
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 24

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 24

Li Xinyu is a sensible and realistic female college student.

She knows very well that the title of school flower is only a recognition of her figure and appearance.

After graduating from college, school flowers are a thing of the past.

The outside society, I heard that it is very curly, a beautiful woman like her with good looks and no background, if she wants to gain a foothold in society, it will undoubtedly be very difficult.

And Lin Jiang's words are undoubtedly a shortcut for her.

150 square meters sea view room.

A villa with sea view.

The total value should not be less than ten million.

If she struggles alone, she may not be able to afford a villa with a sea view in her life.

Moreover, after this period of getting along and running-in, she found that it seemed to be quite good to be with Lin Jiang in this life.

Although Lin Jiang is younger than her, he is steady, calm and reliable.

Of course, she does not have the luxury of marrying Lin Jiang, after all, there are too few examples of lovers successfully ascending to the throne.

She pondered for a moment.

Gently nodded his head.

It was considered that he agreed to Lin Jiang's proposal.

Having a child out of wedlock.

It's actually not terrible.

Big deal: take a year off from school.

Anyway, after giving birth, you can come back and go to college.

She was also a little worried.

It is whether the figure will be deformed after giving birth.

Although her body is full of flexibility, I heard that after giving birth, the cross-bone will loosen and her figure will be out of shape....

Lin Jiang's expression was not a little surprised.

He knew that Li Xinyu would definitely agree.

She is an extremely sane person.

In the face of shortcuts and detours, she knows what to choose.

Next, the Cullinan car swayed again.

About an hour later, the car stopped shaking, and a beautiful woman in white tracksuits got out of the car and limped back to school under the dim street lights.


Lin Jiang attended, left class, and played games as usual.

In the afternoon, he came out of school and went to Gong Xue's house to pick her up and eat outside.

Since Gong Xue suspended school, he began to be clingy like Chen Huang, and he could send hundreds of messages a day, asking him if he had eaten for a while, and asking him what he was doing.

Lin Jiang patiently replied to her messages every time, never getting bored.

The two went to the Seremban Court Hotel for dinner.

Gong Xue told him that she didn't want to continue living at home.

Her parents don't know about her pregnancy and suspension of school for the time being, but over time, you can definitely see the clues, after all, her belly will grow bigger day by day.

Moreover, Lin Jiang also found a nanny for her, and although her parents did not say anything, they must have doubts in their hearts.

It's simple.

Lin Jiang told her that he had a villa by the sea and asked her to move in.

Gong Xue immediately nodded in agreement.

Lin Jiang accompanied her for a while, and then sent her home.

After all, Gong Xue is pregnant now, and he will not sharpen her gun without scruples like before.

At night.

It's past eight o'clock.

Night falls.

The lights are on.

The island city of the South China Sea emits a dazzling night light.

Mangrove Hotel.

Seaside villa.

Lin Jiang carried a travel bag to the door of the hotel villa where Qiao Xin lived.

He was greeted by Qiao Xin's assistant, a young woman with ordinary facial features.

"Mr. Lin, Mr. Qiao explains, please go to the second floor of the villa and wait for her." The female assistant said.

Lin Jiang was slightly startled and said in surprise, "Teacher Qiao? "

"Oh... I'm sorry, it's my slip of the tongue just now, it's Mr. Qiao. The female assistant was slightly stunned, and hurriedly changed her words.

Artists in the general entertainment industry, with a little qualifications, have played the protagonists of several dramas, and are called teachers when they are on the screen.

The assistant of the artist, usually also calls the artist a teacher.

Lin Jiang just heard the female assistant call Qiao Xin Teacher Qiao, which made him suddenly think of some female teachers in Toyo, and their acting skills burst one by one, which made him have endless memories.

"Please." The female assistant said.

Lin Jiang carried his travel bag, walked in from the hotel villa, and went directly to the second floor.

Second floor.

Living room.

Lin Jiang put down his travel bag, sat on the sofa, and cocked Erlang's legs, waiting for Teacher Qiao to appear.

After a short while.

The sound of high heels sounded downstairs.

From the rhythmic sound of the high heels, it should be Qiao Xin who has returned.


A moment later.

Qiao Xin appeared on the second floor of the villa.

She wore a white dress with a low collar and a clear view of the ravines under her collarbone.

She came to sit down opposite Lin Jiang and gracefully lifted Erlang's legs.

A delicate and attractive face with a bright smile.

"Here you are."

"Teacher Qiao meets, don't dare to be late." Lin Jiang shrugged.

Qiao Xin frowned secretly, how did this sound particularly strange!

What is Mr. Joe's appointment?

It is clear that it is his own initiative.

Of course, these are trifles and not enough to hang on.

What she really cared about was whether Lin Jiang had brought something with her.

"Mr. Lin, what about the stuff?" Qiao Xin asked with a light smile.


Lin Jiang opened the travel bag, took out a transparent wrapped black silk from the bag, and threw it directly in front of Qiao Xin: "Teacher Qiao, how to raise this set?" "

Qiao Xin was stunned.

What Lin Jiang threw to her was black silk, and the word sex was written on the bag.

She wanted the evidence in Lin Jiang's hands, not these messy things.

"Mr. Lin, what did I say...?"

"I know."

Lin Jiang interrupted her, took out another transparent package of white silk from her travel bag, and threw it in front of Qiao Xin: "Teacher Qiao, how about this?" "

Qiao Xin looked helpless.

If she is evidence, evidence!

And not these erotic clothes under the bed.

"Mr. Lin, I hope you can listen to me finish?"

"I know."

Lin Jiang once again threw out a pink suit from his travel bag, and said seriously: "Mr. Qiao, I personally recommend you to wear this set of white silk, because your temperament is not suitable for other colors." "

Qiao Xin was angry.

She could see that Lin Jiang was deliberately humiliating her.

Wiped her EQ and IQ on the ground.

"Mr. Lin, I hope you show sincerity." Qiao Xin said angrily.


Lin Jiang spread his palms: "Isn't my sincerity obvious enough!" "

Qiao Xin was angry and had nothing to say, and her sincerity meant evidence.

"Mr. Lin, what exactly do you have to do to give me something?" Qiao Xin's voice was mixed with a hint of helplessness.

Lin Jiang thought to himself that he had evidence of a fart in his hand.

He could know the secrets of the Qiao Group and Lin Guohua, all obtained from the system database.


He wouldn't say it.

Otherwise, if Qiao Xin knew that he had no evidence, would she obediently be ruled by him.

Lin Jiang had a bad smile on the corner of his mouth, glanced at Qiao Xin, and glanced at the stockings on the coffee table, the meaning was self-evident.

"Mr. Qiao, you are a smart person, you will not get what you want until the transaction is over."

"Of course, after our deal is over, I will give you all the things in my hand."


Qiao Xin fell into deep thought.

Intuition told her.

Lin Jiang's words are not credible.

But she had no other way to get the evidence back.

As for hard robbery, theft and other methods, she did not think about it, but this method can only be used when forced to do so.

After all, Lin Jiang's identity is a mystery, and before figuring out his true identity, she will not rashly take radical measures so as not to cause him unhappiness.

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 24

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