
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 29

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 29

The two entered the restaurant.

Shao Xiaodong ordered a lot of Western-style dishes, opened a bottle of red wine, and personally poured a glass for Qiao Xin.

"Welcome to Hainan."

As soon as Shao Xiaodong finished speaking, his face suddenly changed.

But someone brought the red wine in front of Qiao Xin.

"Mr. Shao is polite."

Lin Jiang smiled and took the wine glass and came to sit next to Qiao Xin, who looked full of surprise.

"You... What are you doing here? "Qiao Xin's brain is a little short circuited, how could Lin Jiang appear?

"Mr. Shao asked me to wait, I waited for hours, and I didn't wait for him, so I had to come here to find him."

Lin Jiang glanced at Shao Xiaodong on the other side, his eyes full of contempt.


Shao Xiaodong frowned, he didn't expect that Lin Jiang, a half-old child, actually appeared at his candlelight dinner with Qiao Xin.

"You what?"

Lin Jiang sneered: "You are all fathers, but it is a little inappropriate to have a candlelight dinner with my woman, right?" "

"I'm a dad?"

A trace of shock flashed in Shao Xiaodong's eyes, how did Lin Jiang know about this?

Also, what did he just say about his woman?

Could it be that he and Qiao Xin have that kind of relationship?

It shouldn't be.

Qiao Xin is 93 years old, 29 years old, and 30 imaginary years.

This kid looks seventeen or eight years old, how can Qiao Xin be his woman.

Moreover, with Qiao Xin's family background and star status, she will definitely not find a seventeen or eighteen-year-old half-old child as her boyfriend.


Lin Jiang stretched out his arm and grabbed Qiao Xin's shoulder.

Qiao Xinjiao's body trembled slightly, and instinctively wanted to shake off his arm.

Lin Jiang whispered a few words in her ear.

Qiao Xin listened to him and let him hold her shoulders.

"Here, kiss Daddy."

Lin Jiang held the red wine glass and looked sideways at Qiao Xin who was half-nestled in his arms.


Qiao Xin's eyes were full of shame, Lin Jiang, the bastard, actually called himself father in front of Shao Xiaodong, and let her kiss it.

She couldn't wait to find a seam to get into, it was too humiliating.

Lin Jiang glanced at her and smiled meaningfully.

Qiao Xin endured the shame and gently took a sip on his face.


Shao Xiaodong was completely numb.

Dare to love this half-old child and Qiao Xin is really ...

Even, he didn't dare to think deeply, just now Lin Jiang called himself Qiao Xin's father..., men understand.

Moreover, Qiao Xin took a sip on his face.

"Mr. Qiao, he... Is he your boyfriend? "

Shao Xiaodong really couldn't figure it out, Qiao Xin had such good conditions, how could she find a seventeen or eighteen-year-old half-old child as her boyfriend, could it be that she also liked seventeen or eighteen-year-old little fresh meat?


Qiao Xin's eyes were evasive, and she nodded slightly.

"So, between you two...?"

Shao Xiaodong felt for a moment that he was too much like a wronged head.

There is a conflict between people's couples, he goes to the front, isn't this a dog nosy with a rat.

"You're right."

A sneer crossed the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth and said, "The two of us have a little conflict, right, good daughter?" "


Qiao Xin's eyes were full of resentment, but she had to nod.

Shao Xiaodong thought that this half-old child was too special to bully.

Open your mouth dad, shut up your daughter.

Ming told himself that his relationship with Qiao Xin was close.

"That... Bless both. "

Shao Xiaodong felt that he was embarrassed, but in order to maintain his image, he had to raise a glass hypocritically and laugh.


Someone snatched the wine glass from his hand.


The red wine was all spilled on Shao Xiaodong's face.

"Fucking . . ."

Shao Xiaodong has never been so angry, even if he was insulted by a half-old child, he was actually poured with alcohol, really think he was good-tempered.

He hurriedly wiped the red wine on his face with a tissue, and stood up with a swoop, he wanted to see who spilled the red wine on his face.


Shao Xiaodong looked confused.

In front of him, stood a high-value beauty with a golden body and perfect curves.

She was about twenty-four or five years old, wearing a pair of tight jeans, straight long legs wrapped in roundness, upturned hips, a small and thin waist, a yellow vest on top, and a ponytail meticulously thrown behind her head.

"But... Cosmos. "

Shao Xiaodong's brain was short-circuited all of a sudden.

He never dreamed that Yao Kesi would actually appear in front of him.


Yao Kesi's charming goose egg face was surging with anger and disgust.

"Ke Si, you listen to me, I...?"

Shao Xiaodong was just about to explain.

Yao Kesi took out his mobile phone, opened a photo, and said sarcastically: "Mr. Shao, you are really playing with flowers, you actually have a son." "


Shao Xiaodong was speechless, and the child in the photo was the son born to him by the Internet celebrity beauty.


Yao Kesi can now be 100% sure that the mysterious phone call made to her in the afternoon is all true.

She was thankful that this mysterious phone call saved her.

Otherwise, if she agrees to be Shao Xiaodong's girlfriend, she will regret that she has no land.

Yao Kesi snorted coldly, turned around and left directly, not dragging mud and water at all.

Shao Xiaodong hurriedly caught up to explain that he couldn't watch the sleeping duck fly like this.

After all, in order to chase Yao Kesi, he did not spend less time and money.

At the dinner table.

Lin Jiang picked up the knife and fork, ate the steak slowly, and drank the red wine, as if what happened just now had nothing to do with him.


Qiao Xin was slightly confused.

Shao Xiaodong is also too unlucky.

Invited her to dinner, but was cut off by Lin Jiang.

was also poured with alcohol by a good-looking beauty and abused in person.


Then again.

Shao Xiaodong is also scumbag enough, he has children, and he also comes out to chew at other people's beauties, purely self-inflicted.

"Is Shao Xiaodong's melon delicious?"

Lin Jiang asked while eating steak.

"It's not delicious."

Qiao Xin shook her head gently.

"Find someone to deal with me in the future, don't look for Shao Xiaodong like this, he is not qualified." Lin Jiang said lightly.

"I'm not looking for someone to deal with you, I just want to get back what belongs to me." Qiao Xin frowned, secretly scolding Shao Xiaodong for not being successful enough to fail.

"Your stuff?"

Lin Jiang sneered: "Those things are announced, what the consequences are, you know in your heart." "

Of course, Qiao Xin knew the consequences.

That's why she flew to the South China Sea and accepted Lin Jiang's former rules.

"You promised me, as long as I... You will keep your promises. Qiao Xin frowned and said angrily.

"However, I repented."

Lin Jiang smiled and said, "Conditions, I have already told you, accompany me for a month." "


Qiao Xin refused without hesitation.

One night, she almost collapsed.

A month, she is dead.

"You have to think about it, if there is some unfavorable news on the Internet tomorrow, but you caused it." Lin Jiangdao.


Qiao Xin's delicate body trembled.


It's outrageous.





She scolded Lin Jiang fiercely in her heart.

A little later.

Qiao Xin calmed down and began to bargain with Lin Jiang: "One month is too long, three days is limited." "


Lin Jiang shook his head and refused, for three days, he could not guarantee that Qiao Xin could successfully conceive.

"Five days."


"A week."


"Ten days."


Qiao Xin also didn't want to bargain.

The key is that Lin Jiang is different from normal people.


Which normal person can compare.

"Half a month."

Qiao Xin gritted her teeth and said.

"Twenty days."

Lin Jiang directly reported the final bottom.


Qiao Xin didn't believe in his character and said, "Sign the contract." "

"No problem."

Lin Jiang agreed.

Qiao Xin immediately put forward four conditions in one breath.

"First, don't force it without my permission."

"Second, there must be a set of Durex cards."

"Third, don't take secret photos or expose everything about me on the Internet."

"Fourth, as soon as the deadline comes, give me the things immediately."

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 29

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