
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 25

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 25

"How can I trust you?" Qiao Xin's expression welled up with anger.

"Teacher Qiao, you can also choose not to believe me." A smile rose at the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth: "However, if I hand over the things in my hand...?" "

His words were full of threats.

Qiao Xin forced down the anger in her heart.

Man for the knife, she for the fish.

She had no other choice.

You can only choose to believe him.

Hopefully, he won't break his word.

"I believe you once." Qiao Xin said.

A playful smile crossed the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth.

He glanced at the white silk on the coffee table, and the smile at the corner of his mouth widened.

Qiao Xin glanced at the white silk on the coffee table, and was slightly angry in her heart, a seventeen or eighteen-year-old half-old child, Mao didn't know if there was a long qi, actually learned adults to play with stockings.

If Lin Jiang knew what was in her heart, she would definitely show the gun without hesitation.

Qiao Xin glared at him, reluctantly picked up the white silk, and turned around and entered the bathroom on the second floor of the villa.

Lin Jiang leaned back on the sofa and waited for her to come out of the bathroom.

After a while.

Qiao Xin came out of the bathroom wearing a white silk.

Lin Jiang's dark and deep eyes scanned her.

It is undeniable that the height of one meter seventy-two is eye-catching.

A one-piece white silk wrapped her in it, revealing a hint of the charm of a mature woman.

A trace of anger surged through Qiao Xin's eyes.

The heart is full of humiliation.

Since she was a child, she has been insulted like this.

Even in the muddy entertainment industry, she adheres to the bottom line of morality and does not accept any former rules.

But today, she not only accepted the former rules, but also wore sex clothes that made her sick.

What made it even more difficult for her to let go was that the former rule was actually a seventeen or eighteen-year-old half-old child.

She didn't want to see Lin Jiang's expression, so she simply closed her eyes.

"Teacher Qiao, why are you closing your eyes?"

Lin Jiang leaned on the sofa and smiled lazily.

Qiao Xin slowly opened her eyes, seeing that Lin Jiang did not make the slightest movement, she couldn't help but be more angry, she put on her clothes according to his requirements, what else did he want?

"You... What do you mean? "

Qiao Xin clenched her jade teeth, pressed to endure the anger in her heart, and forced a smile to emerge.

"Teacher Qiao, I want to see your acting skills." Lin Jiang said with a smile.

Watch the acting?

Qiao Xin was stunned again.

How did she feel that she couldn't keep up with Lin Jiang's thinking jump.

She was all dressed, shouldn't he pounce like a hungry wolf at this time?

"What do you want to see?" Qiao Xin had to ask patiently again.

"Teacher Qiao, I want to see you perform the way Guan Ji'er just woke up." Lin Jiang said bluntly.


Qiao Xin forced to suppress the anger in her heart.

I saw her come to the opposite sofa, slowly lie down, close her eyes, and after a while, she rubbed her eyes with the back of her hands, and slowly sat up, her expression was slightly woody, but very real.

Lin Jiang suddenly burst out laughing.

The laughter was unbridled.

It echoes on the second floor of the villa.

Qiao Xin was a little overwhelmed by his sudden laughter.

"Teacher Qiao, if you wear this white silk to play Guan Ji'er, you will definitely be able to win the queen."

Lin Jiang really can't hold back, Qiao Xin is dressed in sexy white silk, but she plays the appearance of a rich girl waking up, if this is exposed on the Internet, her rich family personality is bound to collapse.

The anger in Qiao Xin's heart was almost at its peak.

Lin Jiang, this half-old child, is too capable of tossing people.

It's getting dressed again, and it's playing Guan Ji'er waking up again.

He thought this was filming!

Or is Lin Jiang not fully developed, and there is no way to rule her before before coming up with these messy ideas to toss her.

"Mr. Lin, I'll go to the bedroom and wait for you."

Qiao Xin didn't want to accompany him anymore, so she turned around and went to the bedroom directly.

"Wait a minute."

Lin Jiang called out to her.

"What's wrong again?" Qiao Xin forcibly suppressed the Flame Mountain that was about to erupt and asked.

Lin Jiang looked at the white silk on her body, frowned, and said, "I suddenly don't like this set of white silk, or Teacher Qiao will change another set?" "

Qiao Xin took a deep breath, suppressed, and suppressed again.

She was really worried that she couldn't control it and blasted Lin Jiang out of the villa.

"Okay, what color do you fancy?" Qiao Xin forced down her anger and asked.

"The pink one is pretty good." Lin Jiang pointed to the set of pink stockings on the coffee table and said seriously.

In fact, he was also muttering in his heart, Qiao Xin's patience is so good, so that she can endure it.

"Wait a minute."

Qiao Xin took the pink stockings and went into the bathroom.

In the bathroom, while changing her clothes, she secretly slandered, Lin Jiang tossed her like this, which only showed that he couldn't do it.

If he was really a man, and a big beauty of his own dangled in front of his eyes, how could he be indifferent.

Lin Jiang can't do it in the end.

He knows it best on his own.

He deliberately tossed Qiao Xin like this, that is, he deliberately trampled her rich dignity under his feet and rubbed.

However, what surprised him was that Qiao Xin actually persevered under his toss.

Two minutes later.

Qiao Xin came out wearing a set of pink stockings.

She came to Lin Jiang, pinched her waist with one hand, and took a coquettish and seductive pose.

Lin Jiang looked a little moved, this set of pink stockings was worn on Qiao Xin, who was one meter seventy-two, it was just like it was tailored for her, tall and sexy, with upturned hips and round legs.

He got up from the sofa and stared directly at Qiao Xin for a few seconds.


Qiao Xin let out a coquettish snort.

But it was Lin Jiang who rushed up, carried her on his shoulders, and rushed into the bedroom.

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 25

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