
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 39

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 39

Yao Kesi's eyes flashed with contemplation.

In fact, Lin Jiang is not her only choice.

In the past two years, there have also been bigwigs who want to be her behind-the-scenes financial master, but they have all been strictly rejected by her.

She is a person who values self-esteem as particularly important.

Even if you want to bow your head.

She also has to choose a young and handsome gold owner.

And not those pot-bellied, fat-filled fifty or sixty-year-old uncles.


Yao Kesi nodded gently like a chicken pecking rice.

Lin Jiang helped her return to her position as a prime-time host and promised that she would not be transferred from prime-time in the following year.

She secretly thought that in a year's time, she could accumulate while trying to go higher.

A smile crossed the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth.

What was in Yao Kesi's mind.

He knows it all.

But she miscalculated.

Because to be his lover is to have children.

Of course, he won't say things like giving birth to a child now, and by the time Yao Kesi finds out, the child is already in her belly.

"Our deal was negotiated." Lin Jiangruo smiled meaningfully.

Hear the word trade.

Yao Kexiliu's eyebrows furrowed, and a trace of anger crossed her beautiful eyes.

She found it an insult, but couldn't think of a reason to refute it.

Lin Jiang smiled, took out his mobile phone, and dialed a mobile phone number in front of Yao Kesi.

A dozen seconds later.

The phone is connected.

A majestic voice came from the mobile phone microphone.


"Yao Kesi, the host of the gold column of the TV station, the position remains unchanged."

"The Sun Zimeng who replaced her is inexperienced and should host the night column."

"That's it."

Hung up.

Lin Jiang turned to look at Yao Kesi.

I found that her beautiful eyes were full of shock, and her delicate face surged with incredulity.

Until this moment, she found that the gold lord she was looking for was really a background.

The voice on the other end of the phone just now has a lofty status in the South China Sea, and his words are enough to cause a major earthquake in the South China Sea.

And Lin Jiang just understated a sentence and agreed to convenience.

It shows how strong Lin Jiang's identity background is.

A few minutes later.


Yao Kesi's mobile phone rang.

She glanced at the caller ID—Qi Tiangang.

She pressed the answer button.

Qi Tiangang's sneer came from the mobile phone microphone.

"Ikesi, just now our station leader carefully considered it, the prime-time column you hosted has high ratings, good reputation, and is quite loved by the audience."

"The leaders of the station unanimously decided that you will continue to host the prime time column, as for Sun Zimeng, after all, she is a newcomer and lacks experience, so she will host the night column."

"Kesi, you are the head of our TV station, if there is anything in the future, directly reflect it to the station."

"In addition, the deputy director of the News Center Channel, I have decided to nominate you as a candidate."

"Kesi, do a good job, the Taiwan leader is your strong backing, if there is anything, communicate with us at any time."

Listen to Qi Tiangang's flattering voice on the phone.

Yao Kesi's inner vanity was suddenly satisfied.

It's a thought of heaven and a thought of hell.

In the morning, Qi Tiangang also took out the leader's pie and sent her to host the night column.

The afternoon is a different tone, full of flattery and flattery.

"Thank you, Director Qi."

Yao Kesi didn't say a word, and hung up the phone directly.

"What I promised you, it was done."

Lin Jiang glanced at her meaningfully, and his sharp gaze swept over her delicate body with an intriguing look.

Yao Kesi's delicate cheeks crossed a trace of shame, Lin Jiang's meaning, she understood.

Now that the matter is done, according to the agreement, from this moment on, her body belongs to Lin Jiang.

It's just that...... She was not ready to accept Lin Jiang.

"The presidential suite at the Four Seas Hotel should be good?" Lin Jiangjian raised his eyebrows, his eyes glowed with a strong light, since Qiao Xin left, he hadn't opened meat for a while, and at this moment, looking at Yao Kesi's delicate and clear curves, he couldn't control himself, and he couldn't wait to tear her on the spot.

"That... Not convenient to stay in a hotel. "

Yao Kesi looked a little shy.

She is the head of the TV station.

If someone bumps into opening a house with Lin Jiang, it will not be good for the reputation.

Lin Jiang frowned secretly, if he doesn't stay in a hotel, where to stay?

Is it possible to get to the car?

The Cullinan car was sent to the fourth sons shop for repairs.

The rear of the Rolls-Royce Phantom is not spacious enough, and some difficult maneuvers cannot be unfolded.

"Go to me."

Yao Kesi bit his lip lightly.


Lin Jiang respects her opinion, anyway, it is the same everywhere, just get things done.

Then, the two went out of the private room, settled the bill at the front desk on the first floor, and left the hotel.

Twenty minutes later.

An upscale garden complex.

A black Rolls-Royce Phantom drove into the underground parking lot.

Lin Jiang and Yao Kesi got out of the car, took the elevator directly from the underground parking lot, and came to Room 1802 of Building 18.

Yao Kesi entered the fingerprint password and took Lin Jiang to her residence.

Her residence is a two-bedroom, one-room layout, stylishly decorated in a style that is neither extravagant nor simple.

A special fragrance permeates the living room.

Lin Jiang came to the sofa and sat down, scanned around, and asked, "How is the sound insulation of this house?" "

"The soundproofing is good."

Yao Kesi didn't think much about it, thinking that Lin Jiang just asked casually.

Lin Jiang nodded secretly, just sound insulation.

He didn't want to be approached by the police in the middle of the night and asked for a quieter voice.

Yao Kesi poured Lin Jiang a glass of water and chuckled, "You sit first, I'll go change my clothes." "


Lin Jiang nodded, thinking that she was still an intellectual beauty like her.

After a while.

Yao Kesi changed into a white loose and thin nightdress, long hair shawl, and took light steps to sit next to Lin Jiang.

Lin Jiang smiled, moved his body, next to Yao Kesi, held Yao Kesi's pink chin in his palm, and carefully tasted her facial features.

"That... Go to the bedroom. "

Yao Kesi was a little uncomfortable by him, and whispered softly.

Lin Jiang directly picked her up by the waist and rushed straight to the bedroom.

A moment later.

A conversation between the two sounded in the bedroom.

"No Durex."

"No need."

"I'm in a dangerous period."

"It's okay."

"Please... Buy. "

"Go to the pharmacy tomorrow morning to Yu Ting."

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 39

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