
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 26

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 26

Many things in life are unpredictable.

Such as people and things.

Some people look small, but they are actually big.

Some people look big, but they are actually small.

These are unpredictable.

Qiao Xin expected it wrong, and bore the unspeakable consequences for this.

She thought that a half-old child of seventeen or eight years old could be powerful.

But the bloody reality told her that Lin Jiang could no longer be described as a person.

She was a person who rushed to the third, putting down her dignity and reserve, and I don't know how many times she begged him.

I don't know how many times I called him dad.

But he remained indifferent and went his own way.

The saddest thing is.

She was pushed to her knees by Lin Jiang and fell to the ground.

There is nothing left of dignity trampled on.

Two o'clock in the morning.

Lin Jiang walked away with shaky spirits.

The female assistant, who had not slept for half a night, rushed up from the first floor with red eyes and found Qiao Xin naked in the bedroom.

The ground was a mess.

Black, white, pink, throwing shredded silk everywhere.

"Send... Take me to the hospital. Qiao Xin's voice was hoarse, as if her voice was hoarse.

"Mr. Qiao, your identity is not suitable to go to the hospital." The female assistant looked at Qiao Xin's current embarrassed appearance, and her heart was full of sympathy, what kind of torture she had experienced.

Qiao Xin cried out aggrieved.

She underestimated the enemy!

It will be reduced to the current situation, full of wounds, heart-tearing pain.

The more Qiao Xin cried, the more sad she became, she had never been insulted like this.

No, not an insult to be precise, but a torment.

The female assistant hurriedly went to the bathroom to get a towel, wiped Qiao Xin, and helped her to rest.

Then the female assistant called the bodyguard and asked them to go out on the street to buy boxes of anti-inflammatory drugs, bandages and iodophor.

After all, Qiao Xin's two knees had worn off the skin, revealing the flesh and blood inside, and it was necessary to use iodine to eliminate inflammation, and then bandage it with bandages.

"What about things...?"

Qiao Xin rested for a while and asked weakly.


The female assistant looked confused, and when she entered the bedroom, she saw nothing else on the floor except clothes and shoes.

"He... What about people? Qiao Xin's pale face surged with a trace of fear.


The female assistant saw Lin Jiang go, and she came up.


Qiao Xin cried again.

She was humiliated, her body was sore and weak, and the thief actually took advantage of her exhaustion and ran away.

"Call him and ask for something." Qiao Xin was very persistent, even if she was seriously injured, she was still thinking about the things in Lin Jiang's hand.

The assistant took Qiao Xin's mobile phone and dialed Lin Jiang's phone, and a mechanical sound came from the mobile phone microphone: Sorry, the phone you dialed has been turned off.

When Qiao Xin thought that she had endured humiliation and her dignity was trampled on, she didn't get what she wanted, and she suddenly cried into tears.

The female assistant had to reassure her with kind words.

After a while, Qiao Xin was too tired and fell asleep crying.



Lin Jiang drove to school.

His phone was turned off last night.

Just booted.

SMS tones sound one after another.

He clicked on it and saw that it was all missed call reminders from the system.

He glanced at the missed number, and thought that he was worthy of being the aunt of the fast running three, and the recovery speed was amazing enough, which had to rest on Gong Xue and Li Xinyu, and he was not allowed to stay in bed for two or three days.

What he didn't know was that the call wasn't made by Qiao Xin at all.

It was the female assistant who hit.

Qiao Xin has not woken up since she slept last night.

Lin Jiang threw the phone aside and ignored it.

With Qiao Xin's persistence, she will definitely call next

He planned to dry Qiao Xin for two days first, wait for her to be angry, and then talk slowly.


Two days later.

Qiao Xin recovered well.

Look like a million dollars.

Bright and moving.

A delicate face with a pink glow.

In the past two days, she can't remember how many times she called Lin Jiang, either not answering or shutting down.

At this time, she was full of remorse.

I already knew that Lin Jiang was so discredited.

She wouldn't say yes to anything.

Now it's good, the things haven't arrived, and I put myself in.

Qiao Xin dialed Lin Jiang's phone again, but the other party still did not answer, making it clear that he wanted to pay the bill.

She couldn't help but be angry, she had never seen such a shameless person, so slippery.

Lin Jiang could not be contacted, and his address was not clear, as if the world had evaporated.

Qiao Xin pondered, what Lin Jiang had in her hand, she was determined to get.

She couldn't contact Lin Jiang, but someone could definitely contact him.

As a popular star.

Qiao Xin has never lacked suitors.

For example, in the city of Nanhai, there are her suitors.

She picked up her phone, dialed one of the suitors, and told the story of the matter.

"The surname is Lin, seventeen or eight years old, sunny and handsome, about one meter seven or eight meters tall..."

Half an hour later, the suitor sent a photo to Qiao Xin's phone.

Qiao Xin looked at the photo and recognized at a glance that the person in the photo was Lin Jiang.

She was tortured so hard by Lin Jiang, even if he turned into ashes, she could recognize it.

Immediately, the suitor told Qiao Xin Lin Jiang's identity information.

"Nanhai University... Freshman management student...? "

A smile crossed the corner of Qiao Xin's mouth.

With an address.

The rest is easy to do.


She took her assistant and bodyguards and drove a commercial car to Nanhai University.

Nanhai University is generally prohibited from entering by social vehicles.

But under normal circumstances, the security uncle who guards the door, stuff a box of cigarettes, give a red envelope, and enter through the back door.


In the hallway.

Lin Jiang was holding his mobile phone and was making a call.

Although he is in school, he calls whenever he has free time.

After all, he has layouts in all walks of life, and many things need to be solved by him remotely.


Someone tapped him on the shoulder.

Lin Jiang turned around and saw that it was an ordinary-looking young woman.

Take a closer look.

Isn't this Teacher Qiao's female assistant!

Lin Jiang hung up the phone and put the phone back in his trouser pocket.

"Mr. Lin, Joe always has a request." The female assistant pointed to the commercial car parked on the side.

Lin Jiang was not surprised at all that Qiao Xin could find Nanhai University.

A bad smile surged at the corner of his mouth: "Teacher Qiao's body is recovering?" "

The female assistant looked a little embarrassed, and it was not convenient for her to answer this question.

"Joe is always waiting for you in the car." The female assistant urged.

"You go and tell Teacher Qiao and let her get off." Lin Jiang will not give her habits, in the eyes of others, she is a big star on the top, but in his eyes, no matter how popular the star is, she is just an ordinary woman.


The female assistant looked helpless, Qiao Xin is a star, and this is the campus, what if she gets off the bus and is recognized by the students?

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 26

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