
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 38

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 38


Lin Jiang had eaten in the cafeteria.

Prepare to go to the sea view villa to accompany the palace snow.

Although Gong Xue is pregnant, her small mouth is unusually gentle.

Just as he was about to leave the school, he received a text message from Yao Kesi of the TV station.

Content: Mr. Lin, 6:30 p.m., Four Seas Hotel, 209 private room, interview.

Lin Jiang: Okay.

He glanced at the phone screen, and it was already six o'clock in the afternoon.

He sent a text message to Gong Xue, telling her that she had something to deal with temporarily and would go to her later.


He started the Rolls-Royce Phantom and exited the school parking lot towards the Four Seas Hotel.

What he didn't know was that the scene where he drove out of the parking lot in a Rolls-Royce Phantom car was witnessed by a beautiful woman with a very good figure.

Four Seas Hotel.


Lin Jiang parked the car on the parking space and pushed the car door down.

He is wearing a white summer cool shorts suit today, wearing a pair of white casual shoes on his feet, sunny and handsome, wearing this white suit, it is more tender than the so-called small fresh meat in the entertainment industry.

He came in from the lobby of the Four Seas Hotel and went directly to the private room on the second floor.

Private rooms.

Yao Kesi came for a while.

She wore a short white dress, a bright diamond necklace around her fair swan neck, and long hair and shawls, smooth and silky. A delicate face, surging with a faint sadness.


The private room door was pushed open from the outside.

Lin Jiang walked in wearing a white suit.

Yao Kesi hurriedly stood up from the chair, put his hands together, and placed them on his lower abdomen.

"Mr. Lin."

Yao Kesi converged his emotions, a pair of charming eyes, full of ten thousand styles.

Lin Jiang glanced at Yao Kesi, nodded slightly, and a smile crossed the corner of his mouth: "Meet again so soon." "

"Mr. Lin, please sit."

Yao Kesi is also secretly sighing, fate tricks people, last night Lin Jiang asked her to go back and think about it, but unexpectedly, something happened today, she had to put down her reserve, and took the initiative to meet Lin Jiang.

Lin Jiang was also not polite, pulled over the chair and sat down directly.

Yao Kesi took the Pu'er teapot and personally poured him a cup of Pu'er tea.

Lin Jiang took the Pu'er tea, took a sip slightly, and said, "Do you suspect that you were transferred to the night column and had something to do with me?" "

"Mr. Lin is a big man and will not do such a tasteless thing."

Yao Kesi had already figured out that this matter had nothing to do with Lin Jiang, and she was not comfortable with the specific reason.

"Don't put a high hat on me, I like fair dealing, Tong Suo is not deceptive." Lin Jiang made no secret of his purpose and bluntly said that it was a deal.

Yao Kesi listened to him so bluntly, and his self-esteem hurt like a needle.

"Mr. Lin, I want to ask, how far can you help me?"


Lin Jiang is not bragging, although the place for the host of the central station is in short supply, but with his network means, it is easy to stuff a new person in.

Central Platform?

For the host of local TV stations, it is a special honor to enter the central station, after all, the authority of the central station is incomparable with that of local television stations.

Yao Kesi's beautiful eyes crossed a trace of heartbeat.

Yangtai's attraction to her is like a big-headed soldier wanting to be a general, and a local official wanting to be a Beijing official, full of deadly temptation.

"At the cost?"

Yao Kesi hesitated for a moment, but finally asked.

At the moment she asked, it meant that the faith in her heart was shaken.

"Ten years."

Lin Jiang thought that ten years would be enough for Yao Kesi to give birth to three or four children.

"Ten years?"

Yao Kexiliu's eyebrows frowned slightly, ten years of lovers, long enough.

She silently calculated in her heart that she was twenty-four years old this year, and ten years later, thirty-four.

In other words, the most prosperous decade of her life was given to Lin Jiang in exchange for Lin Jiang's support for her.

"One year."

Yao Kesi carefully considered it, she can't give all the ten years of prosperity to Lin Jiang, the world is so beautiful, she always has to leave some time for herself to see the quiet of the years, in order to live up to Shaohua.

A year?

Lin Jiang thought that she had a big enough appetite.

A lover for a year, I want to change a place to enter the central station.

Did she think that the host of CCTV was a cabbage?

I don't know.

Those female stars in the entertainment industry, for the sake of resources and fire, have slept with the gold owner for many years.

If it is really hot, naturally more gold owners will come to the door, and it is logical to kick off the old gold owner and replace it with a new gold owner.

If the fire can't be stopped, for the sake of resources, you can only sleep with you indefinitely.

Among them, the most typical is that Jiang He Shuying, since school, has been sleeping with the producer, from the age of twenty to twenty-eight, relying on the heat of the big coffee boyfriend, it caught fire in one fell swoop, and after she caught fire, she kicked the producer cleanly.

Unexpectedly, this producer gold lord is not a good stubble, and after being kicked, he directly exposed his small movie with Jiang Shuying.

Compared with those female stars, Yao Kesi is not different.

Those female stars in the entertainment industry, most of them enter the entertainment industry with the same idea as Yao Kesi, do not accept the former rules, do not exceed the bottom line of morality, do not ...

But when they integrated into the big dye vat in the entertainment industry, fame, coffee positions, money, etc., corroded their original intentions, and in the face of the former rules, they chose to bow their heads.

Yao Kesi is hesitant now.

It's just poor self-esteem at work.

When she tastes the sweetness in the future, she is lost in the sea of fame and coffee positions, and when she thinks of today's hesitation, she will feel too pretentious.

"One year, I can only help you return to the position of prime-time host, in this year, no one can take away your position as the head of the Hua Dan."

Lin Jiang determined that it was a transaction, and he would handle things according to the equivalent transaction.

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 38

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