
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 27

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 27

On board the Business Van.

The female assistant whispered: "President Qiao, he let you get off." "

Qiao Xin's expression surged with a hint of anger.

Moments later, she put on her mask and cap, and stepped out of the van.

The moment she got out of the car, her knees felt faint pain.

Although two days have passed, the assistant has changed her dressing every day, but the knee injury is still not good.

Qiao Xin walked quickly towards Lin Jiang with a pair of long legs.

"Mr. Lin, it's a surprise, right?"

Qiao Xin's eyes flashed with pride, as if to say, let him hide to the ends of the earth, she can also find it.

"No surprise."

Lin Jiang shook his head and said with a smile: "Teacher Qiao came to life so quickly, but I was very surprised. "

Smart as Qiao Xin.

I heard what he meant.

As soon as the matter was mentioned.

Qiao Xin was angry.

She paid so much, her body was bruised, her throat was shouting smoke, and Lin Jiang actually ran away.

He thought that if he could run the monk, he would be able to run the temple.

Didn't that still get her caught?

"What about the stuff?"

Qiao Xin went straight to the point.

She has a thought now, take things and leave, and never see Lin Jiang again in this life.


Lin Jiang pretended to be confused.

"You want to pay the bill?"

A trace of indifference surged in Qiao Xin's eyes.

"Teacher Qiao, a manly husband, spit on a nail, how can I pay the bill?" Lin Jiang said awe-inspiringly.

"You're a manly husband?"

Qiao Xin secretly slandered in her heart, he was an authentic villain.

"Am I a manly husband, shouldn't Teacher Qiao know best, didn't you forget so quickly, that night, who knelt in front of me and mouthed a father............."

Like a rabbit whose tail was stepped on, Qiao Xin said busily: "Don't say!" "

When she thought of the way she knelt in front of Lin Jiang that night, her heart was full of shame.

"In the past two days, I bought some beautiful clothes online and sent them to Teacher Qiao in the afternoon." Lin Jiang said with a smile.

"I'm talking to you seriously." Qiao Xin said angrily.

"I'm talking about it too."

Lin Jiang glanced at Qiao Xin's slender body and said, "Teacher Qiao won't think that he can change the things in my hand in one night, right?" "

"You... What do you mean? "

Qiao Xin suddenly looked like a frightened rabbit.

Lin Jiang, this bastard, shouldn't he still want to insult her.

"Teacher Qiao is a smart person, what do I mean, you understand." An ambiguous smile crossed the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth.


Qiao Xin categorically refused, she already knew that Lin Jiang was extraordinary, and she would not agree to his request again.

After all, if you don't think about anything else, you have to think about your own body.

She didn't want to be tortured out of a heart attack by Lin Jiang and sent to the hospital in the middle of the night for rescue.

"You so... We can't talk about it. Lin Jiang shook his head regretfully.

"When things are taken, we go our own ways, and we have nothing to do with each other from now on." Qiao Xin said coldly.

"Unless Teacher Qiao stays in Nanhai to accompany me for a month, then...?" Lin Jiang said with a smile.

"You - dreaming!"

Qiao Xin stomped her foot angrily.

She had never seen such a brazen person, who did not keep his promises, treacherous, and a villain.

"Then there is nothing to talk about."

Lin Jiang shrugged and turned to leave.

Qiao Xin looked at his back, her eyes surging with coldness, thinking that this was all forced by him.


She returned to the van.

She made a phone call to her suitor and asked to meet them in the lobby on the first floor of the Mangrove Hotel.

Half an hour later.

Mangrove Hotel.

A man in a suit and trousers and a white shirt, wearing a tie, came in from the hotel lobby.

His name is Shao Xiaodong.

The son of the chairman of Nanhai Shaw Group, he is currently the director of the cultural and entertainment department of Shaw Group.

Shaw Group is involved in real estate, hotel, tourism, entertainment and other projects, with total assets of more than 20 billion.

As the future successor of the Shaw Group.

Shao Xiaodong is not one of those rich second generation who eat and wait for death.

He is a very ambitious man.

Fantasize that one day, he will lead the Shaw Group out of the South China Sea and become famous in the business world.

For this goal, he frequently interacted with the rich second generation and Bai Fumei in the mainland.

Among them, Qiao Xin of Qiao's Group is one of his stated goals.

Won Qiao Xin, received funding from Qiao Group, and opened the door of the mainland business community for Shaw Group.

Secondly, Qiao Xin's star identity brings its own traffic, if he can catch up with Qiao Xin, he can use Qiao Xin's identity to attract traffic from the network for the Shaw Group.

Now is the Internet era, the traditional propaganda model has long been outdated, and enterprises must divert traffic from the Internet if they want to become bigger and stronger.

At that time, Dongge was drained by milk tea girls to make Jingdong stand out from a number of e-commerce platforms and quickly become one of the world's top 500 enterprises.


Shao Xiaodong swept around, his gaze fixed on the corner seat in the hall, and there was a woman wearing a black OL uniform.

Although she wore a mask and sunglasses, her face was unclear.

But Shao Xiaodong still recognized her at a glance - Qiao Xin.

After all, Qiao Xin is famous for her height in the entertainment industry.

One meter seventy-two tall, thin body.

He didn't want to recognize it all hard.

Shao Xiaodong showed a smile that he thought was very handsome, and came to sit down in front of Qiao Xin.

"Don't tell me in advance when you come to the South China Sea."

Shao Xiaodong didn't see anything at all, pulled over a chair and sat opposite Qiao Xin.

"Xiaodong, I need your help with something." Qiao Xin is also not polite with him, in her eyes, the suitor is actually a resource.

"We don't need to be so polite between us, there is something to say." Shao Xiaodong said with a smile.

"The person you checked for me today has what I need in his hand, but he refuses to cooperate, I think..."

Before Qiao Xin's words were finished, Shao Xiaodong agreed: "Understand, leave this matter to me, in the South China Sea, the Shao Group still has some strength." "


Qiao Xin nodded lightly and instructed: "Now is a legal society, try not to make trouble." "

"Don't worry, I know how."

Shao Xiaodong had seen Lin Jiang's information, just an ordinary college student, scare him, and then give some money, no matter what he had in his hands Qiao Xin, he would definitely take it out obediently.

"Xiaodong, I'm bothering you this time."

"What's polite with me."

"By the way, don't you have time in the evening, let's have a meal together?"



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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 27

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