
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 35

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 35

Qi Tian just left.

There were only two people in the private room, Lin Jiang and Yao Kesi.

Lin Jiang no longer concealed his purpose, a pair of sharp and aggressive eyes, swept over Yao Kesi's charming face, and slowly moved down.

It has to be said.

Yao Kesi has a very attractive smell.

In particular, her pair of majestic peaks surpasses ordinary people and attracts people's attention.

Yao Kesi was slightly uncomfortable by Lin Jiang's sharp eyes.

However, she also knew that Director Qi invited her to dinner, wasn't it for Mr. Lin!

Therefore, she did not show any displeasure

"What kind of action is Mr. Lin engaged in?" Yao Kesi deliberately found a topic.


Lin Jiang interacted with people in society and never said that he went to college.

After all, the identity of a college student gives people a very immature feeling.

"Mr. Lin said and laughed, how can you be unemployed." Of course, Yao Kesi would not believe his words.

A smile crossed the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth.

He hated this kind of social interaction.

In contrast, he prefers simple, rough and direct interactions.

He characterized this simple and direct interaction as an exchange of benefits.

"I heard that your TV news channel center lacks a deputy director?" A meaningful smile surged at the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth, a career-type beauty like Yao Kesi, promotion is her dream dream.


Yao Kesi's beautiful eyes flashed a bright light.

She is interested in competing for the position of deputy director of the News Channel Center.

But she lacks seniority, and she lacks too much compared to some veteran hosts.

"A small Nanhai TV station, in fact, is nothing, if you are interested in going up, I can introduce you to some provincial stations in the mainland, such as Mango TV, or Jiangsu Zhejiang TV, may not make you a popular host, but can let you enter a broader world, as for resources, it depends on your performance." Lin Jiang threw another complete bait.

Yao Kesi's beautiful eyes crossed a trace of heartbeat.

As a moderator.

Of course she wants to go to a wider stage.

But she also knows that with her current professional level, even if she goes to the provincial TV station, it is difficult to have a chance to stand out, after all, compared with many long-established hosts, her experience is still somewhat lacking.

Moreover, she is more interested in the position of deputy director of the news channel center that Lin Jiang said.

"Thank you, Mr. Lin."

Yao Kesi is a smart woman.

She knows that there is no pie in the sky, and any effort needs to be rewarded.

And what can she give Mr. Lin in return, the answer is obvious.

"Your background in the city is about to be transferred to a new job, and once he leaves, your life on the TV station is not very good." Lin Jiang reminded thoughtfully.


Yao Kesi's charming and bright face surged with a strong shock and incredulity.

For a long time, people on the TV station knew that she had a background in the city, but few people knew who her background in the city was.

And Lin Jiang suddenly pointed out the background behind her, how not to shock her.

"You are really powerful, and I have no secrets in front of you."

After Yao Kesi was shocked, a beautiful and sexy face surged with a smile of all kinds of styles.

Lin Jiang thought to himself what this was, he even knew what underwear Yao Kesi was wearing today.

Even, how many times a day she bathed, what brand of shower gel to use, he knew all this.

"In a place like TV, if you want to get more resources, you don't just have to do it yourself, but you also depend on whether your background is strong enough."

Lin Jiang said a big truth, whether it is a TV host or a star in the entertainment industry, if you want resources and become popular, the support of the gold owner is indispensable behind it

Take Chen Huang for example, her appearance and acting skills are better than how many popular stars, but why is she in the middle of first-line stars and second-tier stars, the popular people are not popular, they cannot go up, and they can't go down.

The reason why Chen Huang is not popular is because there is no gold owner behind her.

If Yao Kesi wants to go further in his career, the support of the financial owner is indispensable.

Moreover, her background in the city is about to be transferred, which means that her position in the TV station will be unstable.

If there is no financial owner to support her at this time, she may be trampled down by other newcomers.

"Mr. Lin said so."

Yao Kesi was very clear in his heart.

In a sector like television, background is essential, otherwise it is difficult to have the opportunity to emerge even if you are talented.

But to get the support of the financial owner, it is indispensable to give your body.

It was the last thing she wanted.

"You think about it."

Lin Jiang believed that Yao Kesi could understand what he meant.


Yao Kesi nodded slightly.

She did understand what Mr. Lin meant.

But she still didn't want to trade her body.

Lin Jiang also did not force her to make a decision now.

Some decisions require courage and cost.

"Yao Da beauty, call me after thinking about it." Lin Jiang got up from his chair and was ready to flash people.


Yao Kesi thought that this Mr. Lin was really special enough, generally like this kind of entertainment dinner, how many people want to get along with her for a while, pour her a few more glasses of wine, and create a chance to succeed.

But Lin Jiang did not pour her wine from beginning to end.

Even, I didn't even want to sit with her for a while.

Lin Jiang nodded slightly, went out from the private room, and went downstairs directly to leave.

After he left.

Qi Tian just hurriedly rushed into the private room, his expression with a touch of nervousness.

"Thought, how did Mr. Lin go?"

"Mr. Lin has something to deal with, take a step first and let me speak with you." Yao Kesi replied elegantly and generously.


Qi Tiangang secretly breathed a sigh of relief, as long as Mr. Lin didn't leave negatively.

"Thoughtfully, Mr. Lin's background is not what you and I can imagine, if Mr. Lin has any requirements, you try your best to meet them, don't make him unhappy." Qi Tiangang hinted vaguely.

Facing Qi Tiangang's hint of red stripes, Yao Kesi could only nod slightly.

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 35

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