
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 21

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 21

Many capital predators now.

Ten or twenty years ago, there were more or less sins on my hands.

These sins have been forgotten over time, eroded by the years, and the rule of law has become sound and gradually forgotten.

But some things, even in another twenty or thirty years, will still be known.

The parties concerned were worried, fearful day and night, lest the previous events be revealed.

This is the case with Lin Guohua, who has been worried about the old bottom being exposed over the years, and his years of hard work have been in vain.

Now, as soon as Lao Di was revealed, he burned his eyebrows and couldn't sit still.

On the phone.

Lin Guohua repeatedly told his daughter Qiao Xin that Third Master Han's affairs ended here.

Moreover, he asked Qiao Xin to try to contact this mysterious call.

If it is possible, no matter what the cost, he is willing to buy all the evidence of those previous things from the mysterious man, in exchange for his peace of mind.

Qiao Xin just hung up Lin Guohua's phone here.

His uncle Qiao Zhenzhong's phone called.


"Did someone say hello to you above?"

"This is the end of the matter."

"I don't have any opinions."

"It's cheap that old dog of Third Master Han."

"I know he has a great background."

"Yes, I will try not to provoke him in the future."

Hung up.

Qiao Xin's delicate and attractive face surged with a trace of solemnity.

She seemed to have kicked the iron plate this time, and just now her uncle called, saying that someone had said hello above, and Third Master Han couldn't move.

She originally thought that with her uncle's prestige in the National Assembly, it would be easy to take down Third Master Han, but she never thought that Third Master Han, an old dog, hid so deeply, that there was actually a big man who came forward to protect him.

Although she was somewhat reluctant.

But the matter has come to this, and it can only be accepted when it is good.

Next, she had to contact this mysterious phone call and inquire side-by-side to see what evidence the other party had in their hands.

If they could, the Qiao family could spare money and buy these evidences from the other party.

An hour later.

Qiao Xin thought clearly and dialed the mysterious phone.

The phone rang for a long time.

The other party answered.

"Hello sir, I'm Qiao Xin."

"I want to talk to you?"

"What you have in your hands, whether you intend to sell it?"

"The conditions are yours."

"Those things are in your hands, just some waste paper, and they are of no use."

"If I can, I would like to meet and talk to you, is it convenient for you?"

"Are you in the South China Sea? It's okay, I'll fly to Nanhai to see you in the afternoon. "

"See you in the afternoon."

Hung up.

Qiao Xin was busy calling the assistant, booking air tickets, booking hotels, loading luggage, replanning the itinerary and so on.



South China Sea.



A smile welled up at the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth.

This afternoon, Qiao Xin will fly to the South China Sea to meet him in detail.

He didn't guess and knew that what he exposed had caused the Qiao family to be in shock and panic, and they were eager to buy back the so-called evidence from themselves.

In fact, he had no evidence in his hands.

However, this did not prevent him from empty-gloved white wolf.


He took out his mobile phone and called Third Master Han.

Roughly said the matter.

Tell him to come according to the rules in the future.

Don't take advantage of his prestige in the entertainment industry and do nothing.

Don't kick it on the iron plate again one day, whether you will help or not at that time, it's just two words.

Third Master Han called Qu on the phone, he didn't expect Qiao Xin's background to be so deep, and she was only a Qianjin of the Qiao Group before, so he dared to let Zhao Liying top Qiao Xin's heroine.

If he knew that Qiao Xin's uncle was a congressional boss, he would not have done such a stupid thing.

Of course, Third Master Han thanked Lin Jiang on the phone, and repeatedly said that if Lin Jiang entered Beijing one day, he would definitely have to call him to give him the opportunity to fulfill the friendship of the landlord.

Lin Jiang has no plans to enter Beijing for the time being, and if he wants to go to the capital in the future, call him in advance.

Anyway, Third Master Han owed him several adult favors.


Around five o'clock.

A plane cut through the clouds, slowly lowered, and gradually landed on the airport.

A beautiful woman with a height of 172CM, wearing a coffee-colored women's wide-leg suit, long hair draped over her shoulders, wearing a mask, and holding a suitcase in her hand, walked down the corridor of the airport.

Beside her, followed by a woman with short hair, and on the left and right were two big men in Zhongshan suits, they followed closely behind Qiao Xin, their eyes looking at the surrounding travelers from time to time, for fear that someone would suddenly rush out.

Qiao Xin and her party came out of the airport, got directly into a commercial car, and went to a six-star hotel in Nanhai.

Arrival at the hotel.

After the group moved in.

Qiao Xin dialed the mysterious phone and asked him to meet at the hotel in the evening for a detailed discussion.

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 21

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