
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 33

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 33

Lin Jiang went to the supermarket to buy a lot of daily necessities.

Personally drove to Li Xinyu to send it.

Li Xinyu lives alone in a sea-view room these days, and he is inevitably a little lonely, although he will accompany her every three to five, but the time is very short.

He thought about resting in Li Xinyu's room tonight, after all, pregnant women need companionship.

This does not.

He just hugged Li Xinyu and lay down.

The phone rang.

He took his phone and looked at it.

It's an unfamiliar number.


"Qi Tiangang, are you awake?"

"You want to be private?"

"The rear bumper and rear taillight assembly of the Cullinan car are about half a million in total."

"You go online and search for prices yourself."


"Meet and talk later."

Hung up.

Lin Jiang began to get dressed again, ready to go out.

Li Xinyu glanced at him, his eyes full of resentment.

"The car was rear-ended by a fool, I'll deal with it and come back later."

Lin Jiang dropped this sentence and turned to go out.

South China Sea.

An upscale hotel near the traffic police team.

Qi Tiangang met Lin Jiang at this hotel.


Private rooms.

Qi Tian just ordered a table of hearty dishes.

"Mr. Lin, I'm really sorry to delay your time." Qi Tiangang smiled and judged the two of them a while ago.

Lin Jiang glanced at him, drunk driving accident, and can come out of the traffic police team unharmed, this person has a bit of background.

This kind of thing has to be left to ordinary people, the revocation of driver's licenses is inevitable, and if it is not done, it will be subject to administrative detention for 15 days, fines, compensation, and so on.

"Say, what are you going to do privately?"

"You also said on the phone, 500,000 compensation, I recognize." Qi Tian just checked on the Internet, Cullinan's rear bumper, headlight assembly, plus the cost of repainting the whole car, at least 400,000 or 500,000.

"That's fine, what else to talk about."

Lin Jiang, this is not taking off his pants and farting, this is a move, obviously he can make it clear on the phone, he has to be called out to meet and talk.

"Mr. Lin, I asked you out so late, mainly to apologize to you, I'm really sorry, I blame me for having no eyes."

As soon as Qi Tian finished speaking, he opened his bow left and right and slapped himself twice to show his reparation.

This made Lin Jiang slightly surprised, Qi Tiangang, what does this mean? You don't need to smoke yourself when you apologize, do you?


He thought of his secretary.

Perhaps she greeted people at the government level.

Otherwise, Qi Tiangang would not have put his posture so low.

"Anything else?"

Lin Jiang was too lazy to meet with such a person.

In his eyes, the director of a TV station is really not enough to watch.

"It's gone."

Qi Tian just shook his head busily.

Then, he remembered his intention to ask this big guy out, and said busily: "That's so, our TV station has a new beautiful host, called Tong Susu, if you are interested, I will let her come over and have a drink with you?" "

"Tong Susu?"

Lin Jiangjian raised his eyebrows slightly, he had seen it on TV, and he was quite beautiful, but Qi Tiangang could let her drink with him, indicating that she was more like a courtesan.

Qi Tiangang looked respectful, but he learned from his old superiors that the owner of Cullinan was an invisible boss, and when he stomped his foot, the South China Sea had to shake.

In order to be able to befriend this big guy.

What does a child prime get.

"I had a relationship with Yao Kesi of your TV station." Lin Jiang remembered the last time he saw Yao Kesi in the Western restaurant, and he was deeply impressed.

Yao Kesi?

A wry smile crossed the corner of Qi Tiangang's mouth.

Yao Kesi is the flower of the TV station, and he has a little background in the city, even if he is the director, people do not pay attention to it.


Since the big guy brought it up.

He just had to find a way to invite Yao Kesi over.

After all, he worked as a director of the TV station for five years, and the next step is to be promoted....

According to the old superior, the Cullinan car owner's network background is very large, if he can get involved with him, his promotion will be stable.

"Mr. Lin, wait a minute, I'll go out and make a call."

Qi Tiangang nodded and smiled, turned around and went out of the private room.

Come outside.

He took out his mobile phone and dialed Yao Kesi.


"I have a reception here, can I ask you to press the field?"

"Kesi, you have been in Taili for the past two years, but I have always supported you in your work."

"By the way, there is an opportunity in Taiwan to exchange and study at the Central Station, and there is only one place, which was originally for Tong Susu."

"That's right, there is a character with a heavenly background, I want to get to know you."

"Don't worry, just get acquainted, it's definitely not to accompany the wine."

"Then hurry up, I'll wait for you."

Hung up.

Qi Tian just breathed a sigh of relief.

With an opportunity to go to the central station to exchange and study, I finally invited Yao Kesi, the big Buddha.


Inside private rooms.

Lin Jiang was sending a message to the secretary, scolding her for not revealing her identity.

The secretary was also helpless, after the accident, someone at the government level contacted her, she only said that the Cullinan car was Lin Dong's car, and she didn't say a word else.

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 33

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