was visibly nervous and flustered.

The hand holding the phone trembled slightly.

"You... You are? "

Qiao Xin's voice was mixed with a trace of trembling and panic.

She didn't expect it.

A strange phone call actually told the inside story of Qiao's Group, as well as her personal privacy, how could she not be shocked and panicked!

On the other end of the phone, a calm and powerful voice sounded: "Miss Qiao, who am I, you don't have to know, you just need to know, it's convenient with people, it's convenient for yourself, Third Master Han, I keep it." "


Qiao Xin exhaled softly.

The other party mentioned Third Master Han.

She understood at once.

It turned out that this mysterious call was made for Third Master Han.

"You know so much about my family and my personal privacy?" Qiao Xin frowned slightly, she wanted to test it to see what else the other party knew.

"I probably know more about Miss Qiao than Miss Qiao herself, for example, Miss Qiao tattooed a small clover on your lower left abdomen on her eighteenth birthday."

"Also, Miss Qiao's first boyfriend, his surname is Shao, a person outside the circle, and now he is a cadre within the system, a deputy department."

"I also know that the first time Miss Qiao had sex with a man was in a high-end apartment."

"Miss Qiao has been in love several times, who she likes, who she hates..."

"If Miss Qiao forgets the past, I can recall the people and things you have experienced in your life for you."

Qiao Xin's eyes were full of shock and fear.

It's terrible.

Her secrets.

Even the closest people never knew.

How did he know?


Qiao Xin felt a touch of coldness rise on the soles of her feet, straight into the bone marrow.

"You... Who are you? "

"What do you want to do?"

At this time, Qiao Xin is not the bright and moving female star in front of the camera, but a fox with a tail stepped on, surrounded by fear and panic.

"Miss Qiao, I just said, Third Master Han, I guaranteed."

"If Miss Qiao doesn't agree, I don't mind playing with Miss Qiao, provided that Miss Qiao is fully mentally prepared."

In the mobile phone microphone, the calm and powerful voice has a hint of teasing.

Qiao Xin had no doubts.

If she disagrees.

The other party only needs to expose the tax evasion of the Qiao Group, as well as her personal privacy.

Not only is Qiao's Group over, but her star path is also over.

And her family, too, will be torn apart because of this.

For that moth of Third Master Han.

Losing Qiao's Group and her family is not worth it.

"Third Master Han's matter, this is the end." Qiao Xin tried to keep her voice as steady as possible and slowly spoke.

"Miss Qiao, happy cooperation."

As soon as the calm voice fell, the phone hung up.

Qiao Xin pondered for a while, picked up her mobile phone, called her father, and told her about what happened just now.

After Lin Guohua listened, he broke out in a cold sweat, what he did in the past few years, there are still people who know.

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 20

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