
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 32

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 32

"We are very different in age and are not suitable for marriage." Qiao Xin said softly.


Lin Jiang nodded again.

"I will give birth to the child, as for raising ..., our Qiao Group can afford it." Qiao Xin said.

Lin Jiang nodded silently, Qiao Xin's words, he had no opinion.

"For the sake of me being pregnant with your child, will you give me what you have in your hand?" Qiao Xin's voice carried a hint of pleading.

"Stuff... I can't give it to you for the time being, but don't worry, as long as the child is born, I will definitely give you something. Lin Jiang thought that a day was a day, and when she gave birth to a child, it was not too late to have a showdown with her.

"Lin Jiang, the child in my belly is yours, just look at the child's face and give me something?" Qiao Xin frowned secretly, she was pregnant with Lin Jiang's child, and he still refused to take things out?

"After the child is born, things must be given to you." Lin Jiangdao.

Qiao Xin muttered secretly for a while.

Lin Jiang doesn't give anything.

She can't grab it, can she?

This can only go so far.

I believe that with children as a hindrance, he should not do anything unfavorable to the Qiao family.

The two chatted for a while.

Lin Jiang left the villa.

After all, Qiao Xin is pregnant.

If he lives with him, he will easily get his gun off the ground.




Nanhai University.

Lin Jiang wandered around the stadium.

Since Gong Xue and Li Xinyu were pregnant and suspended from school, his campus life has been a little depressing, and every day in addition to classes, he is blowing cheats with his roommates.


SMS alert sounds.

He clicked on his phone and looked at it.

It was sent by Qiao Xin.

Content: I have already boarded the plane to Shanghai, thank you for the torture these days, remember it in my heart, and remember to find me when you have the opportunity to come to Shanghai in the future.

Qiao Xin is gone.

Lin Jiang felt a little reluctant in his heart.

After all, he has sharpened the gun with Qiao Xin so many times, and he still has a bit of friendship.

He picked up his mobile phone and sent a photo to Qiao Xin.

This photo was secretly taken by Qiao Xin when he begged him for mercy, and the front face of the photo was mosaicked, and a paragraph was attached: See you next time, don't ask for mercy.

The days that followed.

Lin Jiang's life is more monotonous.

Every day, in addition to chatting with Chen Shao, Gong Xue, and Li Xinyu, he found time to eat with them, and occasionally stayed overnight at their place.

Of course, several of them are pregnant, and sharpening a gun is definitely not possible.

However, this is also good, he just used this time to tone his body.

After all, no matter how good the body is, it can't afford to toss day after day.

Goji berry, astragalus, yellow essence, deer antler velvet, ginseng, He Shou Wu...

One day.

At night.

Lin Jiang drove the black Cullinan car, parked on the side, ready to go to the supermarket to buy some daily necessities, and send it to Li Xinyu.

As soon as he got out of the car, he saw a white Range Rover rushing from behind.


A loud bang.

The Range Rover crashed into the back of the Cullinan and pushed the Cullinan forward three or four meters forward.

Lin Jiang's eyes were quick and he dodged in advance.

Otherwise, he will suffer with him.

From the Range Rover, a pot-bellied man, about forty years old, stepped down, the hair on his head had already topped, and there was a strong smell of alcohol on his body.

After he got out of the car, he staggered to the back of the Cullinan car and looked down a few times.

"Special... Whose car it is, I don't know how far away. "

After the fat man cursed, he kicked Cullinan's wheels hard.

"Dead fatty, how much alcohol did you drink?" Lin Jiang saw that he was drunk and didn't want to calculate with him, but this dead fat man kicked his wheel, which made him a little unhappy.

"You... Who are you and what did you just call me? The fat man glanced at Lin Jiang, became angry, and shouted loudly.

Lin Jiang frowned: "Call you dead fat, what's wrong!" "

"Do you know who I am?" The fat man said loudly.


Lin Jiang was speechless, didn't he say that the social atmosphere was gradually getting better, how could there be such a comparison!

"I'm Qi Tiangang, the director of the TV station, you know?" The fat man patted his chest with a very bullish posture.

"I haven't heard of it."

Lin Jiang sneered in his heart, a broken TV station director, he can tell him to lay off and get out in minutes.

"Forget it, don't talk to a fart like you, I don't see it." Qi Tiangang waved his hand and staggered towards the Range Rover.

"Wait a minute."

Lin Jiang thought that he was drunk driving and rear-ended, so he left, then who will compensate for the loss of his Cullinan car?

"What else?" Qi Tiangang turned around and asked.

"Did you hit my car, did you call the police?" Lin Jiangdao.

Qi Tiangang swept around and said, "I hit your car, nonsense, who am I, how can I hit your car." "

Lin Jiang was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, so he directly called the police and asked the traffic police to come and deal with it.

As soon as Qi Tian heard Lin Jiang's alarm, he was busy getting in the car and driving away.


Lin Jiang grabbed him by the shoulders and carried him off the Land Rover.

"Let go of me." Qi Tiangang struggled and shouted.


Lin Jiang directly slapped him.

Suddenly, Qi Tian just came down honestly, squatted on the ground, covered his hot cheeks and cried and wiped his tears.

Generally drunk people have this, yelling at one moment, crying and laughing the next....

A few minutes later.

A police car flashed its lights and stopped on the side of the road.

Several traffic policemen who got out of the police car, led by a traffic policeman, inquired about the cause of the accident and learned that it was the Land Rover Range Rover owner who caused the drunk driving accident, so he took Qi Tiangang back to the traffic police team to deal with it.

The accident ruling notice issued by the traffic police will not be able to come down until tomorrow.

Lin Jiang is not in a hurry, anyway, his car is more than this two black cullinan.

He pulled out his phone and made a call.

A moment later, a young and beautiful woman driving a black Rolls-Royce Phantom pulled up to the side.

The young and beautiful woman is about twenty-six or seven years old, wearing a pink OL uniform, tall, beautiful and sexy.

After she got out of the car, she stepped on high heels and came to Lin Jiang's side, and handed over the car keys with both hands: "Lin Dong, you can use this car first." "


Lin Jiang took the car keys, turned and left, without saying a word.

The uniformed beauty looked at his back, her expression respectful, and her beautiful eyes flashed with a hint of curiosity.

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 32

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