
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 31

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 31

This half a month.

Lin Jiang and Qiao Xin went to various places in the South China Sea, such as seaside, parks, scenic spots, parking lots, top sea view suites and so on.

These places left footprints of him and Qiao Xin.

With his unremitting efforts, Qiao Xin has an 80% chance of winning the bid this month.

Although Qiao Xin insists on eating a twenty-four-hour Yuting every day.

But what she didn't know was that Lin Jiang secretly replaced all her Yuting with vitamin tablets.

This day.

Mangrove Hotel.

Villa with sea view.

Qiao Xin was wearing a black OL uniform, her long hair was tied into a ponytail, and a pair of slender legs fell together, shaking and shaking, looking as if she was pondering something.

She and Lin Jiang agreed on a period of twenty days.

Today is the sixteenth day.

After today.

There were only three or four days left.

When the deadline comes, after she gets what she wants, she will leave the South China Sea immediately, and she will not want to come to this place a second time in her life.

In the past half a month, she has been living like a year, and she has to accept Lin Jiang's destruction and torture every day.

During this time, she had to take drips every day, take anti-inflammatory drugs, and rub ointment for bruises on her knees.

This kind of life, she does not want to continue for a day.

She hoped that the agreed deadline would come soon, so that she could be relieved soon.

There was one thing that worried her.

Extrapolate according to time.

Her great aunt should have come yesterday.

But I don't know why it was postponed.

It may be that Lin Jiang hurt her body, and the eldest aunt will postpone it.

As for pregnancy, it is impossible at all, she eats Yuting every day.

Qiao Xin secretly thought to herself that if the eldest aunt did not come tomorrow, she might have to go to the hospital for a check-up.


The cell phone on the coffee table rang.

Qiao Xin glanced at the phone screen.

Caller ID - Lin Jiang.

She hesitated and pressed the answer button.

"What's going on?"

"You coming over now?"

"Can you give me a day off?"

"I'm a human, not a machine, even if it's a machine, I have to rest."

"I'm sorry, my aunt didn't come late, and I'm in a bad mood"

"But here it is."

"Bye ——。"

Hung up Lin Jiang's phone.

Qiao Xin breathed a sigh of relief.

Even if he still has a little conscience.

Hearing that her great aunt had not come, she did not come.

What she didn't know was.

Lin Jiang was happy at the moment, his eyebrows were wide and his laughter was hearty.

Aunt Qiao Xin did not come, which means that she won the bid 100%.


Qiao Xin was accompanied by her assistant.

Go to the hospital for a check-up.

The doctor prescribed her a blood sheet and drew a tube of blood in the blood test room.

Half an hour later.

Reception room.

The doctor took Qiao Xin's blood test sheet and asked with a calm face: "How is life recently, how are you in a good mood?" "

"Life is average, and the mood is not good." Qiao Xin was puzzled in her heart, and the doctor asked why this.

"Do you feel tired, drowsy, weak limbs?" The doctor asked again.

"Every day I feel very sleepy, my limbs are weak, I have no energy, and I want to sleep when I have free time." Qiao Xin said.

"That's right."

The doctor smiled and advised: "In the next three months, forbid married life, forbid sour and spicy food, and eat more nutritious foods, such as fish, mutton, shrimp, and fresh fruits and vegetables." "


Qiao Xin nodded gently, in the past half month, her appetite is particularly good, three meals a day, never a lot.

Moreover, she also gained 2kg more weight.

"Go back and rest carefully, don't jump, and breathe more fresh air." The doctor handed the list to Qiao Xin and signaled that she could go.

"Doctor, when will my great aunt come?" Qiao Xin asked.

The doctor gave her a strange look: "You are pregnant, and the great aunt will not come." "



Qiao Xin's delicate face surged with a hint of paleness and shock.

This...... How is this possible?

It shouldn't be!

She eats Yuting on time twenty-four hours a day, so that she can still get pregnant, which is too abnormal.

"When you go back, you must pay attention to the impact, and remember that you can no longer share a bed." The doctor instructed again.

Qiao Xin's mind is full of this time, she is pregnant, what should I do?

She is about to run for three, and her family has been urging her to get married and have children, saying that she is old and having children is risky.

But she has been dragging, one is that there is no suitable object, and the other is for career considerations, after all, female stars have children, and the price is very large.

Qiao Xin took the test sheet and came out of the reception room with a lost soul.

The female assistant hurriedly came over and said, "President Qiao, what did the doctor say?" "

"I'm pregnant." Qiao Xin muttered.

"Huh? Pregnant? "

The female assistant's eyes widened, with a look of disbelief, Mr. Qiao's Yuting was bought by her personally at the pharmacy, how could she be pregnant?

Qiao Xin was very confused, and at this moment, she suddenly found that she didn't seem to hate Lin Jiang.

After all, the child she carried in her belly had half of Lin Jiang's bloodline.

"Mr. Qiao, what are you going to do?" The female assistant asked.

Qiao Xin didn't know what to do.

At her age, pregnancy is optimal now.

In a few years, having a baby will definitely be risky.

Moreover, she is thin and difficult to conceive, and the older she gets, the more difficult it is to get pregnant.

In an instant.

She suddenly felt the urge to give birth to a child.

But after thinking about it, she was almost three years old, and the child and his father were only eighteen years old, and the age difference was more than ten years....

"Go back first."

With the help of her assistant, Qiao Xin came out of the hospital, got into a commercial car, and returned to the hotel.

Back to the hotel.

She locked herself in her room and thought about it for the whole day.

It wasn't until after five o'clock in the afternoon that she called Lin Jiang and asked him to come to the hotel villa.

Lin Jiang received the call and rushed to the hotel villa in half an hour.

Second floor.

Living room.

The two sat opposite each other.

Qiao Xin glanced at Lin Jiang, she looked sunny and handsome, and the only drawback was that she was too young, only eighteen years old.

"I have something to discuss with you."

Qiao Xin decided to tell Lin Jiang about her pregnancy and listen to his opinion.

"You say."

Lin Jiang had already guessed what she was going to say.

"I'm pregnant." Qiao Xin said.

"Hmm." Lin Jiang nodded.

"I'm pregnant." Qiao Xin's thin eyebrows tightened, and her voice raised a little.


Lin Jiang still nodded lightly.

Seeing his appearance, Qiao Xin said angrily: "I'm pregnant, yours." "

"I know."

Lin Jiang was still not surprised at all.

Yesterday, Qiao Xin said that her aunt did not come, and he guessed that Qiao Xin had won the bid.

"What is your opinion?" Qiao Xin said angrily.

"You are responsible for giving birth, and I am responsible for raising." Lin Jiangdao.


The anger in Qiao Xin's heart disappeared a lot at once.

Lin Jiang's answer, although it sounded very harsh, it was very manly.

She thought about it all day and decided to give birth to this child, and the reason why she asked Lin Jiang's opinion was to see if he was responsible.

Secondly, he is the father of the child after all and has the right to know about it.

"I'm in the rising stage of my career now, and the pregnancy matter can't be known to the outside world." Qiao Xin said.


Lin Jiang didn't care about this, as long as Qiao Xinken gave birth to the child, he didn't ask about other things.

"There is no man in our family, and the child I gave birth to must be surnamed with me, and the future will be the heir of the Qiao Group." Qiao Xin glanced at Lin Jiang lightly, she was worried that Lin Jiang would disagree.


She thought too much.

Lin Jiang didn't care who the child had at all.


Lin Jiang agreed directly without thinking.

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 31

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