
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 36

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 36


Nanhai TV.

Yao Kesi is wearing a very sexy today, wearing a sapphire blue professional dress, a women's small suit on it, the buttons are about to be opened, and the peak is quite spectacular.

The skirt below wrapped her plump round buttocks in it, a pair of straight long legs, and a sexy black stocking.

She wore long black and bright hair, draped diagonally over her shoulders, flowing and smooth, a beautiful and incomprehensible face, a little makeup, elegant temperament, dignified and generous.

She walked into the TV station office building on high heels, ready to go to the news center to sift through the material.


A plump young woman greeted her with a smile.

"Sister Ling."

Yao Kesi stopped and chuckled.

"I have something to say to you."

The young woman named Sister Ling hurriedly pulled Yao Kesi to a remote corner and said mysteriously: "I heard that Deputy Director Zhang intends to make Tong Susu the deputy director of the News Center Channel. "

"I also overheard Deputy Director Zhang talking to someone just now, as if he was discussing with someone to transfer you from prime time to night shift at two o'clock in the morning."

Yao Kesi's slender and sexy delicate body couldn't help but tremble slightly, and her beautiful eyes crossed a trace of disbelief.

Tong Susu became the deputy director of the news center channel, she can accept it, after all, Tong Susu's influence on the TV station does not fall behind her, moreover, Tong Susu has a beautiful body, can be coquettish and cute, don't those people above like her.

But moving her from prime time to night gear made her a little unacceptable.

She can host prime-time programs, which she has worked hard for in the past two years.

"Kesi, in fact, the deputy director of the news center channel, you have a chance, but you don't go to the relationship, and you don't give gifts, and good things can only fall on Tong Susu."

"Also, did you offend anyone, if so, quickly apologize to others, otherwise, really let Taili transfer you to the night shift, won't your efforts in the past two years be in vain?"

Sister Ling persuaded bitterly, she is an old man in the taili, and she knows what it means to adjust to the night shift.

Yao Kesi is ice and snow smart.

She thought for a moment.

Two conclusions are drawn.

First, someone dug up her background in the city and knew that he was going to be transferred to other places.

Second, this matter was single-handedly manipulated by Mr. Lin in order to force her to comply.

She carefully analyzed these two conclusions, ruling out that Mr. Lin deliberately forced her to comply.

After all, people like Mr. Lin with a heavenly background should disdain to use this method.

Then there is one possibility left.

Someone knows that her background in the city is going to be transferred, and they can't wait to hide her.

"Sister Ling, maybe you heard it wrong, I have always hosted the prime file, and I have never made a mistake, how could the stage transfer me to the night stall for no reason."

"Even if this matter is true, Deputy Director Zhang is only one of the Taiwan leaders, and he has no power to decide my work arrangement."

Yao Kesi felt the crisis.

But there is nothing they can do.

She lost her background in the city.

It's like losing your umbrella

The leader of the taili wants to hide her, what can she do.

"Thoughtfully, this matter must be taken seriously."

Sister Ling sighed secretly, Yao Kesi is good at everything, but it is too high.


Yao Kesi nodded slightly.

"Okay, I'm busy."

Sister Ling waved her hand and turned to get busy.

Yao Kesi stood in place for a short time and walked towards the News Material Center.


Director's Office.

Qi Tiangang was dressed in a suit and tie, and his leadership was full of style.

He leaned back in his office chair, a cigarette in his hand, and looked as if he was contemplating something.

Just now, Deputy Director Zhang put forward a suggestion to transfer the host of the prime file, Yao Kesi, to the night file, and the prime time column was hosted by a newcomer named Sun Zimeng.

Deputy Director Zhang specifically revealed that Sun Zimeng's background is very powerful, and it is said that he has direct access to the municipal government.

In addition, Deputy Director Zhang mysteriously told him that everyone used to think that Yao Kesi's relationship in the city was very hard, and it was only recently that it was revealed that her relationship in the city was very general, and she was a deputy director of the announcement department of the superior of the TV station.

And this deputy is about to go to the county below to perform, so Yao Kesi has lost the backers of the superior department.

Therefore, Deputy Director Zhang dared to propose to change the host of the prime-time column.

Qi Tiangang looked a little worried.

Take Yao Kesi, he has no opinion.

After all, in the past two years, Yao Kesi has not refuted his face, the director of the station, does not accept entertainment, eats and does not drink, and has a lot of problems.

But last night, Mr. Lin showed such a hint of meaning to Yao Kesi.

If Taili changed Yao Kesi's job and caused Mr. Lin's displeasure, the gain would outweigh the loss.

This is what Qi Tiangang is really worried about.

He finished the cigarette.

Take out your phone.

After several considerations, he finally dialed Mr. Lin's phone.

"Hey, Mr. Lin."

"I'm very sorry to call you early in the morning and delay your rest."

"That's right, Deputy Director Zhang in the stage has some opinions about Kesi, and proposed to let Kesi host the night column, I want you to take an idea."

"Yes, I see."

Hung up.

Qi Tiangang's brows stretched, and a smile welled up on his expression, and he said, how can a character like Mr. Lin care about a TV station leader.

No, he just called Mr. Lin to talk about this, and Mr. Lin's opinion is that everything should be done according to the wishes of the TV station leader, and there is no need to consider his factors, in addition, he and Yao Kesi have only met twice, that's all.

Mr. Lin's attitude is very clear, he will not protect Yao Kesi, let the TV station do whatever it wants.

At this time, Qi Tiangang was relieved.

He pressed the phone on his desk.


"Deputy Director Zhang, what you proposed just now, I carefully considered it and agreed with your proposal, Sun Zimeng's work ability is still very strong, what is lacking is an opportunity to exercise, as a Taiwan leader, we must protect and promote young people and give them a stage to display their talents..."

"You will decide this matter and issue a notice in the name of the Taiwan leader."

"Yao Kesi's ideological work here, I will find her for an interview in person."

Hung up.

Qi Tiangang informed the director of the office and asked him to find Yao Kesi and let him come to the director's office.

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 36

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