
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 30

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 30

Lin Jiang directly rejected Qiao Xin's four conditions.

"First, in these twenty days, I am in charge of everything about you."

"Second, the mobile phone is turned on 24 hours a day, and it is on call."

"Third, do not refute any of my words."

"Fourth, if you violate any of the above rules, I have the right to terminate the contractual relationship at any time."

Qiao Xin was directly stunned.

Lin Jiang's first three conditions are even more domineering than the Overlord Treaty.

He is in charge of everything about her.

Doesn't it mean that Lin Jiang can do whatever he wants.

Not being allowed to refute any of his words meant that she had no human rights, no matter what Lin Jiang said, she could only nod her head in acquiescence.

The most heinous thing is that as long as she violates any of the rules, he has the right to terminate the contractual relationship at any time.


Of course, Qiao Xin would not agree to this overlord treaty.

"Objections are invalid."

Lin Jiang thought that the initiative was in his hands, and Qiao Xin had no right to object.

"I disagree."

Qiao Xin's pretty face was full of displeasure.

Contracts should be fair and equitable.

He alone has the final say.


Lin Jiang did not force her, and said with a smile: "You have the right to give up signing the contract." "


How could Qiao Xin not understand that if she gave up, it would be difficult to get back those things that were enough to make the Qiao family ruined.


Under her mental struggle, she reluctantly accepted Lin Jiang's overlord treaty.

However, there is one rule that must be stated in advance that after each incident, she must eat Yu Ting.

Lin Jiang saw that her attitude was resolute, so he agreed to her last request.

Finish eating.

The two came out of the western restaurant, got into the business car, and went back to the mangrove hotel villa.

Return to the hotel villa.

The bodyguard and the female assistant went back to the room to rest.

Lin Jiang and Qiao Xin went to the second floor of the villa.

This night.

World shaking.

The female assistant, who lives on the first floor, stares at the ceiling motionless.

Her heart was full of worries, hoping that Joe could survive this disaster.

The events of the previous two days, she remembered vividly, it was really terrible.

She never believed that a person could be strong to that extent.

But seeing Joe always lying on the ground, motionless, weak and weak, she believed it.


Lin Jiang left the hotel villa early in the morning and went to Nanhai University.

Qiao Xin slept until noon, and then came out for breakfast with the help of her assistant.


Qiao Xin washed up, changed into loose clothes, put on sunglasses and a mask, got into a commercial car with the help of her assistant, and went to the hospital for treatment.

Come to the hospital.

She hung up a gynecological clinic number.

Reception room.

Qiao Xin probably told the female doctor about her situation.

The female doctor was very surprised, how could there be such a thing, didn't this man take medicine?

"No, he didn't take drugs." Qiao Xin knows best that Lin Jiang is taking medicine, and it is clear that it is normal play.

"From a medical point of view, everyone's body structure is different, the physical condition is different, some people for a few minutes, some people for a few hours, this is normal, you don't have to be afraid to worry."

"As for your boyfriend's unusual characteristics, it may be that he has a special physique, you don't care, if you really can't accept it, you can ask him for moderation."

"After all, you are all still young, too indulgent, and it is detrimental to the vitality of the body."

"In addition, I will give you a list and do a B-ultrasound check."

"I'll prescribe you a few more boxes of medicine, go back and eat them on time, and in three or five days, the broken wound will be healed."

The female doctor's eyes were full of envy, thinking how good it would be if she had such a husband.

Qiao Xin was speechless.

She came to the doctor to ask if there was any drug that could be restrained from such an excitable BT behavior like Lin Jiang.

Otherwise, how could she hold out during the long period of twenty days.

But the doctor's words are of no use at all.

She sighed faintly.

Now I only hope that Lin Jiang will not come to her tonight.

Otherwise, she would really die.



Tempus fugit.

The years are relentless.

Half a month passed.

It's late autumn.

The hot weather in the South China Sea has declined.

This half a month.

Lin Jiang's life is very full and busy.

He had to chat with Chen Huang and Gong Xue every day, and from time to time he had to accompany them to have a meal.

About a week ago, under his hard work, Li Xinyu also had it.

Lin Jiang accompanied her to the hospital for an examination to confirm that her fetal position was normal, so he gave her a sea-view room and arranged a nanny to take care of her.

As for the school, Lin Jiang called a certain school leader and suspended Li Xinyu.

For Nanhai University, there are strange things every year, and this year is particularly numerous.

First, the school flower palace Xue suspended school, and then Li Xinyu, the school flower who successfully took the throne, also suspended school.

The two school flowers before and after suspended their studies, which made the students of Nanhai University secretly surprised.

However, after a few days of discussion among the students, the students slowly faded away and no one mentioned it again.

It is worth mentioning that after Li Xinyu suspended school, the title of school flower fell to a sophomore girl named Fang Jing.

Lin Jiang specially went to look at Fang Jing, he looked very beautiful, his figure was very material, he wanted to continue his efforts and give Fang Jing a strategy that had just taken the position.

But after checking Fang Jing's background in the system database, he decisively gave up.

This Fang Jingren former saint girl, after people green tea, morally corrupt, adoring vanity, full of gold worship.

The most important thing is that her love history is quite rich, there are gold owners outside, there is a spare tire at school, her real boyfriend is a student of the industrial college, and she has had two abortions.

Lin Jiang has always adhered to a principle, rather lack than abuse.

Non-place is acceptable.

But the three views should be correct, and the character should be good.

Most importantly, there have been no accidents.

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 30

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