
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 22

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 22

Nanhai University.

On the parking lot.

In a black Cullinan car.

Lin Jiang and the newly ascended school flower Li Xinyu tried to practice a character horse in the car.

The fly in the ointment is that the space of the Cullinan car is still a little not spacious enough, and Li Xinyu's one-word horse is difficult to split.

Since he couldn't do a word, Lin Jiang practiced attack yoga movements with her for a while.

After practicing for an hour, he thought of seeing Qiao Xin at night, so he stopped practicing yoga and sent Li Xinyu back to the dormitory, and he also went back to the dormitory to rest for a while.

At night.

Haitang Bay.

Mangrove Hotel.

This is the only seven-star hotel in Nanhai.

Specially tailored for wealthy businessmen from all over the world who come to the South China Sea to travel.

The hotel has more than 20 seaside villas, each villa has a daily price of more than 20,000.

A black Cullinan stopped outside the Mangrove Hotel.

Lin Jiang got out of the car.

I got into a special car specially used by the hotel to receive VIPs.

A few minutes later, the car stopped in front of a seaside villa.

Villa doorstep.

Two young women were standing.

The woman at the head was wearing a coffee-colored women's suit, stepping on 5CM high heels, long hair draped over her shoulders, and her makeup was delicate and bright.

She is Qiao Xin, with a height of one meter seventy-two, plus a high heel of 5CM, making her height look one meter eight.

Lin Jiang got out of the car and glanced at Qiao Xin.

Not surprised.

Nor was it disappointed.

It was no different from what he had guessed.

Qiao Xin's appearance, in his opinion, can only be regarded as medium-to-high.

Although she is 172cm tall and has long legs, her curves are not obvious, and she is too thin, weighing only 47kg.

Also, she has a delicate and attractive round face, and her eyes are not the kind of big watery eyes.

However, her facial features as a whole look very delicate, with a quiet temperament, and a slight smile, giving people the feeling of a sister next door.

Behind Qiao Xin, there stood a woman with short hair, dressed very casually, with an ordinary appearance, who should be her assistant.


Qiao Xin was also looking at Lin Jiang who got down from the VIP car.

There was a hint of surprise and disbelief in her eyes.

The person in front of him looks like he is seventeen or eight years old, how can he be the calm and powerful mysterious person on the phone?

Lin Jiang took her expression into his eyes.

Almost everyone who saw him for the first time would show Qiao Xin's expression, which he had become accustomed to.

"Miss Qiao, it's nice to meet you."

Lin Jiang walked to Qiao Xin and stretched out his palm of friendship.

Qiao Xin smiled slightly, reached out and shook Lin Jiang gently, and asked softly: "Are you Mr. Lin?" "

"Miss Qiao, you shouldn't ask such a childish question." Lin Jiang said lightly.

"Sorry, I didn't mean anything else, just to confirm your identity."

Qiao Xin's heart was shocked, she thought that Mr. Lin, at least in his thirties, who would have thought, was actually a seventeen or eighteen-year-old child.


Lin Jiang was also speechless, it was precisely because he was too young, many things, he solved by remote control through the phone.

"You please."

Qiao Xin hurriedly turned sideways and made a gesture of invitation.

Lin Jiang walked in from the seaside villa with big strides.

Second floor of the villa.

Sea view terrace.

There is an oval white table.

A chair was placed on each side of the table.

Lin Jiang was also not polite, and directly pulled over a chair and sat down.

From his vantage point, just enough to see the sea at night.

But he didn't even look at it.

After all, he has lived in the South China Sea since he was a child, and he is familiar with the sea.

In contrast, he felt that Qiao Xin was much more beautiful than the sea.

In terms of age, Qiao Xin, who was born in 93, immediately ran three.

Although she did not get married and have children, she was eleven years older than him, and it was not too much to call her an aunt.

Qiao Xin wrapped her arms together.

Sit opposite Lin Jiang.

She smiled lightly, her eyes looked at Lin Jiang, seventeen or eight years old, sunny and handsome.

"Miss Qiao, let's get started." Lin Jiang didn't want to waste time, after all, in his heart, building a baby was more important than anything.


Qiao Xin nodded lightly and said, "Mr. Lin, I came to Nanhai to meet you with full sincerity, hoping that you can give our Qiao Group a face." "

"We value those things in your hands very much and want to pay for them."

"As far as we can afford, you can make an offer, but you can't open your mouth."

Lin Jiang frowned secretly.

The market value of Qiao's Group is 560 billion.

Asking for half of their assets, isn't it excessive?

Of course, if he directly asked for half of the assets of Qiao's Group, Qiao Xin would definitely not agree.

But if Qiao Xin is allowed to give birth to his child, half of the assets of the Qiao Group are not his children.

Thinking about it this way, he felt that this matter was feasible, not only to make many children and many blessings of wool, but also to earn tens of billions of assets out of thin air, which is the best of both worlds.

"Miss Qiao, I'm not short of money!" An inexplicable smile surged at the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth.

Qiao Xin was slightly sluggish, there is no shortage of money, how to talk?

"In my opinion, Miss Qiao is better than a billion, tens of billions." Lin Jiang said with a smile.


Qiao Xin's eyes flashed with a hint of understanding.

She is not a schoolgirl in her twenties.

As a rich family in the entertainment industry, she has some words, a little through.

What surprised her was that the seventeen or eighteen-year-old young man in front of her was actually interesting to her, saying that she was better than a billion or tens of billions.

Although there is a certain amount of water in this statement.

But it still sounded happy to her.

After all, beautiful women like to listen to sweet words, and she is no exception.

"Thank you Mr. Lin for your compliment, but I prefer Mr. Lin to make a price, after all, we are talking about business, not anything else." Qiao Xin politely refused, in her opinion, Lin Jiang was too young, only seventeen or eight years old...

"This is my only condition, if Miss Qiao can't agree, we won't talk about it."

Lin Jiang smiled indifferently, money is not important to him, after all, over the years, he has a layout in all walks of life, and there is a steady stream of income every day, and he is not worried about not having enough money to spend.

"Is this your only condition?" Qiao Xin frowned secretly, this kid is also too persistent, as long as he opens his mouth, even if it is a billion yuan, Qiao's Group will give it to him.

After all, what he has in his hands is worth this number.

However, she also thought that Lin Jiang could give Han Sanye a character like peace, and he would not be the master who lacked money.

If there is no shortage of money, there will naturally be no shortage of beautiful women.

Then why did he mention this condition?

Is it to humiliate her?

Or is there another purpose?

"Yes, this is my only condition, if Miss Qiao can agree, I guarantee that the future of Qiao's Group will be smooth sailing."

Lin Jiang's words also have the next sentence, if Qiao Xin does not agree, then what will happen to the Qiao Group in the future, he can't care.

"This matter ... I'll think about it. "

Qiao Xin's expression surged with a hint of contemplation.

Lin Jiang's conditions are not harsh.

But in her opinion, it is also a pre-rule in disguise.

"Give you a day to think about it, tomorrow this time, I will wait for your reply."

Lin Jiang smiled secretly in his heart, when Qiao Xin said to think about it, he knew that she would definitely agree.

After all, the things he knew were enough to bankrupt the Qiao Group and ruin her family.


Qiao Xin nodded slightly, she really needed to think carefully about this matter.

Lin Jiang got up from the chair and glanced at the sea view outside the floor-to-ceiling window, and then, he glanced sideways at Qiao Xin, and the meaning in his eyes could not be more obvious.

Qiao Xin's delicate face surged with a trace of shame.

She is almost three years old, more than ten years older than Lin Jiang, what does he think?

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 22

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