
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 34

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 34

Qi Tiangang smiled and pushed open the door of the private room and came in.

He came to Lin Jiang's side and whispered, "Yao Kesi will arrive in a moment." "


Lin Jiang's expression was not the slightest surprise.

Although Yao Kesi is the stationflower of the TV station.

But Qi Tiangang is the director of the TV station.

If he, the director of the station, could not even ask his subordinates to move, wouldn't he seem too incompetent.

However, Qi Tiangang tried so hard to stamer him, I am afraid that his intention is not small.

"Director Qi, sit down and have a drink." Lin Jiang said lightly.

Qi Tian just sat down flattered, hurriedly poured a glass of wine for Lin Jiang, poured it for himself, and raised a glass: "Mr. Lin, this cup, I will do it first, just as if I hit your car tonight, make amends for you, and hope that you adults do not care about villains." "

Finish talking.

As soon as he raised his head, he drained all the wine in his glass, not a drop left.

Lin Jiang picked up the wine glass and took a sip slightly.


The two chatted without a match.

Qi Tiangang's posture was very low, and his words were full of flattery and stammering.

From the conversation, Lin Jiang had already understood Qi Tiangang's purpose in begging him.

However, he said nothing.

Over the years, he has accumulated a lot of contacts in all walks of life.

The director of a local TV station like Qi Tiangang is a dispensable role for him.

Of course, if Qi Tiangang performed well, he wouldn't mind promoting this person.

Half an hour later.

Yao Kesi, the TV station's station, pushed open the door of the private room and came in.

She is about twenty-four or five years old, about one meter and seven meters tall, with a golden figure, a curve of the front and back, full of wonders, a pair of straight and tight long legs, seamless and hit.

She wore a black knee-length hip skirt tonight, a rose gold fashion shirt, and a pair of pink cool heels on her feet, looking sexy and dignified and elegant.

Yao Kesi's face shape belongs to the standard goose egg face, three-dimensional facial features are natural, beautiful eyes are as bright as stars, tall Qiong nose, cherry small mouth, delicate skin, white as mutton fat beautiful jade.

Lin Jiang glanced at her and nodded secretly, she is worthy of being the station flower of the TV station, in terms of appearance, there are only a few beautiful women who can surpass her.

At this time.

Qi Tian just saw Yao Kesi come in, stood up busily, and introduced: "Kesi, this is Mr. Lin." "

Yao Kesi glanced at Lin Jiang, and a trace of surprise crossed his beautiful eyes.

However, in the end, she is the flower of the TV station, and she will not be left behind.

"Hello, Mr. Lin."

Yao Kesi smiled and nodded slightly.

She was very puzzled.

This Mr. Lin also looked to be eighteen or nine years old.

Why did Qi Tiangang say that he is a big man with a heavenly background?

Could it be that Mr. Lin's family background is very unusual!

Or is Mr. Lin's parents high-ranking officials?

Of course, even if she had any doubts in her heart, she would not show the slightest.

"See you again, Yao Da beauty."

Lin Jiang carefully tasted Yao Kesi from head to toe.

One word, run.

Two words, beautiful.

Three words, delicate, tender and colorful.

"We've met?"

Yao Kesi's charming face surged with a hint of curiosity, listening to Mr. Lin's meaning, they had seen it before?

"Yao Da Beauty may have forgotten that some time ago, in a Western restaurant, Yao Da Beauty splashed Shao Xiaodong with a drink, and I was also present at that time."

Lin Jiang didn't say a word, the person who called Yao Kesi to break the news was him.

Otherwise, Yao Kesi would not be able to see Shao Xiaodong's true face.

To some extent, he indirectly saved Yao Kesi once.

Otherwise, if she agrees to be Shao Xiaodong's girlfriend, it will not end well.


Yao Kesi's beautiful eyes froze slightly.

Suddenly, she remembered.

That day in the Western restaurant, Qiao Xin sat next to a man, and her attention was on Qiao Xin and Shao Xiaodong, and she did not look closely at the man's appearance.

Looking back at this time, the man sitting next to Qiao Xin that day was seven or eight points similar to Mr. Lin's figure.

Yao Kesi's eyes were tactful, and she smiled, but she didn't speak.

After all, that thing is not very honorable, and it is a little embarrassing to say it.

"Think, sit."

Qi Tiangang was a very eye-catching person, and he hurriedly moved the chair next to Lin Jiang and let Yao Kesi sit next to Lin Jiang.

Yao Kesi nodded lightly and sat down next to Lin Jiang elegantly and sexy.

"Mr. Lin, Kesi is our Taili face responsibility, strong business ability, high comprehensive level, like her with good looks and capable talents, Taili will devote resources to cultivate her."

Qi Tiangang is a smart person, and this not only sold Lin Jiang well, but also sold a favor to Yao Kesi.

Hear this.

Lin Jiang couldn't help but glance at Qi Tiangang, this dead fat man had a bit of eyesight.

"Thank you Qi Tai for praise, I am a newcomer in Tai, and I will ask Taiwan leaders to take more care in the future." Yao Kesi smiled charmingly.

In just two years, she can grow from a newcomer to a popular host of Nanhai TV, relying not only on the city's background, beautiful face, but also her smooth and principled ability to deal with things.

"You are Mr. Lin's friend, that is, my friend, say what care is not taken care of, if there is something in the stage in the future, just come to me." Qi Tiangang said in a big way.

"Thank you, Director."

Yao Kesi was slightly surprised in his heart, what kind of background did Lin Jiang have, and he could actually make Qi Tiangang, who was above the top, so flattering.

Lin Jiang was amused in his heart, Qi Tiangang, a dead fat man, was suitable for being a wingman for a girl.

"Okay, Mr. Jinglin."

Qi Tian just gave Yao Kesi a look.

Yao Kesi's beautiful eyes flashed a trace of resistance, and it flashed away.

She doesn't like socializing, and she doesn't like to drink.

But Qi Tiangang was so flattering to Mr. Lin, even if it was a show, she had to pay Mr. Lin a drink, otherwise, she would not give Qi Tiangang face.

"Mr. Lin, I respect you."

Yao Kesi picked up the wine glass, raised his eyebrows, and drank it all.

Lin Jiang has little interest in drinking, and even less interested in drunken beauties.

So, he just took a sip of the wine glass and put it down.

Qi Tiangang was a smart man, he glanced at Lin Jiang and Yao Kesi, and knew that it was time for his light bulb to leave.

"Mr. Lin, Kesi, you talk slowly, I have something to deal with."

After that, he hurriedly went out of the private room.

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 34

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