
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 3

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 3

Shooting a gun is an art.

Whether the marksmanship is good or not, the first thing depends on how many bullets there are.

There are many bullets, there is always a chance to hit the bullseye.

There are few bullets, you can only try your luck, and the odds of buying a lottery ticket are similar.

Lin Jiang's bullets are very sufficient, after all, they have been saved for so many years.

Although this is his first time shooting a target, his psychological quality is very strong, not nervous, and not hesitant.

Over the years, he has often observed the target poses in small movies, and his theory is rich.

Coupled with his target shooting experience before crossing, the practice was fulfilling, and as soon as he got started, Chen Huang was stunned, he was like a young man of seventeen or eighteen, and he was clearly a gun master.

In contrast, Chen Huang's shooting theory is very lacking, practical experience is zero, and in the face of Lin Jiang's aggressive marksmanship, he has not yet begun, and he is defeated.

The first time he shot a gun, Lin Jiang did not skimp on bullets, and shot out all twelve bullets accumulated in a row, and each bullet hit the bullseye.



The golden sun radiates dazzlingly.

A dazzling golden light shone in from the window.

On the bed, Chen slowly opened her beautiful eyes, and the memory rushed into her mind like a flood.

Tears welled up in her beautiful eyes, as if she could bring rain at any time.

Yesterday's experience, in her heart, was a humiliation, but also her submission to fate.

She never imagined that one day, she would become a fertility tool.

But the bloody reality told her that she had embarked on the road of fertility and there was no turning back.

Lin Jiang's figure was no longer visible next to him.

The mess in the room was enough to prove what kind of devastation she went through yesterday.

She habitually took her phone from the bedside and clicked on the chat software.

Mysterious Man: Do not leave the room for half a month.

Mysterious Man: Three meals a day, someone will deliver it to the door of your room.

Mystery Man: Call me anytime if you need anything.

See the message of the mystery man.

Chen Huang could hardly suppress the grievances in his heart, and Lihua cried with rain.

The mysterious man forbade her to leave the room for half a month, and the meaning could not be clearer, he wanted to make her pregnant in half a month.

That is to say, for the next half month, the mysterious man will come to possess her every day.

Three meals a day are delivered to the room, what is the difference between this and imprisonment in disguise?

After crying for a long time, she changed the mysterious man's remarks to: Lin Jiang.

At this time.

Nanhai University.

Lin Jiang walked in the corridor of the campus, smiling kindly and sunny and handsome.

It's hard to believe that he is the fierce and roaring warrior at yesterday's bar mitzvah.

As he walked, he took his phone to send a message.

Yesterday's bar mitzvah made him officially become a man.

Next, he will start the great cause of building babies and have many children and blessings.

"Lin Jiang."

An eager shout came from behind.

Lin Jiang looked back and saw that it was a fat man, wearing shorts and short sleeves, panting and catching up.

"What's the rush?"

"I heard Big Bird say that Gong Xue is going back to school, and many people go to the door to greet her, so let's hurry over, and we won't see her later." The fat man said urgently.

Gong Xue, 22 years old, is the school flower of Nanhai University.

The real white Fumei.

His father is the chairman of the energy group and is worth billions of dollars.

His mother is the president of the bank.

Well-off family, good origin.

Coupled with the fact that Gong Xueren is as her name suggests, her skin is better than snow, and her white and flawless status, no one can shake her status as the school flower of Nanhai University, and her suitors are as many as the carp crossing the river.

Lin Jiang frowned secretly, and after a moment, he nodded towards the fat man.

The two went out to the school gate.

As the fat man walked, he said indignantly: "In a while, we will see the opportunity to act, and whoever dares to confess to Gong Xue will spoil whom's business." "

Lin Jiang didn't say a word, he was thunderous about Gong Xue's name, and he didn't know how tall his appearance was and how long his legs were.

At the school gate.

The boys' shoes who received the news rushed to the school gate, eagerly awaiting.

Among them, most of the children's shoes are here to make fun, and a small number of children's shoes are with the intention of courtship.

After all, Gong Xue is already a senior, and by the next semester, she will graduate and leave school, and she will not have the opportunity to see her again.

A few minutes later.

A white Porsche Cayenne stopped in front of the school.

A tall beauty, wearing blue denim shorts, white short sleeves, about one meter and seven meters tall, black hair tied into a ponytail, thrown behind her head, walking a pair of snow-white long legs, came out of the Porsche Cayenne.

Her figure is quite perfect, her legs are long and her waist is thin, her whole body is snow-white, and she looks beautiful from afar, making her heart pound.

Her facial features are very beautiful and naturally carved.

There is not a trace of makeup.

The skin is as white as beautiful jade, a little whiter than the beauty who has rubbed powder.

A pair of watery eyes, as if like spring water, full of ten thousand styles.

As soon as she got out of the car, all the children's shoes held their breath and stared straight at her.

Lin Jiang glanced at her a few times, and in terms of appearance, she was comparable to Chen Huang.

He nodded secretly and added Gong Xue's name to his list of many sons and blessings.


A handsome man with a height of one meter and eight meters, holding a jewelry box in his hand, blocked Gong Xue's way.

"Cher, I like you."

"This is the Cartier diamond ring I bought you."

The handsome man slowly knelt down on one knee in front of Gong Xue and confessed affectionately: "From the first time I saw you, I told myself, in this life.... "

The handsome man's confession is not finished.

I saw Gong Xue walking with a pair of snow-white straight long legs, walking past him.


All the children's shoes gathered around the school gate couldn't help but complain.

"Don't be embarrassed, take the diamond ring you bought at the end of the night, and you are embarrassed to confess."

"Are you special?"

"Hurry up, don't dirty our eyes."

The handsome guy suddenly looked embarrassed, he bought a diamond ring on the eve of the night, should not be known...

Like a proud white swan, Gong Xue flicked her ponytail and twisted her hips under the eager gaze of the boys' shoes, and walked in from the school gate.

"Lin Jiang, you said I went to confess, will she accept it?" The fat man looked at Gong Xue Miaoman's back and asked in a low voice.

Lin Jiang glanced at the fat man, shook his head helplessly, and turned away directly.

The fat man thought that he was not bad, except for being fat, in other aspects, he was quite compatible with Gong Xue.

Of course, most of the children's shoes present have this idea, but they are not as thick-skinned as the fat man and dare to say it directly.

Lin Jiang mobilized the system character database to view Gong Xue's information.

[Gong Xue, twenty-two years old, height 171CM, weight 52kg, leg length 102CM.... 】

[Gong Xue, one year old... Two years old... Three years old... Ten years old... Eighteen years old.... 】

[Family background, his father Gong Tao, chairman of Haitao Energy Group, the company's market value is 13.5 billion, and Gong Tao holds 42% of the shares.... 】

[His mother Chang Rong, president of the Yangtze River Branch of Nanhai Construction Bank.... 】

[Social background: girlfriend Liu Hua, Mayor Qianjin.... "】

[Social background: Friend Zhang Kang, son of the director of the Energy Bureau. "】

The system database stores the information of all living beings on this planet, from the moment of birth, what has been experienced, what has been said, as well as family background, social background, wealth, what are the advantages, what are the disadvantages, these are all recorded in the system database.

After Lin Jiang read Gong Xue's information, a playful smile crossed the corner of his mouth.

Gong Xue was destined from the moment she was born, and she had arrogant capital.

But her arrogance, after being hit by reality, can only obediently bow her head.

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 3

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